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Joined 8 months ago

There are a few ways to reform the court without a Constitutional amendment:

  • Increase the number of justices on the bench. The Constitution sets no limit or requirement for the number of seats, only the process by which they are filled. Nomination comes from POTUS and will need to be "consented" to by the Senate. The number of seats has changed in the past and will change again, just a matter of when and who stuffs the court.
  • Establish bounds of "good Behavior" and define means of removal. The Constitution isn't very cut and dry on the removal process of Justices (with impeachment being reserved for the "President, Vice President, and all civil Officers" the latter group being left undefined), but it does say that the Judges shall "hold their Offices during good Behavior." Historically impeachment has been the process chosen for removal of Judges, but discussion about Congress' role in defining "good Behavior" and the means for removal have persisted even into the late 1900s. It is entirely feasible that Congress imposes a code of conduct and simple majority review to remove those found in violation. That code of conduct doesn't just have to be about taking free vacations, either. It could assess the quality of judgement and find that if you clearly ignored the facts of a case to push your own narrative (such as with KENNEDY v. BREMERTON) you're in violation.
  • Establish a term limit for the Supreme Court and rotate Justices into lower courts when that limit is reached. This one is probably the longest shot as it would depend on whether or not a Justice's "Office" is literally the Supreme Court or the federal Judicial system as a whole and that interpretation would almost definitely be seized by SCOTUS if Congress even attempted this. But, so long as Congress and the Executive are in agreement on the specific interpretation, SCOTUS' opinion here can be suppressed. Worth noting, however, that that is very rarely how the US operates.
  • Remove Judicial Review. The idea that the courts have the sole authority to determine the constitutionality of legislation passed by Congress is not found in the Constitution itself, but was manifested by the same court that benefits from granting itself that power. It's the executive branch's job to enforce the law and both Congress and POTUS are elected to represent the people. SCOTUS's job is to resolve conflicts involving the States and those who work with them, they are not accountable to anyone and are not elected. A new law ceding the ability to review constitutionality to some other branch would reset SCOTUS' job to the original intent (a move which I'm sure the 6 textual literalists will gladly embrace).
  • Tailor bills to undo recent catastrophic rulings. Congress makes laws. They can make laws that close "loopholes" or perceived ambiguities that SCOTUS uses to derive their rulings. Congress can (and should) undo presidential immunity, Dobbs, judicial review of government agencies' actions, etc.

These will all take work to achieve, and are very unlikely to even be tried, but because they all address shortcomings manifest outside of the Constitution they can all be implemented without amendment to the Constitution.

He was the subject of the case at hand.

Why did you post a 3 year old expired draft whose proposed implementation has been obsoleted?

There is only one Waffle House with doors around the world.

JFK's head just did that on its own.

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This is a literal plot point of Stargate.

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Sounds like some healthy competition the caps are always on about

Regardless of whether or not the parents were around the ability for a body to be forcibly pulled into the machinery is an obvious failure in operating a safe pool.

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A terrifically hard audience to serve given the variety of incompatible configurations.

If your game doesn't work with my fully functional operating system (while others do), isn't it literally your game that's "incompatible?"

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Massive corporations who stand to make unfathomable amounts of wealth if oversight is removed spend money to deconstruct and remove oversight.

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Man who defied a congressional subpoena sends congressional subpoena in a small government bid to illegally impose oversight of a court he does not have jurisdiction over to interfere with the upcoming election by attempting to deprive the voters of the knowledge of the criminality of one of the candidates.

"Don't like the death camps? Well, we'll send you to death camps and see how you like them then!"

Hell, we only have to do it once per billionaire. Since they only got to that point through their own self sufficient blood sweat and toil they'll have no problems doing it again and better with all the experience they've learned along the way!

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But you released a paid game without performance to your standards? Weird.

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Someone else who uses the same VPN as I is really into butt stuff. I have to question their commitment to 480p though.

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Growing up in a "non-denominational", independent fundamental Baptist house I was always taught that Catholics weren't Christians because they worship idols. Now that I've left the faith I would easily classify them as being Christian.

While I think many people actually do classify them as Christians they do have some significant differences in their beliefs and practices than most Protestant denominations; and being themselves the largest Christian denomination by far it can be useful in some analysis to treat them as a distinct entity (the answer to "percentage of global population that subscribe to a particular religion" is much more interesting when broken into "Christian Catholic: %" and "Christian Other: %").

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If you had to choose the possibility of a murder charge and capital punishment for following your oath or simply not, why would anyone opt for the former?

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My birthday never changes, but my age changes every year. I forget it for like 9 months of the year.

Of course she was. Putting your car into reverse and letting it back fully into a pond without braking when you actually meant to put it in drive is not something an unimpaired driver does.

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Yeah sure, you got talked down by an 82 year old grandpa. That's even weaker than having your friends "hold you back."

Glad we're in an age where violence is generally discouraged.

Incidentally you're one of the reasons the majority of workers don't want to return to the office.

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Grab 5 of the top engineers, sales people, and marketing at the company, double their pay, and grant them a $1,000,000,000 bonus in 5 years time if they beat certain performance metrics. Have them sit on a board as coCEOs and watch true motivation. Kick out the guy that's demanding 3 times your annual income as "motivational" compensation.

I moved last year. I looked into so many companies that drop off a box for later pickup. Only one of them (U-Haul) published their prices and they were very affordable.

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The fuck you mean "how did this happen?"

Steam didn't allow adult games then they did. So now there's adult games.

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Maybe don't union bust if you need so many workers?

I didn't realize I had a constitutional right to commit fraud.

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Didn't we try the whole Dems helping Republicans thing before? And didn't that get us into this whole-ass mess to begin with, Hillary?

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The account really reads like he lept to using his gun as a first resort instead of the last. When all you have is a hammer...

Also, in a country filled with those who pride themselves on the right to own guns and on their actual ownership of guns I'm still surprised that people view other people having guns as a justification to kill them.

Police kill someone in a routine traffic stop? It's okay, he had a gun.

Random citizen kills another random citizen? It's okay, he had a gun.

They gave him a protection plan. The price of the item didn't change.

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If a movie was shot in 3d and the CGI was designed in 3d and the movie was produced for 3d I've generally enjoyed them (Avatar, Gemini Man, Alita Battle Angel). If however the 3d is produced by an off shore sweat shot rotoscoping a 2d shot then layering everything over a parallax background that's an immediate pass.

I'd love if there was a 3d movie distribution app/platform for VR headsets though. I had to buy the 3d Blu-ray release of a movie, a PC Blu-ray drive, Blu-ray ripping software, then render that to a stereoscopic player and set a VR app to copy my desktop in stereoscopic mode just to watch it. That cost like $100 for a movie, and it seems more people have a quest or some shit then ever had a 3d TV.

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As long as there're conservatives on the ballot there's abortion on the ballot.

Gotta add your potential explosive to the suicide of other potential explosives that the people were forced to stand next too!

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Obviously, the guy did not want to live.

I'm not sure we can make such a determination. Self immolation is traditionally a form of protest. One can sacrifice oneself for awareness even with a desire to go on living. It's not generally an escape attempt chosen when losing a battle with depression.

She getting buried at his (totally not a) house for another tax break or some shit too?

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And he's able to do so because Biden keeps providing the means.

Given that the courts already shutdown Arizona's attempt last year to keep people 8 feet away from a cop, I'm not sure arguing for 3 times the distance is going to stand.

Truly self driving cars would allow you to participate in other activities safely while the car moves you. You could read a book, play a game, apply your makeup, etc. Given that trade-off, I think most people would be willing to sacrifice the extra 2.5 minutes a trip.

2.5 minute estimate derived from the difference of travel time between half the average US daily travel of 42 miles at a speed of 60mph and the same distance traveled at 68mph.

Most people would accept the trade-off of being in the car 5 minutes longer per day if it meant they got 42 minutes of leisure instead of 37 minutes of weaving through traffic.

Also with a critical mass adoption of self-driving cars the speed limit could be increased.

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Aren't there multiple genocides going on right now?

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He finally got the delay he wanted. Maybe he can twist this into an executable strategy. Get a revolving door of council and pay them to be repeatedly exposed to Covid?

While not a "Windows program," Ninite allows you to queue up and download a lot of the most common software installs you'd make after a fresh install.

In terms of actual windows programs, I quite like "Everything." It's basically a database of all the files on your computer that allows for near instant searching.

"Space Sniffer" is an excellent utility for finding what takes up a lot of room on your drive.

"Unidentified flying raw" is a free program that allows the manipulation and conversion of raw picture files. I use it before editing in Gimp, but if you have Photoshop, it's not necessary.

"Dark Table" is an acceptable free light room alternative if you have the patience. It's pretty slow though.

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Well, not all the apps I want are on your store, so 🤷‍♀️.