8 Post – 226 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The link redirects to an Americans for prosperity form, hosted on an domain hosted by the i-360 political data platform. And also...

"Americans for Prosperity (AFP), founded in 2004, is a libertarian conservative political advocacy group in the United States affiliated with brothers Charles Koch and the late David Koch.[6] As the Koch family's primary political advocacy group, it is one of the most influential American conservative organizations.[7][8]",%5B7%5D%5B8%5D

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I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

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Still impressive

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They gotta get better collection systems of that sweet sweet sex you're having in your car

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That's why I never used it, because I knew it will happen. Better to use some other solution. I wish there was a third party option to google chromecast and all the home devices that works as well.

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Doesn't always work. I'm not in the US. So shows that it says are on a service, aren't in my country, or if it's on a service, it doesn't know because it's on that service in my country and not the us. For me,, has been more miss than hit. Sometimes, asking google works, but some services that are available in my country won't integrate with Google in my country, but if use a VPN for the us on my Android TV it loads all the US features and the integration starts working and everything is correct. So yeah, unless you're in the US, the experience of figuring out where it is what you want to watch is more miss than hit.

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"Bandwidth Exceed/ Free image hosting on"

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I would be very interested to know exactly what you were searching for.

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Exactly how it should be.

I feel like there should be a Lemmy campaign: "Do you know who your maintainer is? Contact your local instance and find out!"

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What a swell guy, approved!

You're right. If you can afford something you like you should steal it, it's much better. Whenever I go into a library I just take a bag and dump all the books and take them home. Why should I put in the effort of wasting my time(meaning money I could have earned) signing a library card when I can just steal? It's THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY. That's how I stay RICH. I never pay. Whenever I see someone about to pay for something they want I just steal their money, why should they keep it if they're not smart enough to not waste it? Their money is much safer with me. The apartment I'm currently living in is so cheap, because I never pay. I just changed all the locks, have triple bolts on all the doors and just stay here. It's mine, it's free and they can't kick me out because I won't let them. Why should I pay for the internet when it's basically flowing free through these wires and air? I just take some from my neighbor. When I go to a coffee shop I just grab the first drink I see that's on the counter. If they're not fast enough to take their drink, I take it, it's just sitting there, it's free.

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I get updating the clock app, what I don't get is why update it like this and why would it take so long that the user felt the need to complain? Also we are getting the update ready for you? So they're stopping the user use the clock app while they download and prepare the update? Has updating the app even started yet?

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There are many, we're just oblivious because it doesn't affect us in our day to day lives. I'm sure there are loopholes in the EU as well.

I like that on GOG you know you own it because they let you download the installer DRM free so you literally can keep a separate copy of all of your purchases. You will always have access to them regardless of what happens to GOG. Videos, music, games, everything they sell.

They won't give it to you. If you need it, you will buy the higher tier. What's their incentive to give you more storage? That helps them how?

If that much loss is going to bring down a corporation? Maybe the corpo wasn't being taken care of good enough

Next step, is to remake Lemmy in JavaScript. Pure JavaScript, no typescript, only express, nothing else

I swear. I quit using iTerm and moved to Kitty because it was too inefficient and was eating up my battery on the go. There are so many apps that are just diguised browsers that eat too much memory and processing power and they make needing a powerful machine a requirement if you want to have multiple apps open. It's getting to a ridiculous point and it's inconvenient.

Oh no, that hungry Palestinian we keep beating and shooting is going to assault me for all my bread. What am I, a poor Israel soldier, going to do?!


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Look at what they did with Internet Explorer. Same shit.


I deal with this every day. It hurts me to my core.

Buying keyboards... I just had a moment where I made an impulse decision where I spent 200$ usd on one. It's my 7th keyboard and I know it's not gonna be the last. I'm not even a touch typer... Something weird is going on

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No, it's because it the EU

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I like to ask the interviewer what he likes about working at the company.

What I'm wondering: is this going to happen to the many streaming services as well? They're many and expensive. Are they going to consolidate in a few or are they going to lower their prices so that they don't continue to lose users?

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This is the Internet Explorer of forums.

Christians quote the bible, Muslims quote the Quran and we have our own set of sacred texts.

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Hmmm... If only it were a penis...

Here's my opinion. This terminal app is inefficient as fuck. I feel like it's too much bloat for what a terminal should be. She'll Completions have existed since forever, I don't get what's bringing new with that. And all these AI's that just resell chatgpt are getting expensive. "Please pay me 10$ a month to have OpenAI in your " . If I were to activate all the AI subscriptions in all the apps I use it would go over 100$. If I need ChatGPT I will just go on their website and get it from there. It's even cheaper that way, 20$ for unlimited use.

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Well, I'm glad they're taking security so seriously.

Better than normal pollution though or visual pollution from smoke and smog. It's a tradeoff and a good one in my mind.

I hope we will get there too. Be able to fully install and uninstall Google services.

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So you're not paying and this is the problem. That's why they're refocusing.

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Not cheap but better than the service from all other companies and consoles.

Oh boy, that is a great idea. Every time they email me their shitty newsletter I get to create a new support ticket telling them I don't want it. Auto forward seems so nice.