
116 Post – 378 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It is the aggressive megacolony of fungus embedding its mycelia in the base of the tree

They're thinking quarterly. Improves OneDrive usage stats. They can also then coerce customers later by saying they're running out of storage. I'm sure some users will pay, thinking they're about to lose family photos and other important data

PCR has been around since the 80s, though it has continued getting more efficient and cheaper

She's literally their marketing officer

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Maybe the Pixel team didn't talk to the Maps team. Maybe they did and the maps team said they didn't care. Maybe everyone involved in all of these features has since left the company. With Google, who knows?

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It's an example of why monopolies are harmful. They create distorted economies that don't serve consumers. Like ecosystems overcome by a monoculture, monopolies are inherently less resilient, less functional and prone to sudden disruption.

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They don't want children to be educated about sexual activity because that usually is correlated with effective family planning, which means fewer children, which means women having more time for personal empowerment rather than simply being vessels for childbirth, which again means fewer children. Fewer children means fewer minds to convert to the religion that motivates the whole exercise. Many 'successful' religions aggressively propagate themselves, even if it's at the expense of the well-being of the believers themselves.

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I care about anticompetitive behavior from tech companies

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Running natively rather than on the xamarin/maui framework would hopefully mean it's more responsive. It is a bit sluggish to load right now

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These people have no idea what their music is about, it seems. I normally have trouble understanding lyrics and have to look them up, but Green Day's are pretty straightforward

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Edge is branding itself "The AI Browser". Chrome has plans to embed LLMs for text input. Opera, the browser which was commandeered from the original Vivaldi team and turned into a crypto/VPN gimmick browser, is of course among the hardest leaning into the LLM trend.

The anti-vaccine movement has been fighting their pro-disease fight for decades now

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Gemini soon to be rebranded Allo Assistant All Access Chat

Seems quiet to me, in a metaphorical sense, if they delete something from PR page which they previously considered important enough to have as a campaign position, but without articulating a new position. They are obscuring their position.

Today I learned that people take it VERY PERSONALLY when you criticize their chosen browser. 😂

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I have a very similar story. I was the most Google centric person I know in 2014 and 2015. I grew disillusioned after they killed Inbox. I realized that tech doesn't always get better with time. Sometimes the money motive leads to tech actively getting worse for users

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GM has previously said that people who buy a new GM electric vehicle will get access to features such as Google Maps for free — for eight years. After that, GM expects people to subscribe for what they used to get free with CarPlay, and ultimately sees it giving GM a potential $25 billion revenue stream.

My ten year old Chevy Volt just lost connectivity a few months ago because of the 3g phase out, leading me to unsubscribe from Onstar. How many years of subscriptions are GM planning to have before the next network phase out?

And anyone who used GM's in-dash maps knows they can't be trusted to keep their products updated lol

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Rare Texas W

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Desktop: Zotero, RStudio, Thunderbird, Sumatra PDF, Notepad++, NoMacs (image viewer), Espanso (text expander), qBittorrent, Inkscape

Android: FairEmail or K9 Mail, Authenticator Pro, Feeder, F-Droid, Pocket Casts, SD Maid

Multi-platform: Home Assistant, Wireguard, Syncthing, Jellyfin, Kodi, Samba, Firefox

Honorable mentions that don't have the best UX but are still hugely appreciated for existing: Joplin, QGIS

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This isn't just personal sites. Large blogs (Gawker), whole news sites (Vice), and other content no longer exist, because cynical corporate parasites bought them out. Newspapers that exist from before the internet era are arguably better archived on microfilm, Google Books etc, than today's news. The Internet Archive and other sites exist, but they are nonprofit and can't keep up with the sheer scale of content being pulled down. Also strongly disagree with your assertion that some sites don't need to be saved. The whole point of archiving is that we often can't judge what is important to future generations

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I am a big fan of Firefox+Thunderbird and subscribe to Pocket, Mozilla VPN and Firefox Relay. I don't think she was the right CEO for the job, coming into the job because she was needed after the Eich debacle, not because she was the best choice. When I listened or read interviews with her I sensed a lack of focus, which I think came through with the lack of focus and commitment I sense in Firefox's products. She seems like a better fit for chair of the foundation, pursuing pie in the sky ideas rather than in the trenches trying to rebuild Mozilla's presence and diversify their revenues. Pocket has stagnated under their care, and actually grown less useful to the point I am considering switching. The Android browser is stuck in time. I don't think it's a coincidence that Thunderbird has flourished after pursuing a semi-independent structure: they finally had people who actually cared about the product calling the shots.

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Yes, privacy and encryption are always the enemy of authoritarians. They enable dissent

I could definitely see that. Their obsession with the idea that kids are being 'groomed' to be gay suggests they think it's a choice. Makes one wonder if they are dealing with internalized uncertainty and cognitive dissonance about their personal choice

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Creeping theocracy

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -Upton Sinclair

Y'all Qaeda

My mom has lymphoma. She gets extremely sick from even minor colds. I am very worried about losing her to an infection, and the thought that it could be a vaccine-preventable infection fills me with rage

Lemmy and other Fediverse sites tend to attract folks who prefer FOSS. Early Reddit was that way too!

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A think a lot of people commute to work, take flights, have calendar appointments and reservations. Yet their new services are worse at helping me keep track of those things than something that came out years ago with simpler technology.

I find it doubly hilarious because of the journalist's years-long quest to obtain the footage

The problem is that the US doesn't necessarily regulate anticompetitive behavior if the company has not achieved a monopoly. Microsoft pretty much had one at the time so they were exposed. Our regulatory regime is not designed to protect us from the tech oligopoly

The owner of the server I'm on wrote a nice post describing his reasoning https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=blog:2023:0625_meta_on_the_fediverse_to_block_or_not_to_block

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Over and over we've seen companies not be held responsible for the cleanup of their projects. A lot of parallels to the fossil fuel industry, where they often abandon their wells with little recourse for the people left to clean up the pieces.

Turbotax has entered the chat. Turbotax has DMed your senator a couple hundred thousand to make sure you will never be able to use this

A lot of people on Lemmy don't like bigots, they don't like crypto, they don't like scammy tracking and they don't like dishonesty. So I'm gonna fling that poo and point it out for as many people as possible, in case they don't know.

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If I just broke contracts left and right, my credit rating would be ruined and I'd struggle to get any more financing. Yet this guy continues to leave a longer trail of financial wreckage behind him with few consequences. Our financial system is broken

If there were multiple sources of traffic, the pressure to optimize to one source would be lower, and the disruption caused by algorithm changes would be muted. Which would mean more interesting content less driven by a narrow set of metrics

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We are barreling towards this issue. StackOverflow for example has crashing viewer numbers. But an AI isn't going to help users navigate and figure out a new python library for example, without data to train on. I've already had AIs straight up hallucinate about functions in R that actually don't exist. It seems to happen primarily in the newer libraries, probably with fewer posts on stackexchange about them

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Honestly I'm not too bummed, especially with open-source solutions like Notepad++, but it's the end of an era! Also, Word is paid, and so Windows not having a built in free RTF editor is notable

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