GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour to – 416 points –
GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


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In addition to that:

  • Atom RPG;
  • Dead Cells;
  • Into the breach;
  • Shadowrun series;
  • This war of mine;
  • Dust - An Elysian Tail;
  • Broforce;
  • Bastion;

Many more of course.

Would you say bastion is the best supergiant title pre-Hades? I've been eyeing both that and transistor for a while

I would. But I didn't play a lot of their games. Bastion is kind of unique. Story is pretty linear but its structure is quite a novelty. There's an awesome narrator that is telling the story, but he reacts to everything you do and has a snarky sense of humor. Game is well designed action RPG with a good variety of weapons and in my eyes very little replay value. Still worth the asking price though.

CrossCode! Why is this freaking game still such an underdog?
Zero Sievert is also well worth mentioning.

CrossCode isn't my type of a game but I saved Zero Sievert, looks good!

Yeah, CrossCode is absolutely amazing. I didn't hear about it until recently. I'm so glad I didn't completely miss out on it. It's like my number 1 favourite game now and I almost missed it.

I like to make sure I bring it up anytime people ask about good games they may not have heard of.

Literally my idea of the perfect game.

Welcome to the CC simps, because you're certainly not the only one who does that. It's generally a no brainer considering that they also still offer a demo to just try it out. Of course that doesn't tell you much about the great story and characters, but I think the fluidity of the movement and combat system definitely can convince people over already.

I recently played Outer Wilds for the first time last week. Games like this, I always worry they're overhyped, but it was great.

There's a lot of good games on this list, plus ones I've never played before, I should probably check some of them out.

Ignore the pre-release hype (I mean hype before anyone gets to try the game, early access hype is good). If the game is hyped after people get to play it, then I find it's safer to trust, though personal preferences can still make it miss the mark.

This list is utterly fantastic, but if you haven't given Dave The Diver a chance you definitely should. It's by far my favorite release from this year, and the devs seem to have even more content planned.

Heard about it, haven't played it yet but I did have heard great stuff about it, it's definitely on my future radar

Can confirm these are absolute bangers

Can confirm your confirmation, some of these are incredible experiences

I agree with you man, thanks for agreeing with me

That feeling when you have played (and loved!) Like 90% of this list lmao I play too many games?


I'd like to add Ardor to the list. It's a free turn based deck building game where you face off against hexagon creatures on a hexagon board. It's pretty polished for an actual free to play game.