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Joined 7 months ago

It’s probably just your tax pennies unfortunately, your tax dollars are still going to the army and such.

Pretty sure if it just “accidentally hit your dick”, you can just quickly wash it off without having to be aftraid of any infections. If you were pounding that chicken for a half hour on the other hand…

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According to the gnome website ( gnome still uses a software cursor. Only KDE of all wayland projects has a hardware cursor with NVIDIA, while it AMD has it everywhere.

This one might have been, but a few seasons later you have “The Cissy”, probably the most trans-supportive episode they made.

lol same, pretty much like this lol

The thing is, “unskilled” jobs have a huge worker pool. Just about anyone can do it. Perhaps not that well, but it doesn’t matter much how well you do it for most of these jobs. Take a cashier. At best you might be twice as effective as the “normal worker”. Then compare that to what people call “skilled jobs”. Say a civil engineer. Here, your “normal worker” straight up can’t do it without years of training, and failure costs lives. For this reason, “skilled jobs” have a tiny worker pool and of those, only a few are adequate. It’s only natural that these few would ask for and receive a much larger pay. That’s not to say that “unskilled workers” shouldn’t be paid a living wage, but in a capitalist world, they will always be paid less.

Back in my day people worked 16h days everyday and had no time for math or computers. And that was JUST FINE.

If you’re using X11, you can use xkill:

You can bind it to a key in gnome/kde (not sure how they handle custom keybinds. Otherwise add a call to xbindkeys to your .bashrc or equivalent). It kills any window you want, responsive or not.

As for the terminal, I don’t think you can send SIGKILL, but ctrl + \ will result in a core dump if you’re using bash.

I have one tab per email account. A few for github issues I’m waiting to be fixed. One which is some random search I just use as reminder. None of which I have closed in months. I literally have a script to boot them up on my second monitor everytime I boot my pc.

Maybe not in proper Quebecois, but I feel like most people here use the é/è sounds interchangably. Take “Il prétend” for example. It feels like that accent could be either é or è and people would still pronounce it the same.

Well that’s the point. I know what cuck can mean in that context now because it was mentionned and I was able to look it up. If everyone wants to hide what the other words are because “it’s so obvious you’re an idiot for not knowing them”, how am I supposed to recognize them in the wild? As it is I’ll probably just hear some fancy new term and assume they’re educated.

As for the paywall, maybe you weren’t against it yourself but the other comments that were agaisnt it got downvoted, though perhaps it wasn’t the sole reason.

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The amount of force needed to deflect a large object is much smaller than to stop it. In fact, if done over a large enough distance, a tiny amount of force is sufficient.

Need an example? Imagine your big brother is skating down a slope. Could you block him, head on? Probably not. But what if your sister, who was skating next to him, were to slightly steer him out of the way so that he doesn’t hit you?

As an alternative, you can also slow him down over a long distance, requiring the same(?) force but applied in a smaller amount, longer.

God I loved that show, kinda sad it got cancelled so early.

Maybe their original intention was for thing to just be a hand, but they just didn’t have the technology/budget for it.

Not just tabarnak, something like half of what he says is swears. There are so many people like him around here, even worse in rural Quebec.

Is there any reason to use :w other than it being the default? I have mine mapped to CTRL-S and it makes sure to keep me in insert mode if I was in insert mode. Feels way faster and easier to spam than the 4 key presses it takes to execute “:w”.

Not anymore though. 10 years ago, sure, but now you’re forced to either bundle it with phone and cable for a reasonable price(for internet, you’re still buying 2 other things you might not need) or buy the minimum of 60mbps at a premium. And this is in a town of 500 people half an hour away from the nearest city. 15 years ago there was straight up no internet there.

I was looking for the ones mentionned in the study I couldn’t read. I ended up looking them up as you said and that did the job too I suppose.

Which is exaxtly what I said, that it’s fast enough for most use cases.

In theory though, you will “gain performance” by rewriting it (well) in C for literally anything. Even if it’s disk/io, the actual time spent in your code will be lower, while the time spent in kernel mode will be just as long.

For example, you are running a server which reads files and returns data based on said files. The act of reading the file won’t be much faster, but if written in C, your parsers and actual logic behind what to do with the file will be.

But it’s as you said, this actual tiny performance gain isn’t worth it over development/resource cost most of the time.

I’m slightly claustrophobic, but it has never impacted my life. Elevator? Fine. Tiny closet? Fine. But a cave where you have to crawl for more than a few seconds? I’d die right there.

Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. The game is awesome, great lore and story, great combat, great enemy design and much more. However, while the first ulcerated tree spirit is kinda cool. The 10th, isn’t as much.

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Too be fair I too was looking for something of a list. Of the few words mentionned in the comments, I only knew about cuck and I thought it was a fetish thing.

I’m not too sure why people on here tend to exaggerate the slightest of things. One can simply be curious, you know.

And I don’t know why everyone is defending the paywall. I thought lemmy was leftist and leftists were agaisnt this kind of thing. Especially since most papers, if not all, are partially or fully funded by taxpayer money.

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How are they ignorant? It’s a known fact that java is slow, at least slower than some others. Sure, it’s still fast enough for 95% of use cases, but most code will run faster if written in, say, C. Will have 10x the amount of code and twice as many bugs though.

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