
16 Post – 282 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


It does it's job but it's suuper ineffective - you have to have a window open to suck in (hot outside) air that the portable AC cools itself with and throws out.
That open window even with that "sock" cover it comes with, lets back so much of the outside air and if you are like me renting a badly insulated flat, you are comfortable only when the AC is running, it won't really cool down (and keep cool) the living space.
I do wonder why they don't make a dual hose portable systems so that at least the unit is not pulling the air directly from the window, mixing already cool inside air with the hotter outside one.

I've been using FX File Browser for the occasional need to share stuff localy - it opens a local web server where you can browse files on the phone.
Though it's not foss and I am afraid that functionality is behind the plus version.

Great wizard of the bitrates, grant me your wisdom...

I can't wrap my head around bitrate - if I have a full hd monitor and the media is in full hd then how is it that the rate of bits can make so much difference?
If each frame in the media contains the exact 1920 × 1080 pixels beamed into their respective positions in the display then how can there be a difference, does it have to do something with compression?

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Welcome to federation, where basically every instance is a proxy to all others.

Btw you are also free to block any instance yourself.

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Prion Disease Goes Unwind Your(protein)self


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Steam is close but actually not electron, they use CEF - Chromium Embedded Framework which is something Electron uses too under the hood (afair)

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No one gets to decide what i run on my device
No one gets to decide where i run my app
No one gets to decide what must be deleted

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It hurts itself in confusion?


Afaik tachiy is not hosting any illegal content itself isn't it?

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Oh and it seems this is not all of it, an ex-employee came out on twitter about sexual harassment, extremely bad work conditions and so much more.
The timing of it is weird to say at least but there's a lot.

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I am avoiding tiktok style videos like the plague but it's hard to escape youtube shorts.

On the other thand yesterday I finished the new Down The Rabbit Hole - EVE: Online by Fredrik Knudsen - about 6hrs runtime

Edit: escaping shorts in the sense that some of them are actually well made, informative and/or funny

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Viva la postgresql

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  • /bin - Binaries.
  • /boot - Files required for booting.
  • /dev - Device files.
  • /etc - Et cetera. The name is inherited from the earliest Unixes, which is when it became the spot to put config-files.
  • /home - Where home directories are kept.
  • /lib - Where code libraries are kept.
  • /media - A more modern directory, but where removable media gets mounted.
  • /mnt - Where temporary file-systems are mounted.
  • /opt - Where optional add-on software is installed. This is discrete from /usr/local/ for reasons I'll get to later.
  • /run - Where runtime variable data is kept.
  • /sbin - Where super-binaries are stored. These usually only work with root.
  • /srv - Stands for "serve". This directory is intended for static files that are served out. /srv/http would be for static websites, /srv/ftp for an FTP server.
  • /tmp - Where temporary files may be stored.
  • /usr - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for "UNIX System Resources". It does not stand for "user" (see the Debian Wiki). This directory should be sharable between hosts, and can be NFS mounted to multiple hosts safely. It can be mounted read-only safely.
  • /var - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for "variable". This is where system data that varies may be stored. Such things as spool and cache directories may be located here. If a program needs to write to the local file-system and isn't serving that data to someone directly, it'll go here.
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pretty sure that has to be against their TOS


I usually do this:

  • refresh uBo caches
  • delete all site data of youtube (in the shield thingy left of address bar)
  • close the browser

Mostly always worked

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AVs on windows also do impact disk latency a lot.

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You know what, I am gonna call skill issue.
I get that the "press R to join a group" can be overlooked or that not everyone has the intuition to click on the active missions on a planet (alright, these are currently bugged and do not refresh quick enough so always full).

But all one has to do is a quick google search to find out you just open the big holo planet and press R, there are also definitely worse offenders in cryptic/useless UIs.

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My bet would be it's waiting for temperature to drop.

Edit for the downvoting folk: Some of the profiles of my washing machine have temperatures of up to 90°C

Not necessarily a trick that's always useful but I always forget this.
You can get async REPL by calling python -m asyncio.

Also, old trick - in need of simple http server serving static files?
python -m http.server

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Rooibos - not a tea plant so it does not fuck with your sleeping schedule, great hot or cold and with any kind of (tea/coffee) condiment.

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One-time use vapes should have been banned a year ago, that shit is pumped with nicotine and the amount of waste is crazy.

Rant time:

A few years ago I could buy litres of the vaping base and nicotine.
EU came in, said we must protect the children and forced that nicotine bases must have maximum concentration of 20mg/ml and can't be sold in a bigger volume then 10ml. The safety caps are cool, the forced maximum concentration and artificial max volume is not because it creates shitton of instant plastic vape.

Now, if you want to save both time and money by making a bigger "tank" of it, you will find out sellers basically giving you ~30 of these 10ml nicotine bottles in a pack (called boosters).
You empty them yourself into a big one (with some amount of raw base to dilute for given concentration) and now there is 30 plastic bottles ready for trash, yay.

Note: I stand behind vaping as just a bit safer, less smelly way of nicotine use.
If you smoke, try vaping, otherwise don't, you don't need it.

Did you try containers? Though truth be told I am not amazed by any of these solutions too.

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Matter of time, good while it lasted

The only workarounds that seem to improve stability involve manually downclocking or undervolting Intel’s processors.

Guess that explains why I haven't had any unexpected crashes yet with stuff like Palworld or Helldivers 2 (afaik both are made in UE). Have been running my 13900kf slightly undervolted.

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We’ve consolidated all our code into a single repository – just clone ente-io/ente on GitHub, and you will have at your disposal a state of the art, end-to-end encrypted, full stack (mobile/web/desktop clients, the server, and a CLI to boot) alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos.

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step 4: they choke you out

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The reality is there isn't an alternative that would be easy enough for non-tech people.

I am never getting my friends off of Discord because there is nothing else that is easy for them and has same features - texting, calling and desktop sharing with sound.

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I have recently bought the P14s Gen 4 and except for some WiFi issues it has been pretty smooth sailing (definitely a loot better then the last notebook I had with nvidia dgpu).

Hah, there's also seznam.cz (meaning "a list") - I wouldn't be surprised if more then half of whole Czech Republic (so ~6M) uses that as their primary mail provider.
It's also a main local web search and maps provider among other stuff, and pretty popular with non-english speaking part of the population.

If the maintainer accepts this they would be most probably killing the project, can't imagine people using it when it drops their user registration by a lot because of blocklists this wide.

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El Salvador needs to offload bags of BTC, loud and clear

As a programmer most of my utilities are CLI oriented.

fzf (integrated into zsh, improves reverse search, killing processes and more)
zoxide - for quicker navigation into folders I visit often
Other programs I use from time to time: jq, btop, bat.

Flameshot - best screenshotting tool for linux (and also windows)
Redshift/Gammashift - blue light filter
ddccontrol - controlling monitor brightness and contrast without having to fiddle with buttons

Last but not least my Awesome WM (tiling) config - makes working with multiple windows/desktops so easy.

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Just say no.
Don't exchange 80% for that sweet 20.

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In practice, nothing changes for the Redis developer community who will continue to enjoy permissive licensing under the dual license. At the same time, all the Redis client libraries under the responsibility of Redis will remain open source licensed. Redis will continue to support its vast partner ecosystem – including managed service providers and system integrators – with exclusive access to all future releases, updates, and features developed and delivered by Redis through its Partner Program. There is no change for existing Redis Enterprise customers.

Seems this currently touches only cloud "resellers" of redis

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As a (semi) power user I also use btrfs subvolumes to create "partitions" (single disk system, @root, @home, @docker), allows for making snapshots only for system or user data, etc.

All around, I love btrfs and I am never going back to journaling fs like ext4

I don't have time to browse all the tried solutions but this happens to me when my DNS gets wonky, especially systemd-resolved with dnssec enabled sometimes just stops resolving random domains, even with allow-downgrade.