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Joined 1 years ago

One step closer? Wrong. That line was plenty crossed when he had both his daughter pushing canned Goya goods from the WH, as a Senior Adviser(!?), and his son-in-law working in the Middle East file. Corruption or grifting? Why not a bit from colummn A and B?

You know what would really help? More so then cutting actual food intake?

How about halfing the number of golf courses? Stop using grass and let more natural plants for lawns, stop the use of private planes and also just kill or reduce the Cruise ship industry to a miniscule amount. Plus other shit rich people use that has a disproportionate huge carbon footprint. Find it funny that I never see the news --or rich, holier than thou morons-- pushing for this. Nah, they go after our food. Rich people do not care, they can eventually make beef the price of caviar per weight? Because fuck you and all of us. Why? Well they do not care. They can always pay. Easily.

For example: Bill Gates is the largest farm land owner in the USA now, he and his buddies and his rich clients will all get all the natural milk, beef, pork, chickens, lambs, veal they can eat. You? Eat lentils and maybe crickets or give his lab grown biomilq, to your kids or eat his lab meat, like a good and compliant serf. Don't think, just comply and consume. 'Cause I am sure he ain't touching the stuff himself or is his family. He is not going to be the long term guinea pig. I wouldn't either.

Carbon footprint of food production in the USA is 9% of total. Beef is about 3% of total. So 9 for both beef and crops.

Just the cruise ship industry, for example, is about 3.3% of the world's total carbon footprint. Let's kill that. Also private jet use. They can fly Business class, if they are not hypocrites.

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Objectively? In a lot of trouble. Real world, though? They are one of the largest companies that feeds/works for the American Military Weapons Complex plus they are also among the largest lobbying/donors of the Federal Government. Just behind pharma.

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Klown world.

True. But they did that. Anyway. That is technically Anti-Trust. Thus in essense illegal. That is why uber tried shilling that they are not an employer but merely a service as to seem that they were skimming the Law that they knew they were breaking in Spirit. They aren't stupid. But know many are, so why not exploit them? If we are smart, they thought, they could drive Taxis out of business, be the big dog in the sector and surge price their way into profit. At will. It is not like this type of shit has not been attempted before.

Also, Uber simply transfered the costs of running its fleets, upkeep, maintenance, including most liability and litigation to its drivers. Not to mention that love it or hate it Taxi drivers need to pass some basic level of proficiency, for uber you could be a blatant rapist and as long as you can click on a form for 5 minutes, you are good to go.

That is impressive since the world share for Linux is something below 4%. So the uptake is over double of that of the rest of the world.

Makes sense, when I check new distro/apps videos on YT, something like 70% of them are made by Indian people.

Size of card aside, the notion of getting local provider sims or pay-as-you-go SIMs while traveling has been a thing in Europe for at least 20 years.

Best way, try to be as self-reliant, both as an individual and as a group/family/friends. So it helps to have the same mindset. Quality will always beat quantity in this regard. Not to mention will help make you more content. Ignore happiness, it is a short, fleeing feeling that marketers will exploit. Contentment lasts. Seek that. Worth noting my background was in Marketing before I walked away from it.

So, minimize consumerism, keep it reasonable, ethical and try to grow or make most or at least part of your food. The more the better. Learning how to cook well is a good start. Highly limit social media in general.

I stopped watching TV/cable over a decade ago. I am amused and minimally horrified at ads online and on TV these days. Social media is little different. I would rgue it us far more harmful to your psyche. Especially if you spend too much time on it or to younger minds.

Use uBlock on FF derivatives and you will never see ads. That alone is very worth it, specially over time.

Saving up can be done with things that have value, focus on real world assets. Never too early to start.

Full on Transit app that works well. Most that do are closed sourced and the ones that are open do not work well. A traffic app would be good but that would be very resource intensive. So not holding my breath.

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Of course and what is it that they want you to do? Just cut your food intake, eat lab meat, lab milk, bugs, and live in a shoebox. When food production in the USA is 9% of all carbon emissions. And out of those 9%, less than 3.8% is meat. While the cruise ship industry is 3.3% of total, worldwide.

Meanwhile, our CEO's, their boards, and their extended families, and largest stockholders go on, out on yatchs, zipping around in private jets, go to massive, endless, exorbitant decadent private events and eat whatever they want, whenever they want, because... suck it, pleb.

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It is not impossible for many. It is just not worth the risk of making more dead bodies while trying to retrieve them. So they do not bother. Callous to some but that's reality. Hell, some dead bodies are used as milestones or waypoints for some going up.

There a few though that have been lost over the years. And trying to find them is simply too risky. There was the body of a British lady who you could see a few years ago but no one can see her anymore. Likely just covered in snow/ice.

The few years before social media and the iPhone.

It really comes down to what is your use case. Also, a bit of a mindset change since you have to do a bit more research on some apps yourself, nothing too bad, like checking on the App's Github if they have one, to see issues or bugs. Some of which may apply to you... or not. F-Droid has a link for most apps on their app.

Personally, I removed almost all apps on my phone that have ads and/or improved privacy in one way or another.

I used to use Nova but I found KISS launcher or it's fork TinyBit Launcher much better. Why? Because I do a lot of searches and liked that it is search focused and you can add all types of different searches once you know the proper syntax. From Wikipedia, to Youtube, to Searxng, to Dictionaries or DuckDuckGo, you can add almost all search engines. The app is really, really light on resources and it does what I want it to do.

I dropped all Google products, rooted my phone and removed them off my phone along with Google Play Services. Avoid all apps with any trackers. Albeit I still have a couple that I still need. But it is a great improvement.

Use K9 for mail, OpenVPN in lieu of my VPN provider's app, BraveNewPipe or NewPipe w/Sponsor block for Youtube and other services. Use Mull instead of Firefox, due to being more privacy focused. Eternity for Lemmy, as a, well, Lemmy client.

KDEconnect to send/ping/transfer/control PC's and phones over local Wifi. It's free. Now, I know that many people may not use it, but I set up a Nextcloud Instance on my server and thus have Notes, Maps, RSS reader, File and Bookmarks Sync all through that by using their free apps. All available for free from F-Droid. But you do need a server.

Also, Termux as terminal. You can do lots with it due to all the apps and services you can install and run. I used to run a Searx instance from my phone and I used that to search along with my VPN.

For weather I use either QuickWeather or Geometric Weather, with icons you can get for free from the Playstore.

Internet without full on uBlock Origin is crazy full of ads.

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You are really proving his point, eh? Or are you being silly and trolling him? I seriously cannot tell.

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You know, people can actually stop using most of these apps if they really wanted to. At will.

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Yup. Running it on my home router, right now. It is awesome. A tiny, stripped down OS that you can install minimal packages on. Like a VPN client, or ad-blockers. If your router is compatible, I cannot suggest it enough.

Also, my router's manufacturer had the gall to ask (force) me to sign up and get an ID with them in order to get to the back-end of my own router. Jesus Christ, privacy red flag much?

I could not install OpenWRT fast enough.

Yes. And they know you won't do shit about it. After all, if they stick around, from their perspective, they think you are theirs.

Peaceful and safest? It's Iceland. For 14 years in a row as of 2024. It is also one of the most homogeneous and isolated.

I expect a jump in Linux users, which is of course great news. Albeit in time I expect even more Tech companies to get into the space too, which is not optimal. As I expect them to corrupt a lot of open source projects.

Great for a meme but not so great for in real life: Cthulhu All-Spark

No seed oils. No ultra processed food or drink, or to an utter minimum. I mean, I will always eat a pizza or a bag of chips or something at some point. So, it balances out. Little sugar, since it is already everywhere.

Make everything at home, if possible.

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Gravitational pull in local clusters of galaxies can exist and even contradict larger clusters or the universe as a whole, just in a smaller scale. The passage of time is also localised due to gravitational intensity, too. We know the universe is not expanding at the same rate in different places, as well.

This can happen in sets of complex systems of systems. In your query it somewhat analogous to if you were throwing a ball northbound at 100km/h in a train moving southbound at 50km/h. On a planet circling its star at 107,800 km/h in a total different direction. While the star drags the earth along with other planets in its own orbit in a different direction.


Two reasons.

Average age of the Senate is 64 and for the House is 57.

68 Senators are over 60. Pelosi was 83 when she quit the House.

As of August last year, 15 Senators were over 80. 4 Senators are over 80, 1 is 90+, (D) Dianne Feinstein but she passed on Sept. 29th.

Pelosi will seek another term in 2024 because fuck the younger generations.

"Friend, remember, it is not about the end goal but about the dead bodies of other motivated people you may encounter, along the way. Be wary of the denial that one day, it could be you, who serves the same purpose to those that come after you."

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Who keeps coming up with this bullshit labels? It is like kindergarten.

My advise?

Words only get traction if they are used.

Whether you are short or not, ignore them. Do not use them.

Best way to win at that never ending game is to simply not play.

Maybe he learned from what happened to uBO before the "Origin" label was needed.

This is awesome. Saved. LOL

The story of the diary being stolen and sold is real. Content is what is in question.

Mods? They won't. Most are either Idealogues pushing an agenda for some reason or introvert shut-ins addicted to the tiny bit of power they have.

We all saw them flake out and fold back in July-August at the mere notion of getting replaced.

I am not even mod, never was, and even I got an email to pre-register for their IPO. For some reason. Deadline to pre-register is March 24th, if I recall.

And soon... it will be 4.1%!

He is allowed to have his opinion, of course.

Not a very smart thing to say, given people's take on MLK. Guess he peaked the day before he said this. Specially near MLK Day. Just... Wow.

Hence some addicted to the itch of distro hopping.

Libre Office is pretty good on Linux now. That is what the family uses now. No complains. Points for not being Microsoft's data mill slave.

Fact that they survive shutdowns because they can live and travel in your bookmarks is a great feature. I use Nextcloud Bookmarks and not FF Sync and they work great.

This would be awesome.

For anyone curious and who wants the sauce, here is the link to the actual proposed changes. It is pretty transparent and accessible.

Also, YouTube is a removed to run, hardware wise, they must have farms upon farms of servers everywhere, on top of CND infrastructure. Do not envy their bandwidth bill. Few out there can or could compete, even if they wanted to.