Bernie Sanders calls on Congress to block funding to Israel

Lee to – 936 points –
Bernie Sanders calls on Congress to block funding to Israel

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If a third of registered Democrats stopped voting for DNC-backed candidates who do not represent them (by not voting or by voting for the Green Party candidate) and the Democrats lost in a landslide, the DNC would have two options:

  1. move left to regain the voters

  2. move right to keep the corporate bribes coming and try to sway Republican voters.

I am not at all confident that they would select option 1.

Except that if Trump wins there wont be any voters to win since we won't have elections anymore. What part about a dictatorship do you people not understand?

and try to sway Republican voters.

Are you serious?

Not everyone is staunchly one party or the other. The people in the middle are the main target for campaigning.

You must not have been paying attention to politics for the last 20 years.

That's just how it's portrayed in the media.

Plenty of people will always vote one way ofc.

But just as many people swing based on how well the current government is doing. They are the voters you need to get on side.

Uhh, no. That's how most voters actually behave now.

Even if the government is doing better under opposition, they will pivot and move goalposts to justify voting for whichever tribe they've been voting for.