1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When you include an unconsenting person in the attempt, it is also murder.

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Well, duhh!

All the devs are working on Wayland now.

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It’s because Hush Money Trial is pithy. It is succinct yet distinct. Fraud Trial would be a great name if there weren’t several more of them to differentiate from, and Election Fraud Trial Relating to the Disclosure of Hush Money Payments regarding a Mushroom Shaped Erection doesn’t fit in the headline.

Erection Fraud Trial does have a ring to it, though.

  1. It’s established
  2. It is a general purpose platform: it has personal posting, business listings, messaging, groups, communities, photos, news, clip format video, live streaming, p2p sales, business sales, event coordination and advertising, payment processing and cash sharing, games…
    Most other platforms do one or several of those things much better than FB, but FB is good enough for lots of people. It’s a one stop shop, and it does a fair job at cross pollinating the various aspects of its platform. It has enough stuff to keep to keep users engaged even if their interest wanes from one or more particular platform components.
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They are not a cleanup crew. They just look at the mess. The mess stays after they’re gone.

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One in which it means that fascism gets the W.

I thought it was a rollout issue… they announced it would be available almost immediately, and then it wasn’t. I’m still on a waiting list for mine at my local independent pharmacy.

Definitely satanic. It’s a camouflaged Square & Compass. Your girl and her bestie have joined the Freemasons!

In three years, this went from a very niche behavior to an absolute mainstream part of the market

It’s because of the fracturing of the marketplace. For a while there were only a few major Film/TV streaming services. Netflix and Hulu, then HBO and Amazon, and a handful of niche or genre platforms.
Then around the pandemic time, every network and their mother decided to pull their licensing to start their own streaming platform or several. The platforms all cost as much or more as before, but you need more of them to watch the different IP you are interested in.

What the studios don’t realize (or won’t publicly admit) is that instead of replacing cable TV, they have effectively recreated the video rental industry.

The protests are not in support of Hamas. They are protesting against a continuing genocide taking place with the support of their own government. I, personally, believe that genocide is bad, no matter who commits it.

My bet is 6 months.

Less than 6 months after confirmation, someone will announce a weapon based on the technology.

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All thine base art belong to us

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Eventually, either the boulder or the hill will erode enough that the task will be trivial.

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Tbf, it says download, not use.

ELI5 answer?

In the conventional calendar, there wasn’t a year zero and it wasn’t skipped. Zero is the moment in time that we use to begin counting time.

Think of an elementary school style number line: …-3_-2_-1_0_1_2_3… Each number is one year apart. This makes the numbers measure something like Age. If you are 3 years old, you can count 3 years between 0 and 3.

But a year is not an Age. It is the span of time between ages, and the years we name are actually the spaces between the numbers on the number line. So the first year (1 AD/CE) is the first space after zero (between 0 and 1), and the first negative year (1 BC/BCE) is the first space before the 0 (between -1 and 0).

Then there is the astronomical calendar, which does have a year zero. They get this by naming the year (the space on the number line) after the number to the right side of the space on the number line.

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Pheromones and farts

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Our elections are a patchwork by design. The requirements to get on the ballot are different for every state.

So they can be exploited for cheep labor.

All their best people are focused on improving sponsored video playback

It was settled mainly by Puritans, a Calvinist flavor of Christians that thought the Church of England was too Catholic. If you’ve heard the term “puritanical” it comes from them.

The pilgrims specifically, were the sect that was the first to land in Massachusetts, and sought to break away from the Church of England.

What the hell happened to the star‽ They took away its twinkley starriness. Now it just looks like a blurry circle

Harken, to the the tale of the birth of Massachusetts…

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I’m getting a similar vibe. Maybe a PBS/Edutainment production company whose logo popped up in the post credits?
Or the logo of some publishing company that showed up on their worksheets or handouts? A standardized test logo?

siege lasted so long that a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels[a] of silver

Imagine a food shortage so bad that the nutritional value of the leather in the upholstery of your car is worth more than the cost of the car in good times.

That’s assuming that such a nomination would be legal. I’m pretty sure most places have laws that say “you must be eligible for the office in order to stand as a candidate for it.” Colorado Republicans could nominate Justin Bieber, but that wouldn’t make him eligible to be President.

They are registered to the various states programs, but I can’t imagine there is a way to register with the DEA to sell a Schedule 1 drug for recreational use.

Thats a mascot.
You reinvented the mascot my dudes.

You’re thinking of an Eldritch Waitress. What OP meant was a waitress that fuses metal objects together.

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The sad part is that both of you are correct.

I was just looking at a photo of the time yesterday. In it were around 15 people. Of those 15:

  • ≈8 were wearing prescription aviators
  • ≈4 were wearing aviator sunglasses
  • ≈3 weren’t wearing any glasses
  • 0 were wearing a different style of glasses

Side note: the person who showed me the photo was the only one in it still alive. He was ≈35 when it was taken. Probably the youngest by far of the group.

Stardew Valley. It’s a cozy farm sim with lots to dig into if you want to at your own pace (it is not uncommon to play the wiki open) The same save file can be used for single player or multiplayer
(local or online).

Now I’m hungry…


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Iirc: It’s because the government contracting is an arcane bureaucratic nightmare of a process that benefits firms who’s business model focuses on navigating the system over firms that focus on performing competent work.


Voluntarily turning the heat down to 65 in the winter.

An actor I was instructing in stage combat called me as Combat Dad.

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I like Tederick, and Billomena

This confirms my suspicion that Bob Marley is an angel.

Shadow Race… really? Right when we are finally about to be rid of this reptilian‽ What’s next for the GOP? LGM? Sentient slime mold?

The credit reporting and insurance industries would like to have a wor… What’s that?

Nevermind. I’m being told they wish to be forgotten and ignored so they can quietly make boatloads without the threat of additional regulatory oversight.

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