1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This has probably nothing to do with the browser in this case. YT is A/B testing this, which makes reproduction harder as they slowly roll it out.

Firefox with uBlock, what are ads?

One word of advice. Document the steps you do to deploy things. If your hardware fails or you make a simple mistake, it will cost you weeks of work to recover. This is a bit extreme, but I take my time when setting things up and automate as good as possible using ansible. You don't have to do this, but the ability to just scrap things and redeploy gives great peace of mind.

And right now you are reluctant to do this because it's gonna cost you too much time. This should not be the case. I mean, just imagine things going wrong in a year or two and you can't remember most things you know now. Document your setup and write a few scripts. It's a good start.

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The problem is, the libraries and SDK used to build the app will have had vulnerabilities for sure. Same for the underlying image (unless scratch / distroless). We run extensive vulnerability scanning in our pipelines, and Go libs occasionally pop up. The Go SDK also had multiple security fixes in the last year.

Awesome, thank you for taking the time to include so many details. I can see myself easily building the aforementioned plywood+foam sandwich platform, sounds like a more solid platform to put the NAS case on (mid tower).

The subwoofer feet also look fun, I remember reading about them back in the reddit days. After revisiting my notes and the post, there were some concerns about harmonic vibrations and oscillations from the drive having an negative impact. But reading it again, I don't think that this will be a problem.

I think I'll start with the feet and see how they perform while I source the plywood and foam. Maybe there are also some foam / rubber mounts for the disks themselves, I should be able to find suitable one as it's a more common problem to have.

Do you have recommendations for how I should best measure the results? Preciously I looked into the raw acceleration data to see how strong the vibrations are, and then I looked into the spectrum to find the vibration frequencies. All with consumer / noob friendly tools (phyphox), hoping that the change will be measurable and the results - meaningful.

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I was considering getting a mirrorless camera and a compact lens setup for traveling with my family. After a week of researching I stayed with my phone. It's a huge pita (especially once you consider post processing) and the only situations where you will really need one is low light or evening pictures, and nature photography.

So no, hauling a dslr and 3kg of lens is not really a solution, especially with a kid in one arm. My phone is several years old (Oneplus 7 Pro) and the only thing I wish it had was modern camera and software to match.

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The best test I have is my wife complaining, that ads in Google results cannot be opened. It seems to work flawlessly for me 😂

On a more serious note, what tests are these? The thing is, the ad domain is either in the blocklist or not. Ads inside apps are hard to block (I even have adaway on my android, and some slip through as eg Instagram reuses the backend domains/endpoints for ad delivery).

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Same. I buy all my domains there. And in case someone needs a proper API and support for the dns challenge, host your DNS at DeSEC.

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Tell me you don't live in Germany without telling me you don't live in Germany :D

Symfonium is great, it supports a bunch of sources and works really well. Absolutely worth supporting the dev (check his ko-fi too)!

LDAC is lossy.

Same, I have a bunch of "inbox" folders and drop files into my server or desktop from my phone with 3 clicks.

And remember, friends don't let friends use latest. Pin the versions in your manifests and version control everything.

I personally stepped away from compose. You mentioned that you want a more declarative setup. Give Ansible a try. It is primarily for config management, but you can easily deploy containerized apps and correlate configs, hosts etc.

I usually write roles for some more specialized setups like my HTTP reverse proxy, the arrs etc. Then I keep everything in my inventory and var files. I'm really happy and I really can tear things down and rebuild quickly. One thing to point out is that the compose module for Ansible is basically unusable. I use the docker container module instead. Works well so far and it keeps my containers running without restarting them unnecessarily.

Look for 5W idle consumption boards + CPU combos which go down to package C6+ state. HardwareLuxx has a spreadsheet with various builds focusing on low power. Sell half your disks, go mirror or Raidz1. Invest the difference in off-site vps and or backup. Storage on any SBC is a big pain and you will hit the sata connector / IO limits very soon.

The small NUC form factors are also fine, but if your problem is power you can go very low with a good approach and the right parts. And you'll make up for any new investments within the first year.

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I'm using FF tab groups and Sideberry, other than the occasional link getting opened in the wrong group I haven't had issues. I really need to test Chrome and it's profiles to see what the fuss is all about :D

You don't need 8 drives when they are 8 times larger than your current ones. I went from planning for 5+ drives to just downsizing to two drives in mirror. Then I can expand with another mirror.

Unless you need uptime and want to guarantee an SLA for your own services, you are much better off with a mirror or raidz1. Do regular backups (off-site, incremental) and don't fear the disk failure.

I've been a bit busy so I haven't had the time to figure out what and how much I need to compensate so the sensor data is more useful. One of the sensors seems to be detecting something reminiscent of a sine curve, so this will involve some extra high school math to find a function to cancel it out. Busy dad etc, maybe next week. In the mean time I started putting together the case and ordered the springy subwoofer legs. Here is how a simple plot of the raw acceleration looks like.

It's obvious which one is the before and after. The second one even includes two trains arriving back to back.

Now I need to figure out a few things:

  1. repeatable experiment (hammer? dropping something heavy from the same height?)

  2. make the Z-axis reading more useful and compare velocities

  3. add some foam/plywood and rubber feet on the disks

the after-graph shows barely any noticeable vibrations

I'm wondering, now that you've seen the app, do you have some practical advice on how to measure the difference without having to spend a few hours researching and refreshing on high school physics? It seems that my only option is to run the "Acceleration without g" experiment and work on the csv export.

A probably naive approach would be to filter out values below a certain threshold (a 'low pass filter' of sorts to deal with a noisy sensor) and then try to meaningfully sum the acceleration by time period. But just as I wrote this I realized that I can't simply sum a few values from several rows and call it a day.

The article you linked explained the idea behind the pseudo velocity well, I'm wondering if I can.. "sum the area" (assuming interpolated data) under the various measurement points. Without completely nerding out and investing too much time :D My sensor seems to have a rate of 200Hz, so it should be good for measuring vibrations up to 100Hz.

Edit, it's integrals, right? This is actually exciting, haven't touched math since university. Also here's an example of how the acceleration graph looks like when the phone is on the heating / radiator (more or less worst case): Screenshot from phyphox with acceleration sensor data

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I know what you mean. Most people mean well, some are a bit too aggressive, but probably also mean well. I honestly sometimes roll my eyes when I start reading about tailscale, cloudflare tunnels etc. The main thing is not to expose anything you don't absolutely need to expose.

For access from the outside the most you should need is a random high port forwarded for ssh into a dedicated host (can be a VM / container if you don't have a spare RaspberryPi). And Wireguard on a host which updates the server package regularly. So probably not on your router, unless the vendor is on top of things.

Regarding ansible and documenting, I totally get your point. Ten years ago I was an absolute Linux noob and my flatmate had to set up an IRC bouncer on my RPi. It ran like that for a few years and I dared not touch anything. Then the SD card died and took down the bouncer, dynDNS and a few other things running on it.

It takes me a lot of time to write and test my ansible playbooks and custom roles, but every now and then I have to move services between hosts. And this is an absolute life saver. Whenever I'm really low on time and need to get something up and running, I write down things in a readme in my infra repository and occasionally I would go through my backlog when I have nothing better to do.

This, just pgdump properly and test the restore against a different container. Bonus points for spinning as new app instance and checking if it gets along with the restored db.

I wish this was an option for Europe. Once you slap VAT and shipping, you end up paying more than for new disks. :(

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Wifi pretty much excludes k*s and I assume that swarm and Nomad would be impacted by blips in the wireless connectivity. You can try how things work out with a load balancer / reverse proxy on a wired connection, which then checks the downstream services and routes the request to available instances.

Please look into Wifi-specific issues related to the various orchestration platforms before deciding to try one out. Hypervisor is usually a win win, until you try to do failover.

For the physical hosts / bare metal I use fluentbit, with Loki as the backend. Grafana for visualization and alerts. This gives me utilization metrics and uptime monitoring. The app containers themselves I do not monitor.

Running ZFS on consumer SSDs is absolute no go, you need datacenter-rated ones for power loss protection. Price goes brrrrt €€€€€

I too had an idea for a ssd-only pool, but I scaled it back and only use it for VMs / DBs. Everything else is on spinning rust, 2 disks in mirror with regular snapshots and off-site backup.

Now if you don't care about your data, you can just spin up whatever you want in a 120€ 2TB ssd. And then cry once it starts failing under average load.

Edit: having no power loss protection with ZFS has an enormous (negative) impact on performance and tanks your IOPS.

Do you happen to have some resources or links re sshfs? Once I found an app which supports mounting over sshfs but it is barely documented and iirc required passwordless ssh keys to work :(

Just in case you missed this, you can issue valid HTTPS Certificates with the DNS challenge. I use LetsEncrypt, DeSEC and Traefik, but any other supported provider with Lego (CLI) would work.

Do you have any recommendations or good to go config for openvpn+android? I used my regular setup / config and somehow the VPN client I used didn't like it. I am not sure if it's that (there are some legacy / unsupported config settings which never clients don't tend to support) or I messed up somehow.

Anyway, I would be grateful for some pointers or a link on setting up the client and server config correctly.

I am seeding 70 torrents on a private tracker, most of it some niche stuff. It's getting downloaded, but I have 0.00 seeded across all 70 torrents. I have no port forwarding. 1 + 1 = you need proton / airvpn.

How does this work, some loophole or a business customer? You can drop some info in a private message if you don't f feel like posting in public. Re server part deals, I am not sure if this is always the case, but the current selection of disks is 90% helium (Exos etc) HDDs, a few IronWolfs which are too large (20TB) and basically that's it. My DIY NAS is unfortunately in the apartment and I'm reluctant to try He disks due to the intensive sound profile.