Kremlin Disputes Report Putin Didn’t Order Navalny’s Death to Not The – 196 points –
Kremlin Disputes Report Putin Didn’t Order Navalny’s Death

“The idea of Putin being not being informed and not approving killing Navalny is ridiculous,”

Oh .... thanks for clearing that up

That's a quote from a Navalny supporter. The report said Putin wasn't involved in the timing of Navalny's death, not that he didn't have a part in the planning

You know how when a right wing terrorist gets arrested, the entire right wing media claims he's not right wing but a secret leftist trying to make the right look bad, and he keeps insisting that he is right wing?

Sounds kinda like that.

Immediately prior to the refutation of the report, the entire Kremlin was threatened with falling out of a second story window

So it's like that south park episode where George Bush didn't do 911 but he wants people to think he might have

I wonder how many years Putin gets to run Russia back into 19th century before he takes a header out a window?