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Joined 12 months ago

Amelia was actually a coconut all the time?

That's how bad it can get without sex-ed.

It's not protestants, it's wacko us pseudo Christian sects that are anything but (but that seem to be dominant in the religious landscape in the US).

People in prison aren't locked up, they're just taking their time to come out.

It's also been decades since I saw one. I think only people that tinker with kernel code get to see it nowadays.

Tvwm ought to be good enough for anyone!

By issuing visas, they could import a cheap workforce that might be willing to work for half of what they pay you. So everyone wins (except you, of course, but you knew that already).

Maybe you should have clicked on 'nvidia repository' in Yast. That's pretty much all there is to it.

In space, nobody hears you whistle.

Coming soon to a news outlet near you!

Do you realise women are even allowed to have a bank account nowadays? Madness!

Insert a 1 euro coin and the skull will sing your favorite hymn.

"I am no longer infected!"

At one point, there were probably enough cross fragments going around to build a house with.

Dentists would love this guy.

Otoh, it would have qualified as a proper crazy adventure.

Just have 2, they're probably not that expensive.

Yes, please don't come to Paris. It's crowded enough as it is. Also we're all very rude.

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Paris is 80% people from the rest of the country. Which their former neighbours promply hate as soon as they move there.

It's traditional.

Probably something to do with the weather. We'll never know...

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I saw a thing on some US people welding fucking whistles in their car's exhausts so that they could annoy as many people as possible. Apparently it's legal in some places there.

So, this has two barrels, but you can only fire it once.

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What's a visine?

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Firing it a second time with a broken wrist strikes me as a terrible idea.

Tools that maim you when you use them may well be poorly designed. But maybe that's just me.

Oohhh. Ok. Makes much more sense. Thanks.

Just staple Post-Its to regular tyres.

Doesn't the old testament acknowledge the existence of the other gods of the region? The Hebrew's god tells them not to worship the other gods but only him. They're not presented as false gods, more as opponents.

Jim had left?

Authoritarian capitalism is not the most effective form of capitalism. It is the most effective for those that are already on top, but for the market as a whole (and especially for the society around that market), it's going to be worse in the long run.

Well, yeah, but screw those guys. They're not the ones that are supposed to benefit from the system anyway.

That's by design.

But it looks so happy!

It's not fully sandboxed if it can write to my screen! That filthy app, writing stuff all over the place!

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Oh, he meant the previous civil war.

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Apple puts out a product, Apple users buy the product. Nothing to figure out.

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Great, a new thing for the lunatics to rant about.

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That's when you make do with WiFi.

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My version is 20240107. Apple has some catching up to do.

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I get it. If you can't even get wasted on free booze, what's the point of even going to Trump events?

They never complained afterwards.

You're thinking of the bad kind of death panels. Those are the good kind of death panels, obviously.

The US system is a source a bewilderment to the rest of us.

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Ah, surprise transitioning. Very fashionable.