Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature to – 772 points –
Finally! Mozilla Firefox is Bringing in Tab Grouping Feature

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I don't have enough time in the day or week or month or year to do everything I want to, so I keep my tabs open until I chip away at them one at a time. It takes a long time, but it doesn't mean that the tabs aren't useful to me and won't remain useful months later.

That's me with YouTube videos, sometimes I would see a video on recommended that interests me but don't have time to watch it immediately, I have to open it on a new tab otherwise I would never find it again. Sometimes it takes me days to find the time to watch it.

You can add interested videos to playlist "Watch later" and it will available on all devices with your account

I don't log in to YT to watch any videos, I alao use Newpipe and Stube sans account. Grouping them in Tabs to get to is great for me.

I very rarely visit that page. I actually have videos there saved from years ago.

Why not just bookmark the tabs? Put them in a folder in your bookmark bar called "To Do" or something and they'd all be right there.

Cuz then I'll have thousands of bookmarks like I already have now

Here's the fun part - I already do that. Bookmarks are for ultra-long-term links (1-2+ years minimum), tabs are for short-to-long term links (1 day to 1 year).

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