Starfield is the latest game to be boycotted by conservatives. This time because of pronouns to politics – 427 points –

Starfields is one of the biggest games of 2023 – but it’s joined other recent games like Baldurs Gate 3 in being boycotted by conservatives because of the way it interacts with gender.


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Starfield and BG3 aren't being boycotted. Those are just empty threats. Remember all the other times people said they were going to boycott their favorite games, and actually did it? Neither do I.

I remember back in 2016 conservatives screaming they were going to boycott Hamilton because of the cast making an appeal to Pence at final curtain, and people laughing hysterically at them because back then, there was no way any of them claiming they were going to boycott would have been able to get tickets in the first place.

They also proclaimed that they were boycotting the Star Wars sequels and claimed that they would tank at the box office thanks to the boycott. Instead the films did really well.

(I have my problems with those movies due to the plot, but having a woman main character and a black main character wasn't an issue for me.)

Ironically I think a lot of problems with those movies, particularly the last one, is they actually listened to the screeching conservatives and minimized Finn and Rose.

That, and J J Abrams can't write an original script for the life of him.

No, they try to boycott, but since they only represent a small fraction of the world, it doesn't pan out as such.

Where is that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 boycott-failure screenshot when you need it?

And that is the result every time.