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Joined 11 months ago

I'm here for the shitty advice! Fight toxic with toxic, let her barge in while you're jerking off, and don't stop once she's in. See how long she keeps doing that shit afterwards.

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Right? Twitter hasn't stopped dead naming Twitter, for fuck's sake

Yeah I want to know as well. His content isn't exactly my cup of tea and can feel dystopia, but my dude flies around the world giving away free surgery to people and shit, and he promotes charities and foundations and actually moves people to donate to them. His thumbnails are creepy as shit, and his content feels like it was made to be cut up into a bunch of 6 second tiktok videos, but I don't really see a dark side here.

I don't mind having less fun content, the content that's here is good enough for me as far as scrolling a feed goes. My main problem is that every source of actually good information and good community-sourced solutions to things is still on reddit. You want to figure out why your game is acting weird? Check out for config issues that people mention on reddit. You're trying to decide between two solutions/softwares/products? Yeah, you're gonna get all the info you need on reddit. Tutorials, guides, recommendations, fixes, solutions, it's all better when it's communities talking about them, and all of that information is still over on reddit, better indexed, more condensed, the whole nine yards.

I have made ONE post on reddit since things went to shit, and it was to ask redgifs for better lemmy support. I don't add anything to reddit otherwise, but it is still impossible to find good information without relying on reddit.

This dude is trying to get people to think, to notice, to act, he's trying to educate people and to help them change. Maybe don't immediately disregard him as "not a true socialist", maybe don't outright jump to calling him a tankie. We're all in this hell hole together, the least we could do is help each other out and spread the educational content, work together to give a friendly summary on our points of view, and keep moving forward.

I like his content, and I like that he's trying, that's my opinion on him.

This is an asklemmy thread, not an askgunnuts thread. Anyone from any country can answer whatever if they so please. The USA has a weird fascination with guns. This doesn't translate to other countries at ALL. There's enthusiasts everywhere, sure, but way less so than on murica.

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Let's not forget that email is technically a defederated platform and it was monopolized by Google anyway. It can and will be done if allowed to be done by complacency.

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GUI alternatives are constantly improving and becoming more visually pleasing throughout distros, and besides, there's real scenarios where normal people HAVE to use Powershell or CMD to get stuff done on Windows. This is becoming less and less of a hurdle.

Do you think all the users replying to you are the same person? Lmao

Lol that's absolutely not true

I think a more appropriate approach is just to mention lemmy to your circles of friends and try to get any redditors you personally know to give lemmy a try, at least get the app installed so they can browse both reddit and lemmy. Lemmy won't be able to handle millions upon millions of new people, especially ones with no guidance, but communities aren't built overnight and we should do our best to get those who could use lemmy to use lemmy, one at a time. We shouldn't be trying to overthrow reddit, just give a viable alternative to those willing to try one. It's the more organic approach.

I'll one-up you, and I hope nobody I know reads this. I work from home as a web dev. I have ADHD. I sometimes work deep into the night because I procrastinate all day. I'll be working with one hand and stroking it rock hard with another, with no real horniness or need to cum for hours. It's just like a fidgeting thing. I'm looking at code, sleep deprived out of my mind, and somehow rock hard. I don't get it, but I'm too stressed to care.

Huh, last I checked, the professional standard was Mac, at least for recording instruments. From what I vaguely recall, Windows has a latency issue due to how they handle audio stream inputs. I went through these woes myself once while using my guitar & Amp through my computer to practice with headphones on and having the music playing on top. The latency just doesn't allow you to concentrate on what you're playing, it completely distracts you. You can get it lower by doing something, I don't remember what, but that solution ends up introducing random new bugs such as certain audio streams suddenly not playing at all for a while before fixing themselves, and it still doesn't quite get latency low enough to not notice it.

We're way beyond saving by planting trees. We're way beyond saving by picking up trash on the streets. This is a worldwide systemic issue that can NOT be solved by individuals reducing their carbon footprint, we as a species need a negative carbon footprint to survive this century, or even these next few decades, or even these next few years. We have a transport problem, we have a factories problem, we have an affluence problem, a conglomerates problem, we have a capitalism problem, we have a "progress" problem.

It's ridiculous to get angry at a child that sees all this and cries out in desperation, most of us will die before she and her generation does, and they're going to be left with a mess beyond repair. And it's not because Timmy ate a burger or because Anne didn't pick up trash in a park, nor is it because Bob commutes using a car, it's because our economic system demands "progress" at all cost right this moment. It's because our cities around the world prioritize cars and cheap individualistic transportation. It's because prices need to be stable, so let's throw products away to create a limit on supply. It's because it's more profitable to implement planned obsolescence than it is to implement renewability and durability into products. This is clearly not something that can be solved by a single person, whether that person is an everyday anon who does his or her best to reduce their carbon footpront, or whether that is a kid addressing the world leaders while in distress about her future life in this world. The change that needs to happen is revolution, and the world is too complacent and too scared of taking such actions to save itself, and I can't really blame people for it, even if we should.

If everything is perfectly simulated, the rules that allow consciousness to emerge are also there, and thus consciousness would emerge, regardless of whether it's a simulation or reality. If we only simulate a consciousness without laws of reality, that consciousness would still be designed to mimic a consciousness from a reality with laws (ours), and since it would be a perfect simulation (and it would have to be so in order to run meaningful tests), that consciousness might as well be as real as us. Thus, unethical.

Why boycott GrapheneOS? I feel a bit OOTL here, I only know the drama with the ex-lead dev, but I understand that the project as a whole is your best bet at a mobile experience that you control. Am I missing something?

Hey, wonderful! This guy over here has done less gamage to the environment than a child climate activist with money! He has single handedly averted the climate apocalypse in doing so!

See, it isn't a fucking competition about who's fucking the world less, it's about all of us not fucking the world up to extinction. We don't get there by being good little green boys while nothing is done about the affluent, the powerful, and the conglomerates. And guess what, nobody is doing anything about them, and I'm not about to get angry at a child for desperately calling that out even if she can't do anything else about it.

Still absolutely not true

but literally nothing is stopping you from running your own server.

Nothing except gmail's very strict and hard to follow guidelines for spam filtering. Whether it's a byproduct of spam filtering or whether it's the intended result, the fact that Google essentially controls email traffic means you're not gonna have a good time communicating with others using your self-hosted email. This issue has been raised by self-hosters getting blacklisted, all the way to companies getting rate limited. If your intended use is to communicate with your everyday person, and considering the everyday person probably uses Gmail, you're in for a bad time at some point down the line.

OP is asking for trouble with this question, everyone's just gonna say what they use/their favorite, in a very opinionated way. Best advice is to try and see what you like, but I do prefer liftoff from my limited experience with lemmy apps. It just works and it's pretty.

I still use common colloquialisms without paying much mind to them. "thank God, oh my god, Jesus christ" etc. Kinda hard to get rid of those, but it's no biggie, really.

What I will say, is that while I do identify as an atheist in the sense of not believing in established religions or cults, I do consider that I am able to believe in more than what reality presents. I've always said I'm an agnostic atheist, but as of late, I've been feeling like it's rather OK and even necessary to wonder about reality and existence a lot more than what science allows itself to. For example, if you take even a moment to ponder about what physics and the quantum realm means about reality, you'll feel like something else is definitely going on, like we're obviously not seeing the full picture and there's a good chance we never will, and that the picture were missing is unparalleled in its majesty. To just think that we seem to be just a combination of countless fields fluctuating together to form reality, but at the end of the day you could just say we're the expression of different waves going through different mediums juxtaposed on each other. A combination of planes crashing in on each other in a multidimensional membrane, a universe that could be just one possibility out of a mostly dead multiverse, where even our universe seems to be mostly dead, yet here we stand. It's hard to wrap your mind around it, or even begin to grasp it all. Definitely makes you feel like there's more to it than just chance, hell, chance sounds like an implausible explanation for all of this.

I think I mostly take issue with "matter of fact" stances, where people will claim things are a specific way because their faith or textbook says so. No. Just, experience life, question it, question your beliefs, but also question life itself, don't settle for just "big bang and chance and meaninglessness" as science is just a tool, don't settle for just "God willed it all and demands these things of us", we're not here for that long, let's ponder on it all while we can, and enjoy the life that were lucky (or unlucky) to be able to experience for one moment in eternity of nothingness, or an eternity of eternities of different existences. Who knows what were doing here, where we go from here, where do we come from? It's ok to acknowledge that the answer to those questions is "nobody on this earth knows, and maybe we'll never know". Let's cope together, let's smile together, let's live and ponder together.

I see where you're coming from, because I kinda also hate the genres you mentioned in specific, but man, it's not ALL bad. You put on some Juan Luis Guerra and he makes better bachata than anyone else you can think of. It's actually fucking enjoyable. It took me decades to even begin to appreciate some of the more pop music (or even tolerate it, cause fuck regueton....but everyone listens to it where I live), and he definitely stands out.

That's it, I just wanted to mention the 440.

I had pretty much the same experience you did. I did randomly find a reddit post with a ublock custom filter to avoid the whole "page not loading at all" thing. Ever since, I've had only one ubo failure that I fixed with the routine filters refresh, and dare I say youtube's actually been getting faster for me lately? I did have that slowdown, due to their thing that prevented the page from loading, but now it's almost like they've ramped down on their efforts.

Edit: I'm here to stand corrected. Fuckers are messing with any browser that's not theirs. Add the following filter to ublock if your video pages take 5 seconds to load: www.youtube.com###+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), 5000, 0.01)

It wouldn't be the worst idea to come out of it, to be honest.

New to AC what do you mean by floaters? Are tetra legs not considered floaters?

Yeah, as someone else mentioned, this step is just for creating a folder. You probably need to get more intimate with the commands you're running to understand the process better, but I would honestly take a step back and use something more streamlined for these things.

Someone mentioned Proxmox for these things. I would also mention TrueNAS Scale. Both of those make it so that the process of spinning up containers and VMs becomes a lot more streamlined and easy to follow. They also forego a UI on the equipment you're using, opting for a web UI you'd access from another device instead. Make no mistake, this is a good thing. 99% of things you'll be wanting to do anywhere will be through web UIs, so that's where you'll want to be. The 1% of the time where you'll be seeing your laptop server's screen (or an SSH terminal) will be the most painful 1% of your life, and it will be when you misconfigured something and the web UI becomes inaccessible (on that note, also make sure to at least configure SSH access on something so you understand how that works). I've had to do this plenty of times with my pfsense box, and as a relative noob to these things as well, having to use nano and vim for editing pfsense configs to revive my server.....it's fucking horrible (sorry vim enjoyers). The good news is, you learn the hard way, but you learn. Try not to have this happen to you, or you'll be back here soon. Once you've had a lot more experience with your tinkering, this will seem less daunting and you'll be more comfortable debugging directly on your laptop server screen.

TrueNAS Scale, as the name implies, is better suited for when you want to include NAS Capatbilities on your setup. Since you mention things meant for Plex/Jellyfin setups, I'd say you could start there.

However you do mention a laptop, so I'm imagining a very basic setup where you probably have limited space or a couple of USB drives or something. You could, instead, opt for Proxmox. You lose the specific capabilities of creating complex RAID setups that TrueNAS would give you, but it sounds like you wouldn't be needing those anyways, as they better fit a setup where you have a bunch of disks connected through SATA or PCIe interfaces. Proxmox is a lot more specialized for containers and VMs so it's probably a good tool to get acquainted with, and might be better suited for a setup where you have just the laptop and maybe a couple of drives to toy around with.

Whichever you choose, make sure to watch YouTube videos about it, read the docs, truly understand what's going on with that tool first, as well as how to set it up correctly. This will introduce networking concepts to you in the process, as you'll need to understand how to access the computer through the network with a browser, as well as with SSH. Make sure you don't ignore networking knowledge. It might seem daunting, or skippable (why bother with local domain names when you can just use the IP and port number?), but a lot of networking concepts are actually rather simple to follow, take a moment on the first few tries but become very easy to reproduce afterwards, and it will make your life easier (yeah turns out, now there's 20 services and you forgot what ports are for what service...if only you had dedicated time to telling the network that port 69420 was for radarr.localdomain and port 42069 was for sonarr.localdomain).

I'd check out Lawrence Systems on YouTube. They make videos covering networking configs with pfsense and the like, as well as TrueNAS configs, and maybe they've delved on Proxmox? Craft Computing, another YouTube channel, for sure teaches about Proxmox. There's tons of video guides for *arr services, I haven't looked for platform-specific configs, but I'm sure you can find both videos for Proxmox and TrueNAS Scale configs. Once you get your first one, most other *arr services are very similarly configured (though not all are, some are very quirky).

Another thing you'll need to understand is how containers work, as well as how to map things from outside the containers into them. Containers are, well, contained, and mappings are how you expose parts of the container to the outside. You'll probably be guided to map things such as your data and the service's config files from outside the container to better organize and persist those things. Make sure you understand this concept, where things are on your setup, where they're getting mapped to in the container, and what this means when it comes to modifying the container (hint: it means you can delete or upgrade the container and things still work exactly as you configured them once your container is back up).

Maybe a controversial advice, but I'd steer clear of the console unless it can't be helped, since you honestly can do a lot from the UI for the vast majority of things you'll need to do. If you DO need to use the console, however, I'd bother ChatGPT and documentation for whatever youre doing, to make sure you understand what every command you try does. Things like "sudo mkdir xyz" should be crystal clear to you. In the case of this failed command, for instance, you should be aware that mkdir doesn't create entire paths, but rather only specific folders. If the preceding folder doesn't exist, the command fails, so if /home doesn't exist, nothing else will work. If /home/user doesn't exist, you're not going to be creating /jackett_config, and so on. Sudo is also a very powerful keyword, which means whatever follows it is an order from the big boss and must be obeyed. As such, absolutely make sure you understand any command that starts with "sudo", as those are the ones that can easily set fire to your entire config. If you don't understand what it's doing, don't run it.

While we are on the subject of folder structures, theres no shame in looking up videos and docs explaining the Unix file structure. If youre coming from windows, this is a veeeeery easily confusing bit, and understanding where you are is very helpful.

Hopefully some of my ramblings make sense to you. Hit me up, or hit the community up, if you need more specific guidance. Things can seem daunting at first, especially if you're new to Unix, but I promise you it becomes easier as you build good foundational knowledge.

Are you from the US? Aren't they phasing this out?

Are you for real here? Reducing the dependability on user interactions also reduces the chance for user error, and helps keep people alive in some cases. Even if that weren't the case, it's not your place to call out someone's medical treatments and compare them to your (at best) anecdotal experiences. It's not outrageous to want a CGM.

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I can't tell you what it is, because I don't understand it either, but it's not that. I'm Honduran, I do spend most of my day with AC. I primarily dress in shorts and breathable clothing. I also see all sorts of people heavily overdressing for the climate, who most definitely don't have AC most of their day. Things got VERY hot during this time, so I have no idea how people are tanking their way through it. I do know that it feels like I stand out by simply wearing shorts and sandals, even though I really shouldn't.

Temperatures did hit mid 40s, with temperature sensations breaking the 50c mark. You could stare directly at the sun without any eye protection and be perfectly fine due to how thick the atmosphere was due to the heat dome; a street lamp was probably more intense. It's just now starting to fade, but it's still hard to breathe outside some days.