3 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Discord is VERY different from link/thread aggregators/forums such as Reddit and Lemmy. I just don't understand subreddits that move to Discord.

/r/buildapcsales/ has an official Discord server now, and it just sucks compared to Reddit's format.

Also, Discord doesn't show up in search results for if people are trying to find an answer for something. And the search in the Discord servers sucks for this kind of thing as well.

Elaborating on /r/buildapcsales specifically with earlier comment:

Using the search in the subreddit lets you see what the price is usually on sale at, and around what time of year. Sometimes the current sale isn’t worth buying. People would comment in the threads mentioning that.

You can also read everyone’s comments on that specific product in either the current thread or the old ones to see if it’s worth buying or not for yourself.

Do note that a lot of these have 30-100 comments that are helpful for users to read.

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I really don't understand why schools have this rule (at least in many places in the US). Are they trying to teach you to not practice self defense and just let it happen? Doesn't sound like a great thing to teach.

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I wish there were more non-gendered restrooms.

The one's I've been to usually has shared sinks and has stalls that fully enclosed, as in you can't look under the stall. Most restrooms in the US, you can see under the stall in front and from an adjacent stall.

And the urinals is usually in a separate area of the restrooms.

12 more...

No issues with:

  • Firefox+ uBlock Origin (PC)
  • Freetube (PC)
  • NewPipe (Android)
  • SmartTube (Android/Google TV)
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"Think of the children" is such a dumb excuse that people keep using in the US to pass laws that restricts citizens and are anti-privacy.

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You can download a self updating apk from Signal's official website

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Defrosting my windows so that I can actually see to drive

Also, connecting my phone via bluetooth to play music or podcasts

It's a conspiracy theory regarding the internet being mainly bots

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Ever since the Reddit exodus, so many people joined Lemmy who just assumes everyone lives in the US.

"My rent is only $----/mo". In what currency? A lot of countries use $.

I noticed that sometimes comments asking "What currency?" or "What country?" gets downvoted even though the original post / comment isn't obvious that they are talking specifically about US :(

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Isn't this a separate package not part of the Linux kernel? I don't see why Linus would have to get involved.

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Guess that depends on where you live

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There is also ddns-updater which I like to use in docker

I also wonder if Mastodon could be more integrated with Lemmy would that improve things.

This won't happen. The Lemmy dev does not want Mastodon to be integrated into Lemmy. They say that plenty of other fediverse software already has this implemented, and that Lemmy doesn't need to reinvent what other software does.

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Did you update your public IP address for your domain after changing ISPs?

You can use:


This patches the official YouTube app with a lot of different options including removing those ads.


This scrapes the website, and is my preferred YouTube app. You cannot log into an account though, which isn't an issue for me. You can also import/export your subscriptions. They are still working on getting comment replies into the app though.


This uses Piped API, and you can choose with instances you want to use. This has comment replies in the app.

You can check this compilation of Lemmy apps.

I personally prefer Jerboa and Thunder. I think I like Jerboa more currently. Neither are perfect. Missing some features, missing more customization, and has bugs here and there. They are getting better and better though!

I am waiting to see if the Slide fork really happens as I used to love that for Reddit before it got abandoned.

I don't understand what you're talking about. An open source app with a subscription service does not make it a proprietary app.

There are plenty of open source services/apps that costs money. Open source ≠ Free (as in money)

In the link, the dev even said:

Subscription using Patreon will also be available, but you can only download it on GitHub. It will not contain any Google Play services.

They haven't mentioned anything about the app being closed source. Please do not spread misinformation.

The title of this post is misleading. If you follow the links, the dev says they are releasing a $3/mo subscription service for their app starting on 08/30.

The current Infinity app will stop working, and you have to install the new Infinity app, which is the same but with subscription.

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I believe these types of cameras are used often by the average person. I don't believe the average person would know how to set up a VPN

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it is liberal, aka generally right-of-center

A lot of people don't seem to know this in the US. If you look at most Liberal Parties, they are centre or centre right. Though some are centre left as well. That's not a full list in that link.

Japan's Liberal Democratic Party is the major right wing conservative party of Japan.

Do note that the US' centre starts farther to the right than many other developed countries.

Might be good to post on !, the offshoot of /r/unixporn on Reddit. Always need more people posting there! :)

Have never had this happen on my 4 computers

You can check these:

You can also type a name of what you're looking for in the search bar of your instance or app, and it should search for federated communities.

I am confused why you're talking about USA. The article doesn't mention USA, and Nestle is a Swiss company.

I mean, better regulations in the US would be great though

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It's a paid service, so it'd be a bad default for a web browser. Not saying it's a bad search engine; saying that it's a bad search engine default for the every day folk who just installed a web browser.

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I run Wireguard VPN on my router that's using OpenWrt

The 1 is the Country Code for the US.

for North America and some island countries/territories*

Feeder on my phone (Android-only)

If you host an RSS aggregator yourself such as FreshRSS, I'd recommend using ReadYou or FeedMe (not Open Source) instead so that you can sync. I use FeedMe on Android and Fluent Reader on Linux. It's nice to have everything synced.

I also recommend rss-bridge if you're self hosting. Helps gets you more RSS feeds from websites that don't have them.

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I personally keep seeing it in All and it's annoying. I don't want to turn off NSFW because I want to see other non-porn NSFW content

I personally use Media Tracker because it's fast and have enough features for me.

Ryot is another one that's good.

Flox hasn't had a commit since 2020. It's not being updated anymore.

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So if you use Discord right you could more or less recreate Subreddits inside a single Discord server.

I am part of some Discord servers that utilizes this. Downside is that it doesn't have comment threads which might be one of the things that made Reddit popular. Also, because Discord is more meant to use for chatting, people type a lot of non-productive stuff that you have to go through instead of filtering from top/best comments. Servers that have slow mode turned on (can only send a message every # of mins) to help still has this issue as well.

For me, after scrolling just a bit, it always pop up asking me to log in and no longer lets me scroll on the page anymore. It happens to me on both mobile and desktop.

It's really annoying when trying to look at events or business pages.

Not everyone is subscribed to all of those communities though. I just checked which ones they were posted to and I'm only part of this one. I would not have seen it if it wasn't crossposted here

I didn't even know paid lunch breaks were/are even a thing. Most jobs I've been in had 30 min unpaid lunch.

I work 9 to 6 with 1 hour unpaid lunch at my current job. I don't really do anything during my lunch besides sit in the office wasting time for an hour. Home is 30 min drive away, so I can't go home. No parks nearby to walk around. Makes it feel like I am working a 9 hour shift getting paid 8 since I am sitting in the office for 9 hours...

I'm all for smart appliances, but a smart washing machine is a solution in search of a problem.

I personally love smart washers, they are a solution to the problem that we used to have at home.

We have 5 adults at home. The app lets us know if it's being used or not, and lets us know how much longer left.

Also let's us remind the other person to move their stuff in the washer to the dryer.

I personally do not want to walk over to our laundry room in the garage not connected to our house to check each time to see if it's available, then walk back to my room to grab my laundry, then bring it to the laundry room

I would prefer if everything was able to be used on a local network instead though. Like a Samsung machine that hosts a local server where data never leaves the home and still works.

It takes a lot of work to make a custom ROM and maintain it. Each one has a maintainer.

XDA is a great place to find Custom ROMs for many phones, including unofficial LineageOS ROMs that will/might become official after it's stable.

For example, the OnePlus 11:

This is also what I use to get 3 banking apps working

You might like this website! It's quite an interesting website to go through :)

Though to be fair, majority of every day people probably aren't getting their phones hacked. And not every hardware has known vulnerabilities, at least from what I've seen on the website. Also, I don't know if it's true, but I heard that for a lot of exploits, the person needs the phone physically.

Not really my field of expertise though

Using the search in the subreddit lets you see what the price is usually on sale at, and around what time of year. Sometimes the current sale isn't worth buying. People would comment in the threads mentioning that.

You can also read everyone's comments on that specific product in either the current thread or the old ones to see if it's worth buying or not for yourself.

Do note that a lot of these have 30-100 comments that are helpful for users to read.