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Joined 11 months ago

And that nobody.... Cambridge Analytica!

That's a really cool one kiwi bro!

No deal peasant. Best I can do is 5 12 hour days.

Does it need to be in that order?

5 more...

Yeap I did that one. Last night it was the full history of Pan Am.

Works well in Summit. When you try to just show the image it shows the full height image but you can pinch to zoom in.

And if you actually open the post with comments it's nicely zoomed already to fit width:

At my age I just assume anything I don't know is sexual.

7 more...

This is extremely cool.

Because of the federated nature of Lemmy many instances might be scanning the same images. I wonder if there might be some way to pool resources that if one instance has already scanned an image some hash of it can be used to identify it and the whole AI model doesn't need to be rerun.

Still the issue of how do you trust the cache but maybe there's some way for a trusted entity to maintain this list?

12 more...

Can you imagine an "intelligence" trained on Facebook posts?

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I don't think there really were 54k MAUs in the first place. It took me a few goes to find the right instance for me. Through some fedi drama I've had to move "home instance" last month. So last month I probably got counted as 2 MAUs.

But this month I've only been using this account.

When was having DDoS issues (are they still?) a lot of people made alts or moved completely and those would all be double counted.

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You're pressing the tab key for auto completion right?

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*all cities

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HP anything really.

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I've seen Retards instead of Regards at the end of emails. Kinda changes the tone of everything before it.

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Gonna need some privacy

We went to Japan last year and they have a fast food chain called MOS burger. The food looked exactly like the menu pictures... It was amazing! Plump and delicious.

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I prefer the term "renaissance man".

To be fair there are now off the shelf ai solutions available which were simply impossible 10 or even 5 years ago.

How old are you now?

20 more...

They meant funny "different", not funny "haha".

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There's no way those 2 are in their 40s... Or maybe "just". Not enough little lines around the eyes.

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"What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?"

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Such rizz for a jballer!

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I did Electronic Engineering in the 90s and HP stuff was amazing. The HP oscilloscopes were unreal. My trusty HP 48GX calculator still works 30 years later. HP built the best calculators ever made. (TI people have no idea what they're missing).

And even their laserjet series of printers were behemoths that lasted decades.

It makes me literally sick how shit they are now as a company.

I have a pretty advanced setup. Big dual xeon server with 40TB of drives. Dockerized everything running radarr, medusa, deluge, jackett, vpn etc. I'm a pixel snob and love the 4k remuxes with lossless Dolby sound for my Atmos speaker setup.

BUT I read about stremio toreentio and RD a few times here in this community and thought I'd install it on my NVIDIA shield.

And we use it ALL THE TIME!

It's just so easy even for someone with my hugely automated setup.

It's perfect for anything you're probably only going to watch once.

The Sopranos, The Wire, Better call Saul... Yeah download it cause I rewatch it often.

Fboy Island or whatever guilty pleasure reality tv garbage... Stremio it is.

1917 or The Godfather. Download highest quality. Legally Blonde for movie night with my daughter .. stremio.

It's a great little app and setup.

25 more...

"These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West."

Bloody hell mate. A little bit of warning before so casually dropping Java Spring out there.

Do you have write permission on the file?

At university in the 90s some friends and I ran our own Linux server. It was a 486 or early Pentium and we hooked it up to the university network in a post grad student's office who was happy to just keep it running under his desk.

We even got the campus sysadmins to give us a proper edu domain name. It was a more open and different time and ethernet still meant coax cables with T connectors and terminators.

We were running pre v1 kernel on slackware and it was all installed from floppies. We used it as a web server, coded and played muds, read newsgroups and mail etc. I think tin and pine etc. we easily had 20 users using it from the computer labs.

Anyways the computer kept dying or freezing occasionally. Still early Linux. And the office where it was kept wasn't always open and we didn't have a key.

Being electronic engineering students we built a whole circuit with a PIC controller which plugged into the parallel port. We wrote a watchdog daemon which would keep pinging this dongle. And the firmware on the PIC would check for these pings.

If the server died the pings would stop and the dead man's switch dongle was wired directly into the hardware reset button of the PC.

Worked like a charm for 4 years. And apparently worked for another 5 or 6 after I left.

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Great BBC documentary about this from years ago:

Definitely shows this is the most humane way to kill people if you needed to.

However the tldw is that the suffering and painfulness of executions are basically the point for many. These sick fucks see it as punishment. "A painless death would not be justice"

Don't need some zombie child coming back years from now on a revenge arc.

Huge sneaker orders coming out of Russia. Huuuuge!

Shout out to the silent generation making some moves during COVID!

Why "unfortunately"? Surely there's minimal security risk in having solitaire installed? And surely your workplace treats people like adults who can responsibly manage their own time and workload?

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That's ridiculous. People have been buying light bulbs based on Watts for around a century and understand that higher W means brighter and more power.

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Yeah exactly. The desktop stats are the way they are because of business machines mostly needing to run Ms Office. And no, open office etc is no substitute for excel. Yes maybe the most basic of spreadsheets but there are some monster sheets out there in most businesses which use excel only functionality.

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If it's unclear it's a yes.

For some of us with smaller bladders it can be a problem. Installing the app has been a game changer going to the movies. Tells you the best times to go pee and not miss anything.

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Go ask on lemmygrad. Kinda serious.