Arizona State Senator Leads Prayer In Tongues On Floor Before Abortion Ruling to politics – 354 points –
Arizona State Senator Leads Prayer In Tongues On Floor Before Abortion Ruling

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Do people not realize that "speaking in tongues" was just 1611 language's way of saying "they spoke in one language but everyone heard them in their own language"? It literally said that in the passage. Anyone who performs "speaking in tongues" in the "modern way" is lying to you about believing in their religion and about taking it seriously.

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Honestly thats a semi believable part of the bible. Hear a language enough and ya kinda start to get ahold of it. Mind you it requires a base to work with, but given the whole Rome thing I suspect ya could pick up quite a bit at a market or port. Hell Ive experienced it myself, ive on multiple occasions have read Dutch or a Nordic language only to realize I dont know said language and promptly cant read it anymore.

I also watched a Dutch candle making video, that was a weird day overall though.

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My favorite part is that I’ve been an atheist for 8 years and can still speak in tongues. If it were what they say it is, I’d have lost the ability to long ago.

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