What Linux "Productivity" (ideally FOSS) tools do you use?

zerakith@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 231 points –

I'm in a bit of a productivity rut and whilst I suspect the issue is mainly between the keyboard and chair I'm also interested in what (FOSS) tools there are that people find effective.

One of my issues at the moment is cross managing different workstreams particularly with personal projects which are more in the "if I have time category".

I'm interested in anything that helps manage time or limit distractions or anything that makes it easier to keep track of progress/next steps for project when there may be a bit of a time gap between.


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As a programmer most of my utilities are CLI oriented.

fzf (integrated into zsh, improves reverse search, killing processes and more)
zoxide - for quicker navigation into folders I visit often
Other programs I use from time to time: jq, btop, bat.

Flameshot - best screenshotting tool for linux (and also windows)
Redshift/Gammashift - blue light filter
ddccontrol - controlling monitor brightness and contrast without having to fiddle with buttons

Last but not least my Awesome WM (tiling) config - makes working with multiple windows/desktops so easy.

Could you share your config for Awesome? I’m toying with the idea of moving to a tiling WM.

I don't really have it ready to publicize but it's based on powerarrow-dark from awesome-copycats github repo (I have mainly removed things I don't use and added some more mappings like media keys etc).