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Joined 12 months ago

I feel for the hundreds of engineers at Microsoft who have been yelling about these security issues since day one, but cannot say "I told you so" because they'd get fired.

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  1. CEO wastes a ton of money on generative AI
  2. CEO fires a bunch of people to hit quarterly profit targets

generative AI resulted in job cuts.

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And a place name with twice as many letters as are necessary.

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Boeing QA department

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Salaries for tech workers went up due to supply and demand, and it started cutting into billionaire's yacht money. So they fired a bunch of people (and used that money to increase executive compensation), which pushes salaries down, so in a year when they need to hire more people, they can hire at a lower rate, and then give themselves bonuses for being so smart.


Escaped religion.

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Because not one of those laptops have a TrackPoint style mouse.

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Apparently everybody before 1800 was a bad parent.

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I would make sure they are both payed well enough that they can afford to live close to the factory. If they chose to live far away anyway, that is not my problem.

Wealthy people are mad that the government is not spending money on protecting their luxuries from the consequences of their own actions.

I left a job over MacOS.

The management was bad. The product was bad. I would have left eventually anyway.

But the constant frustration of using a window manager that does not let you make keyboard shortcuts for most basic window operations, like cycling through windows on the current virtual desktop was too much. And MacOS really does not like you to have multiple monitors in different orientations. There were a whole bunch of other stupid things. I always felt like my computer was fighting me, not working for me.

But on the plus side, it did not have an Ethernet jack, it was really thin so the fans were tiny and made a huge racket, the keyboard sucked to type on, and keys would stop working if a piece of dust with any dimension larger the Plank length got under them.

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How I feel about this very much depends on which justice he threatened to kill.

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mpd + ncmpc

I am but a simple man. All my music is FLAC. It is arranged neatly in folders. I just want to select an album to play. I do not need album covers, playlists, search, streaming, tags, lyrics, analyzers, or scrobbling.

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You do not want to stop getting security updates.

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While you are mastering Spring, I am mastering libraries that do the thing my program needs to do.

While you are trying to debug to your Spring app, which is a huge PITA because Spring is a rat's nest of conflicting configuration paradigms and overlays and fills your call stack with dozens of layers of generated methods, I have finished my work and am at the beach helping my coworker debug his Spring app because he didn't listen to me when I said not to use Spring.

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Bert is clearly the kind of guy who is pretty sure that Ernie is his friend, but is afraid to say it publicly on the 0.01% chance that Ernie says "we're not friends, just roommates", which would emotionally devastate Bert.

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The P in HIPAA is for Portability, not Privacy, and the S is for security.

It does not matter who I vote for for federal office. My state is never close to competitive and my house district is gerrymandered.

If fascists win my districts for state office, it will not affect the balance of power in the state assemblies.

So I told all of the Democrats running for state and local office that if there is not a primary for the presidential election, then I will not vote for any Democrats in the general elections in 2024, for any office. Maybe they can put pressure on the DNC.

This is the only way I can potentially have any input.

The only way this works is if Democrats would shift left if they started losing elections because people refused to vote for old white male conservative Democrats.

But I fear they would actually shift right. The Democratic Party is not a big tent that holds both the neoliberal corporate shills and the progressives. It is a hostage situation where the neoliberal corporate shills demand our support, otherwise the fascists will kill us.

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I started running OBS with a virtual camera to do screen sharing. It is so much nicer to manage sharing with OBS than with Slack/Google Meet/Discord.

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The other half is executive compensation.

Mountain bikes have to be lightweight and strong, and production volume is low. Suspension design takes R&D, and adds moving parts. Start pricing components and you hit $5000 easy for a full-suspension bike. For hardtails, you are making a lot of compromises at $1500, but $2500 gets you a nice bike.

For road/gravel bikes, once you get over $2000, you are paying a lot of money for tiny weight savings, negligible aerodynamic improvements, and electronic gizmos.

For either mountain or road, if you want a custom/hand-made frame and parts made in the developed world paying living wages, you are going to spend a lot more. Taiwan makes a lot of great frames, but if you want a frame made buy a dude in Denver who names all his bikes after craft beers, add several grand.

For city/commuter bikes, you can get something perfectly good for under $1000, but if you can swing $2000, get a Brompton.

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My complaint is no so much the requirement of a phone number as the requirement of an Android/iPhone app.

The desktop app should be a first-class client.

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I will never understand why browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab = false is not the default, or why it is not an option in the Tab section of settings.

Get an audio interface. Then you can use any microphone.

I use a Shure SM58 for voice and a Shure SM137 for instruments with a Behringer UMC204HD.

the entire point of the court is to evaluate legislation against our constitution

That is not the entire point of SCOTUS. That is not even in the constitution; it is a power the court gave itself in Marbury v. Madison.

Most SCOTUS decisions are judging appeals against federal law (including the constitution). Occasionally they rule a federal law unconstitutional, but not usually.

If a third of registered Democrats stopped voting for DNC-backed candidates who do not represent them (by not voting or by voting for the Green Party candidate) and the Democrats lost in a landslide, the DNC would have two options:

  1. move left to regain the voters

  2. move right to keep the corporate bribes coming and try to sway Republican voters.

I am not at all confident that they would select option 1.

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Sometimes I poke around Wikipedia and see what other artists collaborated with, influenced, or were influenced by artists I like, and buy their albums.

Sometimes I download highly-rated shows from random artists on Internet Archive's Live Music Archive

Sometimes friends recommend stuff.

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Like with anything, you will not know if you are going to be good at it until you spend a lot of time trying and failing and learning. If you enjoy it, just keep doing it.

I have not used Windows to do any real work in 20 years, so I have no idea how good or bad it is nowadays. Last time I used it I used LiteStep.

I have used various window managers on Linux, Solaris, and BSD over the years, and different ones push you into different workflows, and moving between them can involve an adjustment period. But none of them were as anti-keyboard as MacOS is. And you always had the option of switching.

Regarding rotation, it would get confused and resize windows as if they were in the other rotation, menus would open in the wrong places, and if the menubar had so much content that it would not fit (mostly on displays in portrait mode), the results would be inconsistent and sometimes unusable.

Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel. I have no idea why I used to hate it so viscerally. I have no idea why I now like it.

First, does your monitor have an audio output? Some do, and it will output the audio from the HDMI/DisplayPort input.

If not, you could get an HDMI audio extractor (like this one) to split the audio out of the HDMI signal. Then you can get any streaming device that has an HDMI out.

If your speakers are not powered and you are not married to your amplifier, you could buy an A/V receiver.

Non-profits, just like for-profits, need to keep revenue at or above expenditures. Just like for-profits they end up run by executives who prioritize bringing money in to sustain the bureaucracy over doing good.

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If the artist has a way to buy and download from their website, I do that. Otherwise I buy CDs or vinyl and rip them.

The pizzagate bullshit did not come directly from WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks published John Podesta's emails.

Then some conspiracy theorists made up a conspiracy theory that included made up stuff that they claimed was in the emails, but was not.

"This thing that does not exist and nobody has any idea how to make it" will totally be safer than human driving.

You know what is safer than human driving and we know how to make? Trains.

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Originally, the benefit was that the president would be chosen by the established powerful men, not the filthy proles.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Two_of_the_United_States_Constitution#Clause_3:_Electoral_College and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Electoral_College#History

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