2 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ok cool..

Apples grow on trees.

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Soon with Plasma 6 and Wayland, you can let your Desktop crash but still keep all your Windows after the new Desktop spawned. This also means you can replace your KDE desktop with Gnome, XFCE Hyprland and some others whithout needing to logout or close applications.

Additionally you can save current states of the application with Wayland. Shit is getting so interesting right now.


Hmm yes.

The floor is made out of floor

Where is the Unix in this porn?

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"The blurry one" bro, which one is blurry or sharp. You never said left or right and assume we persieve things like you do

Sucks when the person doesn't like to communicate with you and just ignores her own issues to just satisfy you.

I was less satisfied because I wasn't allowed to figure it out and just felt like a bad person. The sex drive went down for her after a year, no wonder, but its not my fault either.

2 years later and I broke with her up as she was pretty manipulative and impossible to talk to from the beginning.

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I think EU is the only reason why the internet is not full distopian and shit

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Welcome to Open Source software where its ok to help once and never again. Thats actually not even a bad thing.

Imagine there is this one project that kicks everyones autism and has many issues. But only a team of 100 people is allowed to change its code. I'd rather want the world to change the code and make it improve for everyones liking. Even if it was just one commit and never again.

Plasma 6 has so many fucking bugs. Holy shit it drives me crazy.

One thing is, that when starting Apex Legends, all Windows just suddenly start to loose the understanding on whether they should go below or over a Window when focused. They suddenly go below other windows when focused.

Sound System Notification sound too loud? Well, shit for you, you can't make it quieter now.

Having two monitors with each a panel on the bottom? After a suspend and wake up, its possible that your main panel or right one just goes inbetween those two Monitors.

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It still has no review system.

They still have no Linux version.

They still have many bugs in the store.

It... its a mess

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Gamescope allows the usage of HDR

Ubuntu and other Ubuntu desktop variants tend to break very often for me. But this has nothing to do with Linux.

I use Arch Linux at home and never reainstalled it because its solid af. Unlike Windows or Ubuntu

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Linus Torvalds or Richard Stallman

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Is there a official lemmy instance for this?

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All users were forced users. Meaning, everyone who had Instagram also had a threads account. No wonder everyone leaves.

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I have 16 gigs...

Not many go over 16 gigs

Nah, its just that services like Disney fixed its analytics and Linux users don't need to camoflage as Windows user to use Disneyplus /s

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Yeah, something I truly can't believe it happened.

  • Telemetry and Tracking, you need to sign in to legitimately use your Windows 11 Machine and it does collect data you would not want to if you would know which and what data it is.
  • Psychology feels different. You could actively be creative and do everything you want because noone watches you and there are no absurd backdoors on Linux.
  • Linux Desktop with KDE (?) or Gnome (Fedora) it is... or Cinamon (Which mainly Linux mint uses). You have a wide variety to choose your Team that develops all the features into your comfort zone and if you elaborate with your Linux Desktop you will notice that many useful features exist since many years that enhance productivity or comfort. Like Window Tiling, set your window Always On Top or Always Below your windows, use Widgets (depends on which Desktop), make your windows wiggle or break in a quantum pattern or Fire when closed and discover more things that would not be possible on the hardcoded private Windows 10 or 11 Desktop.
  • never ever update your PC again with Linux! Just get the newest Security updates and have a system running that will never force you to reinstall the shit again because a new Windows 12 came out and the transfer tool does not exist or deletes all programs. (Depends on Distro, Ubuntu needs complete upgrades that may break system, but Arch and Linux mint were perfect)
  • Interested in encryption? No problem, it was always secure and easy to install with most GUI installers at OS install.
  • Nicest way to install programs? Just use the easy to use package manager and be 3 clicks away to install the official and legitimate way of Steam, Blender or other application instead of needing to search the internet.
  • Its satisfying and has a nice file structure.
  • Learn your OS to the roots. You can learn how the details work if you want or are interested in a specific thing.
  • Nerdy community instead of casuals who downplay you for not knowing that its obviously Wednesday patchday or another irrelevant day for Microsoft. (You also can get bad communities that downplay you anyway in Linux communities, but are very rare in my opinion compared to Windows focused ones)

Btw, if you don't feel like the current distro feels comfy, just try a different one with maybe a different Desktop or different Desktop design. The best part about Linux is, its perfect. But there is no perfect fit for every Human, thus why I hate Windows for trying this "fit for all" Philosohpy, but maybe its just that I have setup a perfect Arch Linux System with KDE after using Kubuntu, Pop OS, Manjaro for 3 years and gaining knowledge about Linux.

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Usually, applying the same tricks that Windows does, its not true.

But by default, mostl Linux ditros dont do something special for having performance managing.

But actually. Windows does neither, at least the pure Vanilla form. Its a huge difference when using my Levono Ideapad with the preinstalled Windows versus Windows that is reinstalled Vanilla without drivers. Then Linux is more plug and play and better at this job than Windows.

I try to summorize your post.

You used one distro (Ubuntu) and hated it.

Me too bro. It sucks ass, thats why I don't use it. And Snap is not the default! No one who actually cares about his desktop uses snap. Its not even that compatible with Linux distros, it only supports systemd and probably gets more hardcoded into Ubuntu.

But other distros may be great. Linux Mint seems to be the only one to be paid to work as desktop with Cinnamon, literally, its their made Desktop. The other one would be System76 with Cosmic Desktop.

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Obsidian is Open Source? I switched to Logseq because it wasnt open source. A friend wasnt even allowed to install it on his Work PC becauze Obsidian wants 50€ per Year when not used at home privately.

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I often get shattered by windows users how hard it is to install Nvidia drivers or get it to work.

Like. Idk why they are like this or how I should tell them otherwise. But they will give me a response of their experience as proof of how hard it is.

I mean. Its even pteinstalled on some distros so wtf.

Actually, at work I use Kubuntu and at home I use Arch Linux.

Guess which install borks out of nowhere automatically because od auto-updates? Exactly. Kubuntu.

Arch is pretty solid and stable. Never broke, never reinstalled unlike most Ubuntu distros

Not really recommending this downgrade

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I had a ying yang work experience with two companies as a pupil.

One used Linux and I had unexpected skills making me solve and create a product/feature. The project manager was kind and a nerd like me. The chef was sweet kind.

The other company used Microsoft products in every corner like a hardcore football fan. The project manager was kinda toxic and it was hard to explain something to him as he pretended to have knowledge and the chef was rarely in a happy mood and often screaming at him. He didn't knew many things about Microsoft products and browser itself, he just coded and didn't understood its entirety back knowledge. He expected me to be some master student and graded me bad for skills no pupil had in our class as we just only learned Java in school, I could use all langauages they used and it still wasn't enough.

Nintendo got exclusives and its only way to play them is on a switch.

Steam Deck can do everything and is just overkill till today.

Microsoft Xbox Handheld... ehh? It got... nothing of them both lol


Focus the rage at something that is fixable. Good idea actually.

But afaik the mold can't go that far on hard products like cheese

Afaik snaps can't share depending packages, making it store the same dependency multiple times. Flatpak can share the depending package+version, sharing it to every app it needs and store it once.

The Golden advantage I see is not having issues installing multiple versions of the same dependency, which would be kinda hard for a native system depending on the type of package an app is depending on. Like Python and Java could easy have multiple same versions on a native system, but other things may be too difficult to realize except you use Flatpak.

So the main point is comfort I guess, it just works on all distros unrelated if a dependency doesn't exist for the distro or is too old/new.

Not sure how secure Flatpak is. But 2 serious scenarios are existing to use it: You want to isolate the app from system for security. You have an immutable read only OS and want to easily install packages.

Doesnt matter how and what you did. At the very end you didnt buy a steam deck oled cheaper.

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While I am using AtlasOS (Windows with bloat stripped off), it still kinda behaves like windows in someway compared to Ameliorated which doesn't have Microsoft tracking and updates anymore.

I woke up in the night and stared at my PC at around 3:00am and suddenly my PC starts from the suspend. I assume this is a way to update Windows secretely but I never asked for it and it damaged me emotionally because my devices behave in unexpected and unpredictable ways.

I learned to always shutdown.

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Arch Linux

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Damn, never saw this meme. Where does it get used at?

Wait. Wtf does it need to be US specifically? So the goverment has full access to the data or what?

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Its more of a Desktop thing rather than Linux. If you use the right Desktop like Plasma then you have no issues at all.

I really don't see any problems with Multi monitor, I actually have more issues with Windows 11 right now in terms of multiple Displays

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But it has nothing to do with privacy

The thing I experienced on my laptop was: I used on Linux Max Performance while on windows I let it be the default (balanced or smth I think). The result: my Laptop hit way too often 100°C when playing games that my CPU throttled to 800mhz. It was a quick fix by just using balanced instead so it can decide for itself when to cool a tiny bit to not throttle, like windows.

There are multiple tools to set the Intel Power Management Profile to "Balanced" instead of "Performance"