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Joined 11 months ago

Man, fuck taking any step in the right direction eh? Let's just hope for the entire world to change instead of hoping for a reasonable change that is a big step in the right direction.

"Can't have anything if it isn't perfect"

7 more...

It's really cool how a lot of the tech that powers the Internet today has a looong legacy. The longevity is astounding!

I watched someone set up their own dial-up ISP on youtube, they were able to consume the modern net with it as well.

In this case the morons at have likely defined nationalism as "with regard to any nation that isnt communist or previously communist" and "without disagreeable (to tankies) opinion"

Sounds like you're part of the group they're protecting if you refuse to understand and value the need for permission management ;)


As someone who was born with unilateral moderate->severe hearing loss, I can read lips. The experience is likely unique across the hearing loss spectrum / time of onset, and some people may be able to learn that skill themselves, idk. I'm sure 100% deaf people experience it in their own interesting way.

To me it's not anything I conciously do, and it's not something that's really that visible to me. The fact I can still hear, but not as well as people with normal hearing affects how it works. The way I'd explain it for me is kinda like this:

Sometimes I can't hear enough to tell what is being said, one way my brain naturally deals with this is by reading the speakers lips and using that to help filter and understand what its hearing. I can kinda apply it as a skill, like with muted videos and people I can't hear because of distance, but it doesn't work that well and isn't worthy of trust.

So for me it's more of a sense, not something I do or think about. However, its basically the least effort way to understand speech that isn't clear enough. This is in contrast to another way I/my brain goes about it, which is trying really hard to figure out what it just heard.

To answer your last question, yes it is likely a mistake. Theres a youtube channel about that whole concept, called bad lip reading or something. They dub over video with audio that matches the lips well enough.

To put my experience into perspective, which might work for at least a few people: closed captions subtitles. I mean... I've never asked anyone else but yall arent just reading them, right? To me they just clarify the speech subconsciously (for the most part), rather than me reading them off the screen when I need them. Captions are weird... Who knows if this is accurate to my experience or similar to others.

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There used to be a service for this called "Reddit"

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What the hell? Thats not funny or anything it just fucks with your ex-coworkers who probably werent the problem, management isnt affected by that.

Pro tip, you seem really arrogant (including some other comments) and you need to tone that down before you enter the industry. Its nothing to be ashamed of and I'm not trying to insult you, you just assume your experiences are way more universally valid than they are.

You realize you don't need to list all your changes in the commit message, right? Anyone can blame or diff said changes.

The commit message is meant to be used for the high level stuff, the intent, representing / connecting progress towards a larger work item, and other important context from outside the codebase. Insert other reasons that aren't saying literally what was changed if you feel I have missed something.

Also one should use their time better if they are spending so much time writing commit messages they feel the need to automate it. Commit messages are rarely read ever again (once merged, lets say), it is not okay to be spending a lot of time on them. That's not an excuse to write bad commit messages, but you have to balance the time cost with expected utility.

And an addendum to the above. Describing what you did without reasoning, context, or other information that isnt captured within the changes itself makes your commit messages entirely useless. It makes IDE-inserted in-line blame information useless as well. Thus you are now wasting all the time you spend on commit messages, even if you spend less because it's automated.

The answer to your question is no, federation is not an appropriate model for internet scale search.

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you die sad and alone on the foor of your living room, body still in shock after 20 new holes are created by the swat team.

You are a moron.

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You can also just download the article dataset :)

The summary incorrectly describes what's happening.

From the report, http redirects being default is an attack surface they identified as needing a solution, not a suggested action.

Or perhaps, and hear me out, it could also be that men don't speak up as often. Maybe they don't die as often! Its almost like modern statistics on these topics have to consider the non reporting rate.


Nope! Less money to buy food makes only the most calorie dense processed garbage affordable. Furthermore the more stress Americans are forced to endure, the more they will turn to harmful coping methods like over eating and more.

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I love how the question "should I use AI?" points directly to no.

wtf stupid take is this? I bet you are so brilliant, so smart, that you have successfully managed to point out a hole that dbrand's lawyers have completely missed! I'm sure the investors totally had absolutely zero concerns about that and never mandated some form of investigation... I'm sure dbrand has taken no action at any point to verify that their business dealings do not go afowl of the law. Thank GOD for brilliant people like you, showing the companies the way.

Youre so cool and edgy.

16 more...

Could probably pull it off with Google Sheets / Excel if they're looking for a low effort, tech-involved solution.

Probably should just pull names out of a hat, but I imagine they want it to be a secret for them as well and don't want to rely on in-person presence for the assignment process.

^ This!

What the fuck are you talking about? This garbled comment deserves the cesspool.

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Probably just looking for deals on new stuff that people dont care about having been gifted.

I could definitely see "unwanted gift" being a code word for trafficking :(

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People who don't accept the consequences of their actions are the worst.

However, what if Yvette is not a real person and this is meant to stir up drama targeted at the middle class?

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Nope. Everyone just thinks youre a joke worthy of a circus act.

I sure hope you are a strawman account because you are an idiot if this is who you are.

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No sorry, I don't know Java so I can't easily contribute. There are so many people like me!!! We should write it in python so we can reach a wider audience of contributors. From 13 year olds, career and hobby devs, and academia! Python has many mature frameworks and lots of developers who use them. Another implementation is a great idea!

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Not everything has to be a conspiracy, stupid people are created often.

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Holy shit you got them to brigade your comment. They might as well be bots, I think Chat GPT's "intelligence" outpaces them.

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You and the person who also claimed the comment youre replying to was wrong cannot read. Whether wages are rising faster than inflation is irrelevant when we are years and years behind. All that means is that we are on an uphill trajectory.

If you have 20 apples to start, and you have to pay me 1/3 apple per month. You make 2 apples per month. Over a year I raise that tax to 1+1/3 apples.

If over the next year, I raise your apple income by 2/3 of an apple and your apple tax by 1/3, your earnings increase outpaces the increase of my apple tax, but you're still completely fucked.

Vote 3rd party and lock in the orange man's reign for us all!

So fucking salty you don't know how to wipe your own ass looooooooooooooool

If only there were medical professions who could help you asses if this is something unique to you and help you with your hygiene.

"Uuuuhhhrrrrrrrr this is normal and happens to everyone hurrrrr"

projection at its finest my dude

Because 3.7% of their (last year's) yearly revenue totally isnt important at all, nope! It's not like it's 0.3% from the fine's maximum allowed percentage of 4.0% or anything.

You. Cannot. Be. Forced. To. Unlock. A. Phone. With. A. Password.

(In the United States)

If you are caught with your phone in a bad situation, fight to manage to get it to shut down. Android will be stuck in a locked out state where biometrics are disabled. Im sure iphones can do something like that but rethink bringing your stupid iphone to a protest. Ask for a lawyer. Do not talk, do not answer questions, do not say anything else.

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I dont think they're saying they expect her to. They appear to just be describing what's happening.

As to why, probably custody arrangements and anti-kidnapping laws and treaties.

What's funny is you're the only one who said "you moron"

Yes but the effect of taking the deal is that it won't matter for him anymore, because he will have retired and can hide away like the traitor he is.

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Exactly, they aren't.

oh so now we're right back around at time zones again, wonderful.

except now it's even more fun because there is zero standardization at all, but users are still going to expect for their computing devices to tell them a time that makes sense. Ah, but culture X thinks the day starts "6 hours before sunrise" and culture Y is more "the day starts when the sun is halfway between sunset and sunrise" and culture Z thinks something even more insane. Oops, now we've got locale-based time zones. Locale awareness is honestly even worse than time zones because its just so damn unexpected at times. My own computer has a horrifying mix of US and Europe locale settings, and that is already crazy enough.

stupid people will always think everything is just so simple.

Man shut the fuck up, shut up.

A can of mountain dew is:

  • In America: 355 mL with 170 calories (0.49 kcal/mL)
  • In Germany: 330 mL with 95.7 calories (0.29 kcal/mL)

Feast your eyes upon this and perhaps begin to question the dumb bullshit perspective that lives in your head.

Yes Americans, you do deserve to be able to enjoy a soda without fucking your calorie intake up. Did I mention the german one uses real sugar and tastes way better, which makes it harder to drink in excess?

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Yeah the shitty bespoke markup language and half assed integration of a WYSIWYG editor that fucks up tickets with formatting that is more complex than a few headers and a few lists makes it the worst in my opinion :(

We do? With NTP