Mozilla names new CEO as it pivots to data privacy to – 518 points –
Exclusive: Mozilla names new CEO as it pivots to data privacy

Mozilla Corp., which manages the open-source Firefox browser, announced today that Mitchell Baker is stepping down as CEO to focus on AI and internet safety as chair of the nonprofit foundation. Laura Chambers, a Mozilla board member and entrepreneur with experience at Airbnb, PayPal, and eBay, will step in as interim CEO to run operations until a permanent replacement is found.

Official Blog Post: A New Chapter for Mozilla: Focused Execution and an Expanded Role in Charting the Internet’s Future


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I am a big fan of Firefox+Thunderbird and subscribe to Pocket, Mozilla VPN and Firefox Relay. I don't think she was the right CEO for the job, coming into the job because she was needed after the Eich debacle, not because she was the best choice. When I listened or read interviews with her I sensed a lack of focus, which I think came through with the lack of focus and commitment I sense in Firefox's products. She seems like a better fit for chair of the foundation, pursuing pie in the sky ideas rather than in the trenches trying to rebuild Mozilla's presence and diversify their revenues. Pocket has stagnated under their care, and actually grown less useful to the point I am considering switching. The Android browser is stuck in time. I don't think it's a coincidence that Thunderbird has flourished after pursuing a semi-independent structure: they finally had people who actually cared about the product calling the shots.

The Corporation dropped Thunderbird before Eich left, before he made the infamous donation in fact. It floundered until the right people found it, and to be fair the foundation didn't exactly prioritize that either.

It's not independent though, it is a fully owned commercial subsidiary of the foundation just like the Corporation is.

I had to stop using Pocket and moved to because the search on pocket has been soooooo bad.

+1 for Raindrop. Not sure why it gets a low-ish rating cos I find it A* best ever bookmarkign plugin and I've been using various ones since early Delicious and Diigo.

Honestly, I have everything organized in there and the search is top tier. I collect a lot of resources I need to reference later and find. My other favourite extension is Unlimited History. It's so useful when I need to find something.

she was needed after the Eich debacle, not because she was the best choice.

Dude, seriously. WHAT THE FCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? The political correction keeps firefox like that, now the new CEO is from a smart breast pump... Keep fighting for LGBT and minorities problems. I need to find a browser that cares for giving a good service with independence.

What the fuck are you talking about? This garbled comment deserves the cesspool.

NEW CEO IS FROM THAT TYPE OF COMPANY DUH.. wereable smart breast pump

Sometimes I'm astonished by people's inability to put together coherent thoughts. I think it it comes from a complete lack of self awareness, but I'm unsure. Working theory.

Sure, you are the king of the coherence. Citing you:

she was needed after the Eich debacle, not because she was the best choice.

How on earth this does have sense in the corporative world and not only in the woke one?

Do you think all the users replying to you are the same person? Lmao

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