Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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We do that because our country is founded on the "right" for moneymakers to put as much onto the customer as they can get away with. Hence things like tipping culture.

No offense but how thick do you have to be to make a door that is put in place solely to shield you from other humans, have a massive gap?

It seriously boggles my mind.

It's not about doing it right for most. It's about saving every dime you can. There are some that properly enclose stalls, like a nationally known Magic card seller in my locale.

They deliberately do that in some public toilets to discourage people from hooking up in there.

I don't understand the question O:



Oh, that. Because nobody gives a fuck about anybody's rights in this country unless that person has a reasonable ability to sue.

What am I looking at here?

The inside of a toilet stall. As you can see it has a massive design flaw from top to bottom. That seems to be the norm in the grand ol' US of A.

Ahhhhh now I get it, thanks. It was a hard perspective to catch up on without the explanation :)