Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature to – 772 points –
Finally! Mozilla Firefox is Bringing in Tab Grouping Feature

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powertabs will give you vertical, grouping, search, sorting, and some rules behaviour

Does it mimic the functionality of chrome group tabs perfectly?

I would say its superior. You can create and add tabs to groups. expand and collapse them. make rules for certain sites to auto open in a group you made. sort based on url or name or last used. rename them. move the groups around visually. I do use it with the vertical tab view and tend to ignore the top bar though so it may depend on your usage.

It seems a bit too much like glorified bookmarks to me. I'm glad you find it useful though :)

I mean you can say that about any tab add on really. You could mostly get it from some sort of auto bookmarking add on that additionally updated it based on browsing within a domain maybe and auto discarding on close although it still would nto quite be there because it would discard to much if you kept several tabs for a domain. I mean it might be able to recognize multiple tabs and save the bookmarks alright but the auto reaping I bet would mess up.

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