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Joined 1 years ago

Love Day9, have been following him since the dailies, with Monday as highlight of the week. Stuck around for Mostly Walking, which he still does. Also, at least once a year I rewatch the three VODs of Day9 teaching itmeJP The Build, The Pause, and voidrays… gets me everytime.

With that money you could buy yourself a default search engine position at Apple.

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Snowboarders like you are such chill dudes. I never was much of a skater as a kid tho I did pick up snowboarding. Last week I strapped my board again, it’s been at least 9 years, was nervous about it as I am not as flexible as I used to (am 38 now) and this kid comes up and says: “Huck Knife! Nice board dude!” Made my day. Made me loose my anxiety and learned that I still knew how to ride.

I really don’t understand people who don’t close tabs. I start with a fresh browser window multiple times per day.

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On a drunk Thursday night out noticed my bike wasn’t where I thought I left it. Decided to steal a bike myself on my way home. A week later, again on Thursday night, ran into this girl and had a great time. She didn’t have a bike so I offered to bring her home. While getting closer to her house, I started to recognise the area… this is where I stole the bike. Asked her what happened to hers (legit question, everybody has a bike in the Netherlands) . Told me hers got stolen the week before. I started to feel awkward when we stopped exactly at the place where I had stolen the bike. Apparently this was where she lived. Told her this was where I grabbed a bike a week before. She looked at the bike, and I shit you not, it was hers. I hooked up with the girl that I stole a bike from. Fast forward a year and a half later, decided I do not believe in “Meant to be” shit and broke up with her. Some time later I meet a different girl, the love of my live… this is 20 years ago now, we’re now expecting our first kid.

Has to be The Matrix. Was 13 or 14 at the time of release, marketing around it was very mysterious. Obviously my childmind was blown during opening scene!

Was gonna say, 1st and 2nd should be switched

I had those moments multiple times. I remember thinking the same about International Karate on the Amiga. Then my mind was blown with Street Fighter II, Max Payne was one for sure as mentioned elsewhere and let’s not forget Carmageddon, which got a little bit too realistic. Graphics technology developed so fast, you can’t compare it to today’s upgrades. As I’m older now 10 year old games still feel “new” to me.

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I see your SoF and raise you a Heretic/Hexen revival

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Ah yes, the Tool pop-up. When console.log just quite doesn’t cut it

My rate has just gone up if someone wants to hire me for exposure.

Microprose, now there’s a name I haven’t in a while.

checks wiki aside from the brand, it has nothing to do with Sid’s old company.

Oh Bose? I mean it can be an upgrade, but wait until you buy actual good headphones.

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Oof that hit me right in the nostalgia, now that I think of it, I realise it was from the same studio that did Wing Commander which also had quite the cast.

Fun fact: in Dutch a knife is a “mes”

We only have rights to the characters, not the games

How does that work? Gregg didn’t create original characters here.

Sounds like a villain origin story

Could you elaborate? You’re saying you’re going to google for programming issues, but at the same time devs don’t do SEO?

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Same, the “what is the Matrix” marketing was so mysterious and effective.

Sounds like you might want to add some sort of terms of agreement to your estimates. I built sites that never saw the light of day, but that is entirely up to the client. A site not being live doesn’t mean my client doesn’t need to pay me.

Lenny indeed lacks some casual fucks, almost every thread has some extreme opinions. I had someone unironically try to explain to me why it would be beneficial to the human race to go extinct.

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Bad? In what sense?

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So first you say: Don’t bear children. And now you’re trying to counteract my point by saying: think of the children… I’m positive you didn’t even read beyond my first sentence. Cause I’m literally saying we need to get our shit together.

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Didn’t knew Commandos was gonna come back, great news

Although Metzen is back, Blizzard will never be the Blizzard of old. They are just too big now. I am very curious to see what Morheim will bring to the table though.

Ah ok, yeah you need to have some luck at the start. Once you unlock more decks it gets easier. And every once in a while it just clicks and numbers go up!

That reads like a direct transcript.

It has the same hypnotic effect Vampire Survivors had on me. I still hear the original music in my head sometimes.

I am not sure you know what you are talking about. How is react the factor here of making it 500 MB?

At first I thought it was a Lemmy problem, but lemmy.ml doesn't have this problem. @ruud@lemmy.world It's a lemmy.world problem indeed.

Every time I read these posts I can't help but be sceptical: It's bots, bots everywhere.

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The Neverhood doesn’t get a mention? Actual piece of art.

Missed it. Are there any VODs?

Leave the earth for whom then? No one? Everything else but humanity? It’s such a destructive and pessimistic take. And no, we are not gonna get along then. I have a bit more faith in humanity and our intuitive ability to adapt.

Ah you’re a fellow Heroes of the Storm enjoyer?

Wait until they found my GitHub repositories.

You need a lot of words to correct yourself, you may sound smart, to me you sound like a hypocrite. let me go ahead and try to summarize, what you actually try to say is: we should bear less children, instead of your first statement no children at all. On that we can agree.

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Oh no, I’m saying on a scale big enough micro plastics don’t matter. But you are missing my point, we DO need to take care of microplastics, because we want to repopulate… the poster I’m replying to is trying to convince us not to bear children. Edgy, but also quite stupid.

“Bad for the environment” means “Bad for us humans”, nature will take care of itself, just not in a human scale lifespan. So not populating because of the environment doesn’t make sense. Why have a better environment for humans if there are no humans? I’m not saying we don’t need to look after the environment, on the contrary, we need to better ourselves and the environment because otherwise we go extinct anyway.

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