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Joined 12 months ago

If the election were between trump and another sack of shit, I would vote for the non-human looking sack of shit.

Biden may not be perfect, but he's way better than a facist sack of shit.

Yeah decaf is just as tasty as regular. I have at least a cup of decaf everyday in the evening.

Ranked Robin is a better choice than RCV.

STAR voting is a better option also.

RCV has it's problems

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Less people means less stress on the environment though.

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Only thing missing in this pic is the joker makeup.

I'm laughing, too.

I want to know how much fucking money repubs are spending on this wild goose chase. Completely ridiculous.

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The new Recall feature they're trying to push is creepy as fuck. No thanks.

Glad I moved to linux a few years ago so I don't have to worry about any of this trash.

Profit based healthcare is immoral.

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If she ends up being the first woman ever to be president my head is going to explode.

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  1. No surveillance capitalism. unlike reddit, lemmy isn't trying to monetize/track you.

  2. Freedom/openness. Already, someone can use a third party app to use lemmy. Moving forward, I think, people will come up with new ways to utilize lemmy/activity pub.

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The display is working as intended then.

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Fuck you in the neck, fuckerberg-zuckerfuck

They stand for facism, racism, hatred, cruelty, bigotry, anti-rationality, god.

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Lol yeah idk what the hell they're on about.

I'll sometimes comment on stuff but overwhelmingly I don't. I was the same way on reddit. I just feel that I don't have anything meaningful to say so why say anything.

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And rage at the dj when they would talk over the song intro.

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This is the same shithead who burned some books w/ a flame thrower a few months back.

I hope that one day our culture moves past this sexual shame bullshit so that grown adults doing completely legal things with each other don't have to worry about shamed for crap like this.

Something something pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.

Call it what it is, Anti-choice

Would this apply to sperm as well? If so I'm a mass murderer. The sock strangler lmfaoooo.

Idgaf Elon.

I love love love my steamdeck! It re-invigorated my gaming! Currently loving Brotato.

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The US also doesn't officially use the metric system sigh.

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Bathrooms with pull to open handle doors without paper towels are the worst.

Barrientos is seeking roughly half a million dollars for his medical expenses and his attorney is also asking to take this case to trial.

Only half a million? Hopefully that's just for starters. The victim deserves millions

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Yeah, and my inner pessimist thinks society won't do all that much to change things. Male enrollment to college's will continue to decline I think.

Very much necessary, wind and solar can only do so much. I just hope the nuclear power industry doesn't fuck it up this time.

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He's very good at saying the quiet part out loud.

An all republican committee is going after her? Wow she must be more insufferable than I thought.

Because house repubs are trash.

"Why would you oppose this? What are you a pedo????" /sarcasm

I've been trying to get my wife to use signal for ages and she won't budge. She won't budge because she doesn't want to install another app that from her perspective does the same thing as texting (she's not as privacy conscious as I am and doesn't really care that signal encrypts missages). Lately I've been trying to sell signal as mre reliable since my work office has shit cell reception and once in a while messages will git completely lost in the aether. Signal is more featurefull than sms/mms imho.

My sister, her husband, and one of my friends use signal so there's that.

Ultimately I'd probably prefer everyone use matrix but it's not as accesible as signal.

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What a sack of shit.

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They're not even trying to hide their christo-facism anymore. Completely un-american, what a disgrace.

I think Prey is the best predator movie of the bunch.

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You have to have a sense of irony for that to be true, and conservatives tend to lack a sense of irony.

Gnu Guix. By default Guix uses only free libre software, but there are ways to install it with a non-free kernal. Systemcrafters has a guide (this is what I used) as well as non-guix (guix repo for non free software).

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Perhaps something like IPFS would help mitigate this. Popular stuff would be pinned by someone.