2 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I didn't expect this to be something I would actually use but I was mildly excited to try it out just out of curiosity. Then it asked me to log in. Login to a fucking terminal emulator. I have no words.

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The fact that I hate how this looks is a sign that you did a fantastic job immitating the original.

Wait, so Google just moved around important users' files on their devices without being asked to do so. And now they decided to just delete those files together with the feature? This sounds pretty crazy, even for Google.

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You are only starting to think that NOW?

Huge thanks to Vaxry and all contributors, Hyprland is great!

I heard this opinion many times and I couldn't disagree more. I hated school and I much prefer my adult, working life. In fact I feel like my life only gets better as time goes by.

Granted, I'm privileged to have a well paying job I actually enjoy, which probably makes a world of a difference.

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Man, I'm just chilling and relaxing after a week of SE work and this resonates with me very deeply

I mean, ok, you do you. There's a huge amount of people (me included) who find paying with their phone extremely convenient.

Also, this article is about giving users more choice, not forcing anyone to use a wallet app.

Is your dock powered by your laptop? I didn't even know this was possible, all docks I've seen have their own power supply and actually offer PD to the connected device, not the other way around.

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Oh god, yes please. I would love to have that!

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So I'm going to say what I always say when people complain about semantic whitespace: Your code should be properly indented anyway. If it's not, it's a bad code.

I'm not saying semantic whitespace is superior to brackets or parentheses. It's clearly not. But it's not terrible either.

As someone who codes in Python pretty much everyday for years, I NEVER see indentation errors. I didn't see them back when I started either. Code without indentation is impossible to read for me anyway so it makes zero difference whether the whitespace has semantic meaning or not. It will be there either way.

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I'm well aware of what Vivaldi can do but I refuse to support Chromium's monopoly. In fact, it's the only reason why I use FF.

Meanwhile here I am thinking about pivoting my career from Python to Rust because I've grown to hate Python's lack of typing. I also religiously write unit test even for minor personal projects.

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Yeah, so basically Google invented a feature that finds your important files and deletes them. The future is here!

Of course I'm exaggerating for humoristic effect but in all seriousness I think the whole action is extremely poorly executed. I would be surprised if there weren't some cases of people actually losing something important because of this.

I'm not sure about the exact percentage but I don't think it's necessarily that far off. I spend a lot of time reviewing code, designing, documenting, reading documentation. Actually writing code is a cherry on top.

Good job Cosmic team!

I really hope Cosmic can be the first DE to close the gap between tilling window managers and DEs we have today. Very excited for it!

If I had to use the internet without ublock then I think I would prefer to not use it at all. And I'm saying it as a person who makes some money off ads on a website. I would never put an ad-blocker-blocker on my website though. I just assume users don't care about the ads if they don't block them.

People hate on FF mobile? It works great for me. To be honest I think I like it more than the desktop FF.

We need to remember that there are people making unimaginable amounts of money every time we believe some AI is good enough to replace half of the human workforce.

I absolutely love the videos on this channel, this one being one of the best published yet. I'm literally blown away by the level of detail and clarity. I think I'm going to watch it more one time...

I'm very excited for COSMIC!

I just got Pixel 7. I always disliked those Android versions modified by the manufacturers with preinstalled bloatware and tons od weird features I just never intended to use. I envied more consistent and "seamless" experience Apple users got on their iPhones. However, I didn't want to enter the Apple ecosystem for many reasons like price, moral issues, etc. The Android experience on Pixel is pretty much how I hoped it would be - much cleaner than other brands.

Yeah, I know Google is not great either but TBH I'm mostly stuck with them so instead of sharing my data and money with Samsung and Google, I can share it only with Google. Pixels have a big advantage of having the best support when it comes to custom ROMs so if I ever decide to cut ties with Google as well, I can do that relatively easily.

Yeah, there are reasons to criticize snaps but the fact that it takes a lot of space in some UI is not really one of them.

Genuine question: why? What makes, say a semicolon, so superior to the the newline or tab characters?

To be clear: I don't think whitespace as a part of syntax is an awesome idea which should be more popular. It's definitely a bit more error prone in some ways. It's not perfect. But it's okay.

I've written a lot of Python and I don't think I have ever seen a syntax error caused by incorrect whitespace. I'm not exaggerating. I regularly forget semicolons in other languages but I never type out incorrectly indented code. Maybe that's just me though...

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US has a huge influence on the entire world. Could it be that it started (or got amplified) in the US due to poor healthcare and then spread out to the rest of the world? I'm not trying to put all the blame on US of course, but it doesn't sound that unreasonable that it could be partially responsible.

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Recently I like to play some Twitch streams in the background when I'm not doing anything requiring a lot of focus. It makes me feel like I'm not really alone at home without any social effort on my side. You definitely have to find a right streamer for you though - most of Twitch is garbage in my opinion.

Someone mentioned going out to eat or sit at some cafe which I also like to do sometimes.

Very clear explanation. Never heard about Kalman filters and I love adding such things to my "mental toolbox". Thanks for sharing!

No, I don't, because I can afford stuff and pirating in this situation would be just pure stealing which I believe is morally wrong. Yes, being a billionaire is usually morally wrong too but I don't think it just cancels out.

Justifying piracy by saying capitalism is bad sounds like a hypocrisy to me. You want to use something that exists thanks to capitalism without participating in it. You want to eat your cake and have it too.

Now, the case is different for people that can't afford stuff, especially when they genuinely need it (but I don't draw the line at entertainment, after all people NEED entertainment too). In that case, please pirate away. Everyone deserves a decent life. In general, I largely agree with OP's friend.

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Software development and computer stuff in general is my passion. I enjoy doing it as a hobby even after doing it at work. If I didn't have to work for money, I would probably work on some open source software. In fact that's kinda my dream / goal - achieve financial independence and work on open source as I please.

Of course, this can be confusing, but wouldn't every single language have some confusing parts? As a non native English speaker who tried to learn other languages (without much success for now) I find English to be actually rather easy.

What would you propose as an easier alternative for a "universal" language?

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This is the first time I hear about it and I have to say it looks really promising. I'm a sucker for Vivaldi style customization but I really don't want to use Chromium based browser. Definitely will give Floorp a chance. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Some people mentioned Framework and I would definitely look into it, however you didn't specify your country and they don't sell everywhere in Europe. I was just in a market for a new laptop and really wanted it but it's not available in my country.

Another options for an out of the box Linux laptop are Slimbook, Tuxedo Computers and Starlabs. I personally just ordered Slimbook Executive 14 yesterday.

Everything is working exceptionally smooth for me on since yesterday. It was just like in the meme in the days before tho.

I see that Framework and System76 were already mentioned. I would add Slimbook and Tuxedo Computers to the list.

I was just in a market for a Linux laptop and I really wanted a Framework but it's not available in my country so I settled on Slimbook Executive 14 instead. I have it for around a month now and I'm very satisfied.

Very interesting experiment. Thanks for sharing! Maybe I'll find some time to run the benchmarks on my Pixel 7 in the upcoming days.

Thanks, it's btop.

I was sure I'm getting baited when I clicked the link but it's one of the rare cases when it actually turned out not to be a clickbait.

This feature literally found and isolated "important files" and now they are deleting those files. Just because it was never available in the US doesn't mean it's irrelevant.

I used Samsung until about a year ago and now use Pixel since that time. Pixel software experience is infinitely better for my tastes and needs.

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Of course they want a constant revenue stream. I want a constant revenue stream as well, isn't it normal?

Whether the price is worth paying for you is a different matter but wanting to profit off your hard and good work is completely natural to me.

Exactly this! I hate shorts...