
41 Post – 534 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

[He/Him, Nosist, Touch typist, Enthusiast, Superuser impostorist, keen-eyed humorist, endeavourOS shillist, kotlin useist, wonderful bastard, professinal pedant miser]
Stuped person says stuped things, people boom

I have trouble with using tone in my words but not interpreting tone from others' words. Weird, isn't it?

Formerly on kbin.social and dbzer0

One of the maintainers (and possibly the founder) of mbin, a fork of kbin, which is a fediverse platform that combines lemmy and microblog while lookin' gr8. The fork is actually maintained and has actual versions and changelogs while kbin has 3 other very great features and extremely sporadic maintainership (kbin.social, their flagship instance, is currently down as we speak.).

Don't forget all of this was discovered because ssh was running 0.5 seconds slower

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suyu, prounced "sue-you"

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This is a fake screenshot that aims to highlight how new programmers can not understand programming terms and ask about it only to have their question misunderstood.

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Abstruse Goose webcomic. Execs are at a meeting where they learn that the Galaxy S10+ features 5 cameras. They get mad even though they know that Samsung is "overcompensating for something", but decide to try and kick their ass by fitting 11 cameras and 2 vertical USB-A ports on teh back and 4 USB ports on the left side and 6 USB ports on the right side and 1 USB port on the bottom, creating a phone that, when all plugged in from the sides, looks like a fucking spider.

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I'll take you up on that. ChatGPT, translate this commit message to actual Linus style:

Subject: Regarding Commit d96c36004e31

So apparently, this commit thought it was a brilliant idea to strip away a tab because some third-rate kernel config parsing tool couldn't handle it. Seriously? We're bending over backward for these tools now?

Listen up, if your parsing tool throws a tantrum over a tab, it's time to rethink your life choices. Tabs are as fundamental to Kconfig files as oxygen is to humans. If you can't handle tabs, you have no business parsing kernel configurations.

And let's not pretend this is some isolated incident. The whole tab vs. space saga is like a bad sitcom rerun from the '70s. Sure, 'make' might have its quirks, but that doesn't mean we should stoop to that level of incompetence.

I'm tempted to flood our Kconfig files with tabs just to prove a point, but let's not make a mess where it's not needed. However, if this idiocy persists, don't be surprised if I start tabbing everything in sight.

Let's get our priorities straight, people. We're building a kernel here, not babysitting fragile parsing tools. So let's fix this mess and move on to more important things.

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The agreement was finalized Sunday and the parties will be in power until 2026. "We will adhere to the principle of 'public money, public code'. That means that as long as there is no confidential or personal data involved, the source code of the city's software will also be made public," the agreement states.


I wonder how he made the photos and accessed Craigslist.

People refused to give him water and he was unable to find a place to stay the night.

Eventually, a man with an RV allowed him to stay for several nights in his van.

Black started off small and managed to make his first $300 by selling furniture online.

By the fifth day of the challenge he had made enough money to buy himself a computer.

Almost two weeks in, he was able to secure his own office space and after just over one month, Black finally had his own place to rent.

Three months into the challenge, Black's entrepreneurial spirit appeared to shine through having set himself up as a social media manager, managing to land clients - while even coming up with his own brand of coffee.

While it's not hard labor by any means, it is interesting.

Four months into the challenge, on day 138, Black learned that his father was officially diagnosed with stage four colon cancer and had just started chemo which led Black to question the entire project - but he continued.

Black ended the challenge having completed 10 months, with just 60 days left to run. He had managed to make a grand total of $64,000.

My personal health has declined to the point where I really need to start taking care of it. Throughout the entire project, we haven't shared it with you, but I've been in and out of the doctor's office.'

Black explained how he also suffered from two autoimmune diseases which caused 'chronic fatigue' and another that attacked his joints.

That's the millionaire-funded healthcare system for ya.

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A 3D printer

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Really sad that BBC did not say what he did.

It's actually from Korean. The Portuguese arrived at least 700 years after the attestation of Japanese "ne".

We’ve always been worried that developing Free and Open Source Software would not be recognized as a charitable cause by the German tax system, so we were glad when the tax office originally approved our non-profit status in 2021. But now we have received a notice from the same tax office that our non-profit status has been withdrawn. This came with no advance warning or explanation. Earlier this year we went through a successful tax audit, which in fact resulted in some favourable adjustments as we’ve been paying too much tax. Our tax advisor immediately submitted an appeal to the decision, but so far, we have no new information.

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TL;DR: Phishing + no additional precautions against creating digital car keys once logged in

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I saw the original LAMF post. A detail missing here was that the inspectors were joking (that it could be dangerous) at first when they saw the cut because even they didn’t know how dangerous it was.

why does nobody tell us what the artwork was

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Because m4/build-to-host.m4, the entry point, is not in the git repo, but was included by the malicious maintainer into the tarballs.

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For a time, Apple engineers were also deeply engaged in an effort to make the watch and Health app compatible with the billions of Android devices in circulation. The move, codenamed Project Fennel, would have brought the company’s health features — and the health benefits Apple has repeatedly underlined — to many more people, especially in countries where Apple has little market share. But other business considerations prevailed: The work was nearly complete when Project Fennel was canceled, in part because the Apple Watch is a driver of iPhone sales. “If you gave up the watch to Android, you would dilute the value of the watch to the iPhone,” said someone with knowledge of the decision. —Linked Bloomberg article


It allows a patched SSH client to bypass SSH authentication and gain access to a compromised computer

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Interestingly, the software giant added this check since the Windows 11 24H2 will not boot without these instruction sets, according to a previous report. Though speculative, one would wonder if the company has this extra step in case someone uses bypasses to force the OS to boot with an unsupported CPU.

Why is the watermark the headline

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The tarballs are the official distributions of the source code. The maintainer had git remove the malicious entry point when pushing the newest versions of the source code while retaining it inside these distributions.

All of this would be avoided if Debian downloaded from GitHub's distributions of the source code, albeit unsigned.

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You literally just set the server to private, which is invite-only and has slightly less features. Any public/community server is in the public index.

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(in 2018)

(They changed the background color and removed the blue from the arc)

please tag as nsfw

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Integrate with GTK and Qt first

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This is Firefox's password manager. For some reason, instead of just being a preference about the display of unrevealed passwords, every password entry has two "reveal" buttons: one that completely blanks it (the first one), and one that reveals it (the second one). We can totally differentiate these because the first icon is so much bigger than the second one! Or maybe I'm going crazy. Nah, that can't be, my psychologist in the air knows.

It follows intuitively that everytime we see two reveal buttons, they should have the exact same functions everywhere, right? Nope! In the editing interface, both buttons dot he same thing of revealing. Stop staring at me, Firefox!


In 1938, Orson Welles adapted H.G. Wells's "The War of the Worlds" for the radio, apparently causing mass hysteria and a major part of the continental United States to believe that a martian invasion had occurred.

"A few policemen trickled in, then a few more. Soon, the room was full of policemen and a massive struggle was going on between the police, page boys, and CBS executives, who were trying to prevent the cops from busting in and stopping the show. It was a show to witness."[26]

During the sign-off theme, the phone began ringing. Houseman picked it up and the furious caller announced he was mayor of a Midwestern town, where mobs were in the streets. Houseman hung up quickly, "[f]or we were off the air now and the studio door had burst open."[4]: 404 

How many deaths had we heard of? (Implying they knew of thousands.) What did we know of the fatal stampede in a Jersey hall? (Implying it was one of many.) What traffic deaths? (The ditches must be choked with corpses.) The suicides? (Haven't you heard about the one on Riverside Drive?)

This was a year after he adapted Shakespeare's Julius Caesar to be set in Nazi Germany.

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Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code software tool created by HashiCorp. Users define and provide data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), or optionally JSON.[3] —Wikipedia

It's correct, although I'm surprised that there isn't even a FOSS implementation of the unencrypted part.

Hopefully you made this in GIMP

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it redirects to a video of the infamous Jonah Jameson’s “Are you serious?” scene from Spider-Man

No, it hosts the video. DMCA!!1!!1!!!

Edit: Italicized "hosts". Wish we could use the <em> tag.</em>

From the comments:

When I worked at Boeing, we used dawn dish soap to seat door gaskets. Tesla is just adopting aerospace technologies for its fancy cars, what's the problem?

You mean your eyes don't have storage?

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Both men try to saw through their chains, but Adam's saw breaks. Gordon realizes the saws are intended for their feet, and identifies their captor as the Jigsaw Killer, a serial killer who tests his victims' will to survive through murderous contraptions known as "games", whom Gordon knows about because he was once a suspect.

I think we should fail --purge if no config file is specified on the command line. I see no world where an invocation without one would make sense, and it would have caught the problem here. —poettering

And that was what they did in the patch.

it's kind of like torrenting but there's a search engine, individual transactions are one-to-one, you can browse all the files a user shares, and I don't think ISPs know about it.

It basically converts videos between formats, standards of compression, encoders, subtitles, dimensions.... It's pretty useful for trimming the size of a video to fit a particular medium.

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I mean, it is something surprisingly absent from most installers

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It's datamining a hidden feature. I'd call that a leek.

TL;DR: Currently a menu inside settings that gives you in-game reward redeem codes if you stream the game for a set amount of time. Someday, these will "show up tastefully in Discord".