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Joined 12 months ago


Spider-Man 2 (the Sam Rami movie one) is almost a totally different game.

There is also a ton of between-consoles differences from the SNES/Genesis generation, where games with the same title are sometimes radically different. Jurassic Park, Star Trek TNG, and the Power Rangers brawler come to mind.

You should check out the app directory at There are a bunch of selfhosted solutions for what you're looking for, be they all in one or micro services.

Ingress and egress costs are real and those assholes attached images to their spam. Hundreds of posts coming in at 700kb a pop does damage if you're relying on a cloud provider to store your shit. Then, it gets accessed by all your users.

Billing alarms go bing bing bing.

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We will continue to use Bugzilla, moz-phab, Phabricator, and Lando.

Although we'll be hosting the repository on GitHub, our contribution workflow will remain unchanged and we will not be accepting Pull Requests at this time.

The cool thing about distributed version control is that it's distributed. It sounds like GitHub will just be a public remote, rather than the place where active development happens.

They understand that git is a Distributed Version Control System, right?

Preface: I appreciate the sentiment, fuck Microsoft.

  1. Projects typically aren't "hosted" on code repositories like GitHub.
  2. Because the underlying version control technology, git, is meant to be distributed - it's super weird to draw that line in the sand. It's like saying "show me TXT files written with SublimeText, I hate Notepad++!"
  3. I get that you might want to, like, judge a developer for using github? But, like... features are features. Build minutes are build minutes. If you fork a repo and use GitLab to manage it, does that make the project better?
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totally ignoring matters such as their usage stats

The author asked multiple devs about these things - they all had the same reply: Can't talk about it because NDA.

more importantly the content itself that is now flat-out missing from Reddit. Go to any old thread and you’ll see the “this content has been removed by” (whichever of the automated software to remove posts was used in that case) messages.

That's not the stated objective of the article, which was "Exploring Reddit’s third-party app environment."

Honestly it reads like a shill to promote Reddit as in “hey, all that fuss was for nothing - you should totally come back now”.

No, it doesn't. You don't call it an "APIcalypse" if you're shilling for Reddit. You don't pull out the most critical quote right at the top if you want to shill for Reddit. ("I don’t believe Reddit’s leadership... cares about developers anymore.") You don't mention Lemmy, or Threads, or Tildes if you're shilling for Reddit.

You admit that you're biased; good, thank you. This article isn't.

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Basically any 2-letter TLD should be avoided unless you live in that country.

If you want to be clever, use subdomains and pick one of the new TLDs. For instance,, is like $5.

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Should people be able to (down/)vote in communities they dont subscribe?


If your admins consider down-voting an act of hostility, maybe they should disable down-voting on the instance. Did they consider the possibility that those accounts they banned were bilingual, and simply prefer to interact in English?

Without the context of the post, the actors, etc. it's hard to justify a position other than, "this is working as intended." Randos bulk downvoted a post, the spike in downvotes prompted mod action. Everyone got to participate and suffer the consequences of their participation.

Krita looks nice.

"We don't know how to rate limit our API or set billing alarms in the AWS console."

Did you read the article? What are you trying to say?

Just after Summer Game Fest finished, the anti-woke gamers found a new target: a report at IGN, which credibly and comprehensively lays out a history of sexism at the developer of upcoming Planet-of-the-Apes-meets-Sekiro action game Black Myth: Wukong. The response – surprise! – was to go after the woman who wrote it, while also spinning up a ludicrous conspiracy theory that IGN was blackmailing the developer.

Targeted harassment of a journalist isn't, "reviewing products poorly." I went to go find an example of exactly what was being slung their way, but they took their whole profile private.

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If they are a good citizen of the Fediverse

They haven't been a good citizen of the internet, why would you even give them a chance?

Because fuck Lars Ulrich.

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A fad? No, definitely not. TypeScript brings features (and structure) that will /should probably make their way into JS.

It's sort of like asking, "does SASS replace CSS" or "is liquid the next HTML?" They're just implementations of features FE developers want in the core spec of JS, CSS, and HTML.

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In terms of what services do the most:

In terms of user activity:

As the admin of I would have thought my position on that subject would be clear.

For those who don't know: GNU Image Manipulation Program.

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Multiple prompts lead to the same response. No variance.

Q. Let’s make a distinction between cell phone and smartphone. Which one do you think is more appropriate?

A. A non-smartphone, that is, a cell phone like the ones that today’s parents had when we were young and with which we made calls and sent text messages, was enough for us, and it did not cause addiction.

Text messaging was absolutely addicting, and had the distinction of being one of the very first forms of always-on, instant-access bullying. Osorio seems blind to the detrimental implications of her own experience.

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The customer was UniSuper, a $125B Superfund. It was not the confused Grandma in the thumbnail.

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Except for the only one I'd want:

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"Conflict-free Replicated Data Type."

That might just be how it looks when you cram a foreign language into Google Translate for images

In sea of thieves, the noob skins either mean you're a total day one noob, or a fucking superpirate who's flag means death.

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Had they not influenced the propagation of insane bullshit, how many more Republicans would be dead right now?

Unraid is a wonderful OS that will let you explore the world of containerized applications and however many VMs you feel like configuring. Spin up and spin down whatever as you please. Terraria. Valheim. Starbound. CounterStrike.

First thing, though: you're going to want your whole goddamn network hooked through that thing. Run CAT 6. Do it right. Buy a Uninterruptible Power Supply that can keep that server humming through the first 10 minutes of a blackout (to gracefully shut down).

Time to look at things like Tailscale, Pihole, Plex. If you're going to run Minecraft then Google "Paper MC". You can replace Google Docs with nextcloud. Play D&D? It's Foundry time. Roll your own Lemmy. Roll your own Mastodon. (Back up your volumes.) Host your own website. Host other people's websites. (Back up your volumes elsewhere.)

All the people in the selfhosting and homelab communities will tell you what to do with that beef.

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Mostly nothing. The Unicode Consortium isn't run by the US government. Neither is ANSI nor IEEE. The IETF and ISO are international bodies technically headquartered in Switzerland. FIPS picks standards, it doesn't author them.

Congratulations, you're already living in a world where "smart people [are] working for other smart people."

Wait hang on...

did not blow up, it faded, with its oriental counterpart well-flourishing for 10 centuries after that

How long do you think a century is? Did you mean to say decade? Even then, the US wasn't really a global superpower until the 1940s. There are people still alive that remember the Dust Bowl. If your question is, "what happens to regulatory standards 100 years after the US is gone," I'm not sure what quality of answer you're expecting.

For someone who doesn't want "chud shit," you sure do leave some pretty huge doors open for it. Especially when you don't go into any detail of what these regulatory bodies do. It reminds me of 14 year olds loudly declaring "I don't want any drama..." before "...but I think Becky got mouth herpes from blowing Steve at band camp."

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TLDR - Threads made Facebook-y decisions right out of the gate.

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Fucking hell. Teach me more money spells, wizard.

(I already know about Scotty Time, framing sexy upgrades as "tech debt reduction," and fending off trendy frameworks as "lacking maturity.")

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It's right there in the sidebar.

Websites with ineffective moderation allow hate speech to proliferate and contribute to the erosion of minority rights and safe spaces. Our goal with Beehaw is to demonstrate and promote a healthier environment.

Yeah that's the thing, you don't have to install anything. You just have to figure out how unity "phones home" and spoof the traffic 100 times a second.

Mastodon gets mastocucked!

Hey fuck this trash and fuck OP for posting it.

100% do both in order. Can't go backwards for both story and gameplay reasons.

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Criticizing China on goes about as well as evangelizing crypto on Join an instance that shares your values or roll your own. Know your audience or get the hammer.

It's like a huge chunk of the population out here has never experienced a forum before.

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Prabhakar Raghavan is Search Engine syphilis.

It's called job security, bro.

Are you... slurring your words?

I don't think the USA is at the point where we should all worry about arbitrary arrests.
