3 Post – 475 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I bought Reus 2 at launch last month - game changer!

Finally a game that I enjoy playing on the deck and actually want to play after work on my commute etc. highly recommend it.

If you have lots of tabs up top you can't see the names, vertical tabs lets you see more/all of the tab titles.

I have been using the tree style tabs add-on for years, it's amazing for a tab hoarder.

Isn't this functionality already built into the default web UI?

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It's not X turning into Y when it comes to evolution. There were all kinds of different dinosaurs, that evolved I to all kinds of different niches. Most of those then went extinct due to rocks falling from the sky, or the entirety of India turning into a huge volcano etc.

So it's not that a T-Rex turned into a chicken, it's that T-Rexs lived alongside other dinosaurs that developed feathers and filled more niches etc. those that survived eventually became birds. (Have you ever seen an Emu up close?!? No wonder the Australians lost to them 🤣)

Disclaimer: I have no specific knowledge. Also, remember this happened over (billions? hundreds of millions) of years.

Other comments about just not noticing feathers are valid too.

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There should be options for hard difficulty that are due to the AI being better, not just getting massive buffs.

Some of the examples given were about the AI not even knowing about certain game mechanics!

In any round though you only have 1 vote still, it's just collecting the votes ahead of time? The only thing you lose is knowing who is in each round in advance?

In your example, wouldn't the same candidates have been knocked out in each round regardless?

Can't they put a lien on the big, solid, not going anywhere asset the landlord happens to have in the country?

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Should the fine not be the cost of a mission to move the satellite? It's within our technology now.

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The well known phrase is "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". I Imagine from their point of view, Israel is the 'terrorist' group, routinely bombing apartment buildings etc and that their actions are a proportionate counter (recent events nonwithstanding!)

Both sides of the current conflict have/are committing atrocities, but the reporting of those atrocities should be as factual and unbiased as possible.

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I read something ( similar to this) about the maximum data transfer per second in different languages being basically the same.

Some languages with less nuance, or fewer letters/syllables have less information per syllable, but tend to speak faster, while more 'complicated' languages have more information per syllable, but tend to speak slower.

The general trend was a maximum amount of speech 'data' that could be processed by an average human brain per second.

No idea how this would relate to second languages, and how people with 'fast' languages react to speaking 'slow' ones. Would be cool to see some data/research on it. Anocdotally, a lot of people struggle to understand Indians speaking English, is that because of the accent and/or poor English (second language, don't diss them!) or because they are speaking faster than our natural language data speed?

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The cynic in me says that Israel will now say that anyone left is a legit target/Hamas supporter, even though it's completely infeasible for most of the population to get out in time.

Then after a huge number of deaths, once they control northern Gasa, they will say (because of continuing Hamas attacks) that it's not safe to return. (But mysteriously is for Israeli settlers)

This only makes the Palestinians less likely to leave ....

It's going to be a bloodbath. Hopefully afterwards it will have been enough for some kind of pro-peace faction to become popular on both sides.... Not holding my breath though.

If this does go bad (worse) I hope that the international community condems both sides, they need to be encouraged (if not forced) to find a peacefull solution.

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I think this was one of the few EULAs I actually read though, mostly to see if I was going to sell my soul to them as part of it.

Did not, but was not disappointed, their lawyers definitely got to have some fun.

I assume that's gaming revenue not total?

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If they hadn't done that, I would have had no idea who they were talking about. Sure don't use their old name when talking to them, but you have to use it sometimes when talking about them or people will have no clue who you are talking about.

While us Brits love to complain about the BBC being biased (probably an actual issue for internal UK politics) its good to remember that it's still a world leading media outlet, and one of very few that can be considered not to be push an agenda. (I imagine I can find a lot of people that can probably disagree with that too....)

Even Routers has started editorialising, and I thought they were just meant to be raw facts!

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The historic high salary for COBOL Devs etc is also partially due to them mostly being old and extremely experienced senior devs

The quality of things being self promoted will on average be lower than that of content being posted by other people. (If your posting other people's content, it's because you think it's good, if you are posting yours it's just because you made it)

This isn't necessarily a problem, in a small community it adds content and helps the poster grow their skills. But in a larger community it can result in a lot of low quality content.

Probably just deleting it 😂

It's a shame, the original concept was great

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The skull and crossbones has pirate connotations. Or just for danger/death.

It was added to Unicode in 1993 so it's an original emoji.

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Haha, so it was never AI? Just an Indian person getting annoyed at the people trying all kinds of weird tricks to see if they could defeat the 'AI' 🤣

Any idea if this is a proper (shut down) bankruptcy, or a get cheaper leases bankruptcy?

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Surprised a company of their scale and with such a reliance on stability isn't running their own data centres. I guess they were trusting their failover process enough not to care

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I hate that I now have to use wireless earbuds that I now have to worry about charging, or that go flat at the most inopertune times....

Having something plugged into the usb-c port all day sounds like a recipe for a broken port.

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Sounds like a prelude to bankruptcy. Also sounds like an incredibly badly run company. Difficult business to be in though I guess.

I wonder if their lawyers are getting paid...

They already had one go at it when they tried splitting donations per channel - so most of the smaller donations would get eaten by credit card fees.

They rolled that one back when everyone cancelled their subs...

The ms authenticator works in 'reverse' in that you type the code on the screen into the phone. I assume this is preferable to corporate as you can't be social engineered into giving out a 2fa token. It also has a "no this wasn't me" button to allow you to (I assume) notify IT if you are getting requests that are not you.

I don't believe that the authenticator app gives them access to anything on your phone? (Happy to learn here) And I think android lets you make some kind of business partition if you feel the need to?

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It's not as bad as the title - read the TLDR.

It's a resonably sensible change. I wouldn't be surprised if they extend it to images etc (on a longer timescale) as I keep seeing people hosting images off discord...

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This is not made by (or in association with) valve.

It's effectively a mod built on portal2

My understanding is tha some commercial/industrial users will get a highly variable tariff. This may be cheaper much of the time, but can get ridiculously expensive at times of high demand.

The difference is that a bitcoin farmer can shut down at those expensive times, but a home user still needs to heat/cool their house, run their fridge etc, so the savings cancel out. Because of this, averaging the costs works out easier/better for most home consumers

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And working on stuff that never gets shipped/used is demoralising too. No product to be proud of making/maintaining etc.

That kind of jigsaw can be much more interesting than normal ones, you discover the image (with clues).

Wasgij do something similar, where the box art shows the reaction to the actual jigsaw image.

There is only so much that can be multi-threaded, beyond that the overhead just slows things down (and can cause bugs)

More simulation type games (city skylines etc) can multithread more (generally) while your standard shooter has much less that it can do (unless you have AI bots etc)

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The bigger the grid the more resilient it is because it can cope with localised issues better.

You only need the transfer switch (expensive!) On your solar installation if you actually get power cuts.

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Do you have integration with other health and fitness apps to retrieve non phone step counts?

I have a Garmin watch that does all my health tracking etc.

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Dammit, I came here to make that comment!

They said that the option to use other authenticators were disabled by their company

More options around that in general. I would love a spoiler flag that does the same blur as NSFW but isn't filtered out by the 'show NSFW' checkbox.

Oh it WILL cause security issues. It's just a tradeoff against if they are worth the benefits.

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I'm assuming that doing full charge/discharge cycles on them daily will put more wear on them than every day driving would?

But if your buying them at scrap value and the. Still selling them as scrap after a few more years I guess it works out.

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