3 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

His headshot looks like Jeff playing the dean.

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I think the wording in your original comment is pretty misguided. Nowhere does it say the poor are "doing better than" the wealthy. They just had the strongest short-term wage growth since covid. This does not equate to prosperity. Perhaps it is you that has the restrictive social circle.

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Ahhhh that makes so much sense. I was wondering why some communities with a large number of active users only had like 3 subscribers.

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I disagree. The connotation and literal meaning of the phrase "doing better than", combined with the comment on social circles indicates that they're trying to suggest the poor are somehow doing well, whatever that means.

That's how I read it, anyway. And I think that's why they're getting down voted as well.

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Sometimes I'm astonished by people's inability to put together coherent thoughts. I think it it comes from a complete lack of self awareness, but I'm unsure. Working theory.

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I think it's unfortunate that you're being so hostile. It was an interesting point and very good sources that you brought to the discussion. But you've decided to play the "you're all 'autists' " card.

This is some really high quality reading and critical thinking. I appreciate your write up as well as your identification of and attention to nuance.

Nope. At least not in the traditional sense.

Consider this: there are 8 billion people on this planet. If soul mates existed in an exclusive sense, and by that I mean that there is one other person on the planet who is your soul mate, the likelihood of ever even getting close to meeting that individual is negligible, let alone the chance of forming some sort of relationship.

Certain personalities mesh well, and those personalities are the result of our genetics, our upbringings, our cultural environment, and our life experiences. I don't think the traditional idea of a soul mate really fits reality. It's more likely, in my view, that some people get along and some people don't. Those that get along well may tend to find each other and make good matches. But, undoubtedly, there are plenty of people on the planet that will be a good match for any one individual. It's just a matter of finding one of those people, and choosing to be with them.

This is cultural. Some cultures really do not care about nudity the way others do

I remember looking this up some time ago, and I read that doing so may violate the terms you agreed to when purchasing the ticket. They will probably fine you, or at least attempt to, if you don't pull it off.

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Poached and hard boiled eggs vary by more than just their cook time. These names are much less about chemical processes and more about differences in technique. See other comments in this thread.

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Looks like you best get to switching.

This is a very good response. Thanks for writing.

I feel exactly the same way. I even mod a community now, which is definitely not something I thought I would ever really get into on reddit. The community here is much more motivating, I feel like my contributions matter, and I don't need to be self conscious about if what I post is "good enough" or whatever.

Perhaps that's because it's what you know best and are used to. Volumetric measurements of anything that doesn't have a fixed density make no sense to me. What the hell is one cup of broccoli? Even a cup of flour can have wildly different ammounts of flour. My least favorite though is butter, how the hell am I supposed to measure out 3 tablespoons of butter? Melt it all on the stove and pour out what I need? I find it incredibly unintuitive.

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You have misunderstood what I wrote. I said nothing about an employee purchasing a flag, I said that they would not be permitted to raise one, as they are a resource that is paid for by the act.

I think it's "asinine and childish" to be so rude, especially when it's you that has made the mistake.

I would think that the "or display" part prohibits a public employee from raising the flag.

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Mmmm oxi-tek

Something about Celeste is truly rewarding. You're very right about the challenge being fair, and I think that's what does it. It's definitely tough, but not unreasonably so. It's so worth it.

Edit: replied to the wrong comment, but my point still stands haha

Not using Debian because gnome seems silly to me. Why not just install plasma if that's what you want?

You cannot transmit information through entangled particles, so probably not.

I don't see the problem

I think the problem is less timing the messages, and more that the messages from earth will just get redshifted more and more as the ship accelerates, which will require an ever larger antenna to pick up. This also has the affect of bandwidth tending towards 0.

Which color did you get, and how do you like it? I'm really leaning towards this option.

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What the hell are you talking about hahaha

What formula are you using? And where did 25 come from? 2023-1997 = 26 and (26 / 36) x 100 = 72.2

Edit: nevermind, I see you were estimating the mom's age. My bad, all is well.

I get my news from the AP and I'm very happy with it. It's one of the few apps that I allow push notifications for so I don't even need to check the app to get the top headlines, I just tap on the ones that look interesting and clear the rest.

In my country the cap is at 12 km I think. So within that distance from work no one gets compensation. Beyond that distance, everyone can get compensation. Motorcycle, car, and train get the same per km compensation, and bike/moped/scooter get a slightly lower ammount. If you have to travel over 60 km (one way) the per km ammount goes up.

Compensation is normally in the form of a tax deduction, but some companies have their own compensation schemes where they pay you for travel. If you get paid this way there's no tax.

If you're gunna use an adapter anyway then it makes it irrelevant whether or not there's a headphone jack in the phone. People in this thread talk about how you can't use expensive wired headphones with your mobile devices anymore as if adapters don't exist.

Will do, thanks!

Thanks for the reply! I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the white one as well. Can't wait!

Yeah I'm getting the sense that it'll be a good choice, I just think they're hideous.

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I brought up broccoli specifically because I recently wanted to know the nutrition facts of broccoli, and the initial google results were for 1 cup, and not 100g as is standard in I guess everywhere that uses metric. I have absolutely no idea how much broccoli that is, not only because I'm not used to it, but the dimensions of the cup and how finely chopped the broccoli is matter quite a lot in terms of how much actual broccoli we're talking about. It's just so ambiguous.

That's not a very good example I don't think. I'm no cosmologist, but my understanding is that we know pretty well that distant celestial objects are moving away from us faster than the speed of light. Special relativity doesn't really say anything about non local objects, and the expansion of space does not violate locality. No information is being transmitted faster than the speed of light. The medium through which light is traveling is changing. It's not some big unsolved mystery.

Why? It's no skin off anyone's back.

Well you did write tong before and not tongs which is what was being asked. It should still be plural, even without the "pair of" bit.

Right, but the public employee is being paid for by the funds that are covered by the act. Therefore if an employee raises the flag, funds are being used to display a non-state flag.

Edit: To be clear, I have not suggested that an employee of the state wouldn't be allowed to purchase a flag. The way I read the act, an employee would not be allowed to raise a flag because they themselves are a resource paid for by the act.

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"Light propagates like a wave and interacts like a particle"