
3 Post – 296 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Get away from lemmy.ml. That's the problem.


"Get informed"

Bold of you to tell people to do something that dangerous, Amazon.

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How about you fix the real problem, yeah?

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This sounds incredibly illegal? Where the fuck is the law?

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Hexbear is up and down Lemmy trying to tell us that ISrAeL CaUsEd aLL tHiS aNd DeSeRvEs WhAt tHeY GeT. Why? Fuck if I know, but my best guess is they just hate anyone America supports, regardless of any nuances. BOTH Israel and Palestine-- and not ALL of them, obviously-- are wrong and evil in this war.

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American here. Honestly eager to hear what they have to say. It would be cool insight into things I don't even really think about! ^^

That's pretty cool. Please give us our objectively-more-efficient taskbar layouts back and I'll consider "upgrading" my desktop?

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We do that because our country is founded on the "right" for moneymakers to put as much onto the customer as they can get away with. Hence things like tipping culture.

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I just checked out the source website and it's basically like The Onion but for parents. It's pretty funny.

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This scared my housemate too. It's manipulation to get you to continue, so you buy their subscriptions and/or microtransactions. I love Duolingo, but fuck this manipulation shit.

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Donald Trump suffers

That's all I needed to read, thank you

  1. It's not talking about screens
  2. Those people are licensed and using parts directly from Apple, which Apple allows

Read the damned post.

What the fuck?

I can't speak for everyone, but the transition from one version to another loses almost as many features as it gains. It is especially crappy about its provided sprites, to the point where we keep losing entire sprite types, many sprite sets are just plain unfinished or untested, and they insisted we move from sprites that people could somewhat take seriously to chibi/moe sprites that nobody on Earth can take seriously for an adventure game.

Another issue is that the series keeps releasing new versions that are incremental improvements at best, and they want us to pay a lot of money for each installment and half-sequel with said very few improvements, and also pay for a lot of content packs. There are things that should have been added 15 years ago and still aren't here. They can't even allow us to customize menus, and countless other issues. Honestly the dev team seems like they're not very good at programming or art in the first place, and they're just raking in money from incremental improvements over many decades. People try to excuse the engines' lack of basic features with "but you can program it in Ruby/Javascript yourself!" Which is a really bad thing to rely on for a game-creation engine of this type.

I'm sure other people are annoyed by things I'm not even thinking of right now.

This is the best.


They already do some crappy things. With that said, I still mostly like RPG Maker.

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As a person who grew up in several Christian schools (one "normal" Baptist one, one boarding school, one abusive boarding school), Christian schools really do think they are special because they are "divine". They are very out-of-touch.

Rule 6 says no advocating violence, but honestly how do you respond to people who are literally killing the planet and everyone on it? This is about survival.

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Sometimes I feel really fucking hopeless about the world, because anytime we want to solve a problem, we get shot down by those in power.

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Even without the politics of it all (which are good), Firefox is flexible and customizable. Chromium is an ugly, inflexible piece of shit from 2006 that relies on the same bloated list menus and doesn't really let you do anything with it. Come at me, Chrome fanboys.

Do people not realize that "speaking in tongues" was just 1611 language's way of saying "they spoke in one language but everyone heard them in their own language"? It literally said that in the passage. Anyone who performs "speaking in tongues" in the "modern way" is lying to you about believing in their religion and about taking it seriously.

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"Every morning while I drink my coffee, I start up Ubuntu, load up Microsoft Edge, have a good laugh, and then close it."

Yep, this is the final nail in the coffin. Most people will just stop. Good job boosting the Mastodon community, Moron Musk.

This is a salty comments section. Can't even tell who's salty or why, but they definitely are.

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Yeah, every single person who makes money in the form of a "business" is a crappy person who does crappy things, sure, whatever.

You do realize indie devs consisting of one or two people are also businesses, right?

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This is sociopathic, probably anger-fueled thinking. You don't spend enough time around people, you don't realize how imperfect and different literally everyone is, and you don't really know what their problems are; so you tend to dehumanize people who make mistakes. What happened was horrible, some people may never forgive them, but they are still humans. Not to mention that you can't trust humans in the first place to even pick the right people to punish, let alone to punish humanely. Not that punishment was ever a good response.

Or maybe you do realize these things and you'll come to your senses later.

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Starfield and BG3 aren't being boycotted. Those are just empty threats. Remember all the other times people said they were going to boycott their favorite games, and actually did it? Neither do I.

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It's "first-hand". English is stupid. Sometimes two words don't become compound. Sometimes they do become compound and they're just grafted together, like in German. And sometimes you use a hyphen. I'm really good at writing and I can't always keep this shit straight.

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This is not an absolute.

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+1 for Sumatra. Use that and a thumbnail loader, and it's superior to Calibre for a library of books (ePub, PDF, CBR, CBZ).

I also use Notepad++ and qBittorrent. Looking into Inkscape now. Firefox is the best.

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The answer pretty much everyone would give is "yes". Think of it this way: you're gonna die in real life, right? Does that mean you're not going to love?

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You're not that stupid. You can't be that stupid.

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Their critics are not so sure.

Oh my fucking god, FUCK that wording so hard. "Not so sure" is their way of playing down the strength and validity of the counter-arguments. God I hate the news.

Read all the comments in this thread that say "OP" next to the user. I don't call people "trolls" very quickly because most of the time that's wrong, statistically. But they are either a troll or— more likely— an annoying militant vegan.

I have tried to load this image all day and it just refuses.

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Oh, that. Because nobody gives a fuck about anybody's rights in this country unless that person has a reasonable ability to sue.

Finally, some good news on News@lemmy.world!