Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature to – 772 points –
Finally! Mozilla Firefox is Bringing in Tab Grouping Feature

Finally. Now my thousands of tabs will be hidden behind hundreds of tabs groups!

For real, I already have different groups for tabs, they're called windows.

This is the part I absolutely don't get about this. Plus windows create a better visual boundary for the context-switch tab groups are supposed to be as you minimize one and restore another.

Why not just use windows? šŸ¤· I sure hope they keep the implementation of this simple and end up just doing that for the user. Create new tab group -> color-coded new window opens up, gently nudging the user towards how simple the solution to their problem actually is.

Tab groups in chrome are something I dearly miss from chrome. Itā€™s super convenient for grouping projects and quickly switching between them. Multiple windows is a worse experience: thereā€™s no preview favicon or anything to indicate what a window is actually for until you hover over it. With a tab I can see at a glance what something is before I switch.

I really donā€™t understand people who donā€™t close tabs. I start with a fresh browser window multiple times per day.

We start with a fresh browser window multiple times per day too. Except we also have multiple other windows of tabs minimized already.

This reminds me that I once "accidentally" closed about half of those windows - each ~200 tabs - of my then GF. Took her over a month to notice. Tells you all about how useful tab hoarding actually is.

You might still need those tabs though. You probably don't, but you might.

You're right, I don't. And since browsers come with this really neat feature called "history", it's not like I couldn't trivially re-open them again as needed.

It's far easier to have your history cluttered than you might think, and then finding the sites that you need or might need becomes harder.

Exactly. Whereas my 1000+ semi-ordered tabs are way less cluttered.

Yeah but you might forget that you need those tabs. Maaaybe they weren't that important then, but maybe they are.

I think that "weren't that important" indeed hints at how I keep/toss stuff IRL, too.

I toss a lot of shit. I don't keep stuff around for that one hypothetical use case that might crop up in 5 years. Most stuff sells surprisingly well second-hand, and this frees up a lot of money I had otherwise lying around doing fuck all for me.

I don't have enough time in the day or week or month or year to do everything I want to, so I keep my tabs open until I chip away at them one at a time. It takes a long time, but it doesn't mean that the tabs aren't useful to me and won't remain useful months later.

That's me with YouTube videos, sometimes I would see a video on recommended that interests me but don't have time to watch it immediately, I have to open it on a new tab otherwise I would never find it again. Sometimes it takes me days to find the time to watch it.

You can add interested videos to playlist "Watch later" and it will available on all devices with your account

I don't log in to YT to watch any videos, I alao use Newpipe and Stube sans account. Grouping them in Tabs to get to is great for me.

I very rarely visit that page. I actually have videos there saved from years ago.

Why not just bookmark the tabs? Put them in a folder in your bookmark bar called "To Do" or something and they'd all be right there.

Cuz then I'll have thousands of bookmarks like I already have now

Here's the fun part - I already do that. Bookmarks are for ultra-long-term links (1-2+ years minimum), tabs are for short-to-long term links (1 day to 1 year).

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A handy to when it comes to closing tabs: mouse wheel down anywhere on the tab label closed the tab, no need to find the little 'x'.

Related: mouse wheel down on a link opens that link in a new tab.

I have one tab per email account. A few for github issues Iā€™m waiting to be fixed. One which is some random search I just use as reminder. None of which I have closed in months. I literally have a script to boot them up on my second monitor everytime I boot my pc.

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Firefox had tab grouping first. Before Chrome. And then it broke support for it when they did the add-ons overhaul. I'm surprised bringing it back wasn't a high priority...

IIRC the old tab groups feature was eventually removed because telemetry showed that only very few people used it...

That's because us power users know to turn the telemetry off and also have it blocked on our network.

Right, but then you shouldn't be shocked to find out that a feature was removed because nobody seemed to be using it.

No, I expect Mozilla to know their market and use other means (like focus groups or surveys or something) to figure out which features are actually popular, instead of lazily using a bad metric.

Mozilla knows their market. Because of said telemetry.

How do you think that works? For any other app?


(like focus groups or surveys or something)

Not like this. Because they have both shown to be absolutely terrible for this general market preference research.

Did you miss the part of the conversation where folks were pointing out that lots of users turn the telemetry off?

Your reply is as tone-deaf and non-responsive as sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "nuh uh!" like a toddler.

If you want to be persuasive you've got to prove that the telemetry is somehow useful in spite of many users turning it off, and you've done absolutely fuck-all to argue that.

You are committing the same mistake as you accuse me of:

many users turning it off

[citation needed] [how many?]

For all you know, maybe the 15 very vocal users in here are the only ones who turn it off. Or do we know that many users do it? How many? 5%? 50%? 95%?

Many programs differente between "personalized ad" telemetry and "help us improve our program" telemetry. I generally leave the second on.

That's why Mozilla has to use other means to find out!

Thanks for proving my point for me.

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Watching people use Chrome, fucking nobody uses it there either, except for work situations where on FF, you're supposed to be using Multi-Account containers anyways.

It didnā€™t help that they hid the button in the customize menu and made the feature not discoverable.

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I hope Firefox implements a great and robust tab grouping feature. Because they used to have one that worked beautifully.

Firefox used to have Panorama view, which was a way to group tabs with a nice visual interface. ...and they removed it because not enough people were using it.

...Well if you stopped removing useful and perfectly functional features, maybe you wouldn't need to rebuild them later when it turns out people do want that feature, huh, Mozilla?

There's an extension that reimplements Panorama and it kinda sorta works like it used to.

THIS, im using n recommend it to everyone

Make sure it works for a few days first. Sometimes extensions that hide tabs from the tab bar can have unforeseen consequences.

See for yourself, it has almost 3,000 votes now. šŸ‘‡

lol... some features requests on Android have many more votes and are being ignored by Google... like ad-hoc Wi-Fi

Please give me vertical tabs to I can switch to FF

Maybe you want to try the Tree Style Tabs or Sideberry extension.

I just use power tabs. gives me vertical, grouping, search, sorting, and some rules behaviour you can do but I don't use that last part.

There are Extensions to do that if you want.

They require a lot of tinkering for a half-arsed result. Built in vertical tabs like in Vivaldi or edge work and feel much better with just a single setting.

There's a fork of Firefox which have this feature in built known as Floorp which I personally use.

I think its possible with themes

it is, like with this one or various other themes.

Difference with this one is that it doesn't need an extension like Sidebery

So we're just going to enable these people with tab hoarding issues?

Grouping tabs just naturally fits so many computer workflows though. I'm often working on multiple things at a time and tab groups help me keep it all organized.

Yeah of course, but that's why all browsers - AFAIK - allow you to open new windows not just new tabs. This naturally groups tabs into contexts. In other words, this very feature is implemented already.

But in a new window i don't have the 10-20 pinned tabs that I jump to very often, having tab groups helps in this regard.

Do this or not people are still going to hoard. Grouping also makes closing easier.

Tree Style Tabs user checking in. Itā€™s not hoarding when you are organized.

I have my Firefox browser set to clear history, cookie and site data on exit. I never use probably more than 15 at a time. More than 10 is very rare. I don't get people that keep dozens of tabs open. I just you know browse back to what i was looking for. Seems much faster than searching through tons of tabs.

Multiple projects that each spawn ten plus tabs. Why in the hell would i want to "remember" some obscure stack overflow link when i can use simple tab groups to keep it there?

And bookmarking something so temporary is also wasteful. Tab groups are a lifesaver IMO.

I have my Firefox browser set to clear history, cookie and site data on exit.

Might as well just have your whole PC set to reset to a naked installation on each reboot, tbh.

Good for you, but that's not how most people use their main browser?!

Finally, someone who uses their browser like me! I keep my Firefox the same, and with containers, I still stay logged in, but donā€™t have to worry about cookies being left over.

Like you, Iā€™ve never understood how people can handle having 10+ tabs open at once. I have my YouTube tab always up and ready to go, and the rest of the time it is a tab to search, open the link in new tab, and so on and so on. It gives me anxiety looking at the mess that some people have on their browsers! Itā€™s the equivalent of having your entire desktop filled with shortcuts and folders!

Donā€™t get me wrong, I know more than my normal 5 tabs can be needed at times, Iā€™ll put my own reasons below. But every single day? Closing the browser and having it load more than 5-10 tabs again every single time? No wonder people complain about Firefox being slow, their browsing habits cause it! šŸ˜‚

The most tabs Iā€™ve ever had open was only to download multiple mods off of nexus that looked cool back before they made Collections a god send. Now I donā€™t have to do that any more. šŸ˜

Wow, thanks. Yeah, I was surprised to see the comments saying the way we browse is abnormal lol.. Maybe it's just how our brain works but I know for me, I am hyper focused on what I am doing in that moment and my thoughts are always shifting but keeping my browser only with what I am actively using is just something I've always done. For example, right now this is the only tab I have open. :). I need to utilize containers more... Really, what I want is something that would open containers automatically for specified sites and not have to choose manually to open in.

Cheers and thanks for the comment.

You can set containers to open every time you go to the website!

For example, I have a YouTube container, and every time I open YouTube, it opens in the container even if it was in a Nexus Mods container or anything like that. Once you have a website in view that you want to always open in a specific container, you can click at the very right side of the address/search bar, and it is an icon just like the containers icon. It says Always Open in or something like that. I hope that helps you streamline your containers! šŸ˜

@LucidNightmare @mynamesnotrick When I read about different browsers and they spend half the article talking about tab groups and tab islands and tab this and tab that, my eyes glaze over. I do not understand how it's that big a deal. Maybe I'm not a "power user."

I love having features, thatā€™s fine with me, but when their biggest ā€œdrawsā€ are the tabs thing, then I am with you. Like, okay? How is the extension support? What does their privacy features look like? What does it do that makes my browsing more pleasant? Oh, just tabs tabs and more tabsā€¦? Next!

It's interesting, but it wastes to much of the screen.

True, sadly I'm unable to stop using tree style tabs after getting accustomed to it years ago. It's one of those rabbit holes I'm unable to climb out of, similar to modern keyboard layouts.

Don't be sad. I'd say you're doing it right! Vertical space is much more limited than horizontal on 21st century monitors, and tabs are wide, not tall. Tree tab UI enables semantic layout (showing you practically unlimited levels of nesting), plus they always give you consistent room to read page titles. Why should the usability of tabs decrease as you open more of them?

This is absolutely not a replacement for the tab group experience Chrome and Edge offer

Absolutely this, there isn't anything currently from what I've found that gives the easy experience that Chrome/Edge has.

Only thing that I've been missing when I moved from Edge, apart from PWA support.

Yeah honestly all the other solutions are just copium. Chrome tab groups are exactly what a tab group should be. It's simple and useful. That's all I need, all I want.

powertabs will give you vertical, grouping, search, sorting, and some rules behaviour

Does it mimic the functionality of chrome group tabs perfectly?

I would say its superior. You can create and add tabs to groups. expand and collapse them. make rules for certain sites to auto open in a group you made. sort based on url or name or last used. rename them. move the groups around visually. I do use it with the vertical tab view and tend to ignore the top bar though so it may depend on your usage.

It seems a bit too much like glorified bookmarks to me. I'm glad you find it useful though :)

I mean you can say that about any tab add on really. You could mostly get it from some sort of auto bookmarking add on that additionally updated it based on browsing within a domain maybe and auto discarding on close although it still would nto quite be there because it would discard to much if you kept several tabs for a domain. I mean it might be able to recognize multiple tabs and save the bookmarks alright but the auto reaping I bet would mess up.

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I'm away from my PC so I can't name it but there's another plugin similar to Tree Style Tabs. The creator claims that TST takes up a lot of resources. I do notice Firefox taking a lot of CPU/mem but that's probably my fault. I've tried both and either works well.

Might be talking about Sidebery. I like them both and switch back and forth

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I'm glad they decided to bring back this feature. Really missed having it.

This was such an old feature/idea. Cool to see old idea getting new life.

Nice! This is the one thing in other browsers that I wish I had in Firefox.

I recently started using simple tab groups and like it. I just wish there was a way to keep my tabs in groups sync'd across devices. So if I open or close a tab in a group on my desktop, when I go to my laptop that group would be updated with the changes. It doesn't seem to work that way currently, at least when I tested it out.

This is what has been keeping me on chromium for my study partition. I would love to use Firefox, but I need to group tabs by class. Once Firefox implements this I'll be able to drop google products completely.

I'm using FF tab groups and Sideberry, other than the occasional link getting opened in the wrong group I haven't had issues. I really need to test Chrome and it's profiles to see what the fuss is all about :D

I've been using Ungoogled Chromium at work just for the tab grouping. I'll gladly use Firefox 100% if this is as good.

This is exciting - after the demise of Panorama I used Quicksavers Tab Groups plugin, then when that died I moved to Simple Tab Groups, which to me is a good enough clone of Panorama. But something more modern would be super nice.

This is something I've wanted on Firefox for a while. Glad to see it's finally happening!

I might finally be able to switch to FF! Yay!

It is not just one feature that makes the browser better. When you switch, you have to take the good with the bad.

This is absolutely THE feature that has kept me away from FF for a long, long time. I like most other stuff about it, but tab groups are a necessity for me. I exclusively use browsers with Tab Groups and Tab Stacking

It's already a feature available as an addon

The UX sucks. Look at Vivaldi and Arc for good UX.

Maybe I never learned how to properly use grouping in Vivaldi, but I concluded that Simple tab groups extension is better for my use case. In Vivaldi it seemed too simple to accidentally open new tab in another group. With STG extension I am always locked in 1 group and do not even see tabs from other groups.

At that point, why wouldn't you just have separate windows. It's not that different in terms of usage except navigation.

Need to save those open tabs somewhere + I don't want 6 windows open if I have 6 categories.

Respectfully, all the tab group addons suck unless they do it on the tab bar itself.

This will be good. When I switch to Firefox in 2019 Chrome had just added tab groups. No extension really replicated hope they felt.

I want workspaces, ideally in a sidebar like in opera. Arc also does workspaces well but Firefox doesn't have to go that far and have the tabs on the side too.

You could check out Sidebery (Firefox addon) (A note: I use it with Floorp, a fork of Firefox built around user control. Floorp link)



Ton of features and very nuanced customization (you can change pretty much all minutia of its UI, which is a huge plus over other stuff I used). Some noteworthy features I like:

  • Vertical tab bar with collapsible parent/child tabs

  • Tab Grouping, which seems to be functionally the same as workspaces

  • Unload or refresh tabs or groups en masse easily

  • Customizable new tab buttons. ie: you can have "new tab", "new private (or other container) tab", and "new tab" all at once.

  • Customizable movement of tabs to specific Tab Groups based on domain and/or container. ie: I have a "Media" tab group, and I set it up so any domain from or automatically get moved from other tab groups over to "Media"

There's more, but those are the points that I find the most useful.

Sideberry is great! I discovered it recently after quite a long time of not being satisfied with tree style tab.

I appreciate that it works with Firefox sync.

Btw thanks for the tip about media. That sounds really convenient.

Please allow me to not use this. I switched to FF mobile because Chrome forced groups on their users and left no way to turn them off.

Just bring normal tabs back to mobile, please. Tablet Firefox is the worst.

I have been using the Simple Tab Group extension for quite a while now - imho it has been pretty great. Not sure if this announcement adds anything for me

Simple tab groups emulates a function that used to be built in, but if this tab grouping works like other browsers it will be nothing like the add on.

I assume the benefit would be a better performance, anything else? Simple tab group is pretty feature packed, Iā€™d think FF own would take some time to reach that level.

Makes sense. Clearly a popular feature.

Tab stacking? Can I finally come back to Firefox?

I just use several windows on several virtual desktops. It's much less cluttered.

Those hacks are needed because windows can't handle many things at once.

or multiple windows in tabbed mode (in i3 for example) or use the suckless tabbing thing

Ok. Just let me know when it's available I guess?

As.someone who only used a couple of tabs open and even then upon restart of Firefox only has one tab open, this seems like a feature I wouldn't really use?

You are one of the blessed minimalist ones. I feel most users are drowning in tabs.

I have 1408 tabs open. I use Tab Manager Plus to make sense of it all Can't wait until we can use a locally running AI to search inside the tab contents and group tabs by content topic, because TMP can only search tab titles!

You might as well close the tabs and use a search engine at that point right? I honestly dont understand the workflow here

But I found the content ... I don't want to have to search again. Also google is becoming terribler by the day And I want to search that stuff locally, in my browser, I want to search the content of the tabs from my browser. From a single tab and only the subset of my tabs, not the whole internet.

It's like having your books on the table, open on the right page. And putting them back on the shelves, and then searching for which books to search. When we have a functionally infinite lenght table (well, about 2000 active tabs is about the limit for my 64gb system)

It's like having your books open, with a mark in the book for the page. A book mark, if you will

Maybe that's good enough for 1996, but that doesn't do it for me.

I want all those tabs, and all their content, in ram, and disable auto-discard. If the memory overflows it should write it to my pcie5 m.2 ssd not discard.

And that's just a stop-gap measure, because I want this data in my GPU's VRAM part of a locally running open source text generative AI's context, so I can ask it questions about it.

I want to tell it, "take all my open tabs that relate to "HF radio" put them in their own window, open a new ownnotes and write an essay about the current status of my DIY amplifier project and then create a new check list of the design elements I still need to create"

So, bookmarks, with the broken search that won't let you search just one folder, no categorization, no visual preview, it doesn't even save the content and just assumes the content will still be available at a later date, it's too cloudbrained.

I think this is totally reasonable, and a very forward thinking imagining of what the future of the internet could be like. I just thought that the analogy you made in the previous comment was a good one to poke fun at.

I like the idea of being able to run elasticsearch/whatever on a local copy of the full text of all of your bookmarks.

If it's at the point you need a tab manager, surely you could just use bookmarks.

I have never recovered a tab from a bookmark, except for the few on my bookmarks toolbar

Bookmarks manager doesn't even store the tab's contents, it's search is quite terrible anyway.

For me, the bookmarks manager is a trashcan with folders containing 10s of thousands of tabs and no real ability to search it

Default feature about 1% of userbase use, the seventh.

I mean, why not just make it an addon?

Because webextension addons are shit for things like this. Accept that it might have features that real people who arenā€™t you actually use and enjoy life. Or go use SeaMonkey and live like itā€™s 1999.

And Firefox had built in tab groups already, for years. The feature was hidden, then they removed them and said ā€œnobody uses this, use an add onā€ and the addons have always performed worse than when it was built in.

Go fiddle with tab groups in Chrome then try the addons that do it in Firefox.

Let me search the multi selecy and select all in bookmarks. Let memove and muktinselect tabs in incognito.

Firefox isnvery behind in their app devlopment.

Are you... slurring your words?

I switched keyboard apps and everything is slightly different. Including the time the key you select stays on screen and spaces between keys.

Privacy came at a price.