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Yeah, depending on where I'm going, there are specific areas you can bring your car around to if you're deciding to camp in the car lol parking lots, in my experience, are for day trippers and people looking to drop their car off and hoof it to the stream for fishing or go deeper to camp.

Edit: West Coast/Rockies and foothills mainly for me.

I mean, if it was continual, it sounds like it's actually the landlord skipping out on their pest control duties. That shit's illegal.

BlueTriton (depressingly corporate garbage name, btw) is still basically Nestlé.

Reporting shouldn't be allowed to further obfuscate the corporate hierarchies involved in fucking up everyone's lives. If reporters included all the arcane structural and legal bullshit that corporations pull in order to escape even the slightest sliver of responsibility (and spin public perception), the average reader would be much more aware of the corporatocratic hellscape in which we live.

Edit: added a bit because it's technically not Nestlé but that's the whole problem as the technicality is about as far as it goes...

Every so often, something makes me take a step back and just wonder how the fuck we got here. Like, really, him? He's a former president? That happened? What the actual fuck.

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I think they meant not run the first time? As in: he doesn't run, and therefore doesn't get elected, so he stays away from the spotlight and can, relatively, quietly live his life with his foot in his mouth at every turn, but nobody cares because he's a D list celebrity.

And of course, not being the president, he has no access to half of the shit he's dealing with federally. I feel like the state stuff in NY was a pretty long time coming, but the federal stuff could've been avoided had he lost or not ran in 2016.

I don't even know what a world like that would look like, but I'm sure it would've been better than the four years we had of him.

Edit: Mobile, misspelled some things due to autocorrect.

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I'm so glad every sentence in that comment is incorrect.

Slovenia is ashamed of her lol

Edit: Typed post instead of comment, corrected.

The first dentist I ever went to was great. He was good with kids and adults and did his job. He was realistic about kids being kids and gave us the tools and information to make sure our teeth were healthy. I had him all the way through my braces and into high school. He then retired.

My next dentist was a horrendous, preachy, asshole who loved to tell all of his patients what was wrong with them, make people feel bad for their decisions to drink soda, and surmised that we were all eating too much junk food (which he wouldn't really elaborate on when asked). My diet wasn't perfect, but I had mostly home cooked meals with steamed vegetables, along with the occasional fast food lunch with friends.

He was also Mormon and I know a lot of Mormons love to get on their high horse and take pleasure in being petty, insufferable, assholes. I haven't read their batshit book (albeit, most in that genre are similarly zany and harebrained), but there must be some discussion on how to be a bad neighbor to everyone you meet in there based on their predilictions for unfair/unwarranted judgement and exclusion. He only hired other Mormon dentists to his practice and all the dental assistants were similarly preachy and religious.

I dreaded going to the dentist for mostly social reasons and didn't want to be shamed by being told that I had better take care of my teeth (which were fine) because my parents had spent a lot of money on my braces (and it wasn't that much money because the first dentist wasn't a sneering profiteer).

I ditched that asshole once I went to college and have had a couple dentists since then who were fine, did their job and didn't give me a bunch of flak for not flossing after every meal like a fucking psychopath.

Fundamentally, I think the issue with dentists is that when you get a bad one, they make you feel bad, which is the absolute antithesis of healthcare.

Additionally, because of the arbitrary and asinine distinction in the US between oral care and basically the rest of the body, dentistry is seen as cosmetic and unnecessary, often allowing or obligating dentists to charge an arm and a leg for most of their services. We all know how prices ratchet up from initial obligations to cover higher costs into "fuck the consumer, they were fine paying the higher prices anyway so let's increase our profit margin".

Compound that with the ridiculous price setting and insurance rackets baked into anything close to the health sector, and you have a lot of frustration even before patients get into the chair.

If you're not a dentist who will practice compassionate care, at least be one who just shuts the fuck up and does their job. Of course let the patient know what's going on in their mouth and how they can better take care of themselves or treat something they're dealing with, but chill the fuck out with the fire and brimstone shit about missing a cleaning or not flossing all the time.

Healthcare is all about bedside manner. If you don't have it, you're not a good provider and your business can and should suffer (the fact that our healthcare structures are businesses and profit motivated is fundamentally opposed to effective care, anyway, but that's the subject of another essay).

Edit: Cleaned it up a bit and added that my first dentist retired.

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Did they release an update to allow these to work wirelessly? How... how you doin' that? Lol

These were actually one of my preferred controllers.

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Which, tbh, are already confusing for someone who hasn't been in the game for decades on end.

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I feel distressed, tbh...

For me, it all started with Raven from Teen Titans... No chance after that, I'm afraid.

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I've also never understood things like this from a marketing perspective. Like this is definitely dissimilar, but even if it were an on the nose deal with like "Sauron Sauce" or whatever as one of their offerings, you're still getting recognition.

Even if the Tolkien estate were concerned about the cheapening of their "brand", who tf cares? It's obviously not about that, because I just checked and there is a line of LOTR Funko Pops for fuck's sake.

And if a work like The Lord of the Rings can't stand on its own (with regard to seriousness and artistic value) with the addition of kitschy wing trucks, I don't know what else would.

Seems like a win-win to me, but then again, I fucking hate trademarking and patenting laws in general. Intellectual property is a pretty spurious concept at best and courts around the world have consistently shown it is a tool used to quash innovation, promote stagnant wealth, and keep the heel on the middle and lower classes.

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Unironically, I have that ad saved under comedic commercials.

Most of them are skirting the law in some form or other. I'm probably gonna get my current landlord on implied warranty of habitability with their BS concerning mold inspections and pest control.

Money bail is lazy. Perfect for a justice system that's always asleep at the wheel.

I guess they're incentivized not to consider him a flight risk as that would be a show of no faith in his secret service detail following the law, but that mask is already off, so now it's all about keeping up the appearance.

Same. Even those who vote for him and his like and then disingenuously claim ignorance of racism and bigotry will actually acknowledge it behind closed doors and say it's "strategic".

Which is the dumbest shit I've heard.

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Honestly, mine came about organically with other responsibilities and interests.

Earlier on, I'd moderated myself but picking up another hobby, like playing bass guitar and adding that into my priorities.

Once out of college, other priorities, like making better than decent meals, my significant other, and continuing my tabletop RPG crew kinda helped me stop spending endless weekend or day off hours on a game.

Probably, the largest piece for me is having a family and a friend group that I care to keep up with. When I was younger, I escaped through games, but now I use them more like how I use a book or TV series and look for experiences I'll find meaningful instead of just grinding rep or xp points in a loop.

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I have a feeling that there isn't a lot of overlap in those communities, which is all the more interesting to me lol

Damn, I feel like I've bitten the onion, here. The article is full of quotes like that.

Teal'c really steals that show for me. Every time.

Loved hearing Christopher Judge in the new God of War games.

I mean, it's been working as intended since the beginning of the 20th century lol

"Heck yeah!"

I mean, there's a reason why we've taken so long with even electric cars lol I hope this becomes a reality, but moneyed interests will fight tooth and nail.

Edit: Also, they sold the idea of electric cars to us so we wouldn't question a lack of infrastructure investment in railways which we so desperately need.

Totally bonkers.

Still, not enough.

I hear this is what all atheists look like after a few years.

They turn into globglogabgalabs with all their unnecessary thoughts not directed toward prayer.

Remember kids, keep that spiritual sphincter closed unless it's Jesus or one of his earthly representatives who wants in!


I have always held that opossums are cute. This is a cute trash baby.

Edit: Opossums*

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Lol I missed out on speak with animals with the startled boar near the beginning area and I've regretted it ever since. Makes me want to reload a save and see what it has to say.

Edit: *Makes me, not "Make some".

Love mobile.

This is one of the more eloquent definitions I've seen of conservatives. It's exactly how I see them operate.

The fucked up thing is that a lot of the younger ones I've seen recently have that knowledge that their destructive worldviews are messed up, but continue with it out of trauma or some kind of sadism.

I'd guess that many of the older ones have doubled down on that so many times, they can't remember it ever being a decision or up for internal debate. So, they just keep digging their hateful holes in the sand, ready to plunge their heads in any time they hear something that upsets their delicate, irrational, fantasies.

The term sounds dumb off the tongue and, you guessed it, has no actual philosophical or historical weight aside from a callback to the name for Roman emperors.

Sadly, those who are interested in regression don't access a lot of critical thinking skills, so they'll glom onto this surface level reference and see it as deep and meaningful.

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I liked their feel for sure. I probably wouldn't go out and buy any more from eBay or whatnot as I already have two, but they were solid and I definitely plan on updating mine.

Can't speak to their use after the Bluetooth update as I just found out about it, but they were responsive when I used them through stadia and work just as well, if not better, when wired to a computer.

As much as I dislike Google, they did handle this stadia wind down and shuttering pretty well.

Edit: The Bluetooth works just as well! These were my favorite controllers until the PS5 controllers came out (don't even own a PS5 but picked up a couple for my mobile gaming).

One thing I prefer about Dualsense over the stadia controller is that their buttons are really quiet. I still prefer the feel of the stadia controller, though, so for casual daytime gaming, I think these are gonna be my go to.

John Wick origin story material, here.

Yeah, the inclusion of this test in any kind of deliberation would just muddy the waters. I don't see how that serves any goal of justice.

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I mean that students can access that capability through a plethora of district provided resources. In the US, nearly every classroom has a fleet of laptops. Students don't need to use a device that lets them screw around and goof off anymore than that lol

I agree that there is some benefit for classrooms without that technology, but, honestly, it's more detrimental to the students' mental health and learning process, regardless.

Most kids in middle and many in high school cannot psychologically handle/manage using their cell phone appropriately in class. We can't expect them to. They're kids. They take pictures of each other without permission (usually, generally, innocent, but sometimes not), they spend hours of instructional time scrolling inane crap on Instagram or Twitter or whatever, or they straight up play fortnite all class.

Most of these kids have not yet been equipped with the media and tech literacy skills they need to make good choices regarding their technology. This comes down to the inherent lag time in the field of education and while we began addressing this over the last few years, a lot of kids have been raised by smartphones more than they have been by their parents.

Until that connection between student and smart phone is treated with greater respect and understanding, which will take a massive culture shift, kids don't need to access phones in class.

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Doesn't need to be on a phone.

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"Trans rights, trans lights,

First star I see tonight..."

The article mentions First Order and Resistance which are the two factions in the sequels.

I think if it were set in the high republic, that would be my preference as well. Although, the pool of potential customers would likely be different if they didn't tie it to the sequels. I get their advertising from a current brand recognition and hyping up their new content point of view, but for my money, I'd be way more interested in a trip set during the prequels or sorta like early empire as well.

High republic would be my favorite, if done well, and likely the safest for Disney as they could advertise their new high republic content, but that's still in its infancy, so I see why they decided to tie it to the sequels.

Edit: Left out a few words because I'm on mobile lol

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It's definitely both for me, time management and responsibilities definitely play a part in what I'm able to dedicate to a game and some games definitely have subjectively useless filler for me.

I've definitely moved from playing RPGs and competitive shooters to just RPGs as I'm done with grinding for the most part and don't want to spend my limited time that way lol. Totally get that a lot of people like rogue likes and souls type stuff where the grind is more the point, but it's not really my cup of tea anymore.

I also see that there's a trend for studios to just pack their games with a lot of content (Red Dead Redemption 2 having had some more interesting filler, to me, and stuff like Assassin's Creed getting more grindy).

I find my gaming is more like how I consume books, now. I'll have a couple RPGs going at a time (usually a replay of something I've enjoyed and want to reexperience and another that I'll be trying out of my backlog) and just play what strikes my fancy.

I get what you're saying with the bundle kinda thing where you may just skip a game if it's not something that really grabs you.

I've definitely had a few false starts and games where I just kinda saw what they were about and didn't want to continue or wasn't super interested.

There are definitely games I've put on my docket that I'm more interested in because of their history and relation to the gaming industry, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines and S.T.A.L.K.E.R for example.

I think most of it is that I've needed to extend my playthroughs to make them work with my life as I'm no longer able to just come home from school and game for like 3 hours a day. I mostly want to either get into (or back into) a cool plot or story and/or consume some older gems I had not been exposed to earlier as I definitely don't have as much free time.

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"Glory! To you and your ass!"
