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Joined 1 years ago

That company is so badly run it's laughable.

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I swear Lemmy is against paying for anything. So many freeloaders in this world.

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Who's paying for server fees?

We may need to do a whip around.

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Everything is unfinished in Microsoft world. Not even joking.

Brilliantly written. My whole take is much simpler.

This is batshit insane. Nobody should ever be allowed to use byod for government use or use gov tech for personal use at all. It should be a law.

330m is not much.

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And don't sleep or close the lid with power connected. It won't realise it's on battery once it's asleep. Hence battery drain.

Sounds like THC gummies that the dealers made near fent. As to how the kids got it or if they took it from a parents house I have no idea.

You got my first downvote.

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SSD has been a best practice requirement for a long ass time anyway. SSDs are cheap now.

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No. It's like bitwarden. Everyone's praising them to shill levels because they are generally that good. Brothers just run and run without nagging or insane prices. They do tend to be a little more expensive because they don't lose money on the hardware like HP or cannon will.

Beeper isn't relying on this tho. It's whole USP is unified messaging and it wants iMessage.

Thanks. I liked .world but no way will I let meta in.

Pre Planned as well.

Generally it'd be professional experience.

Witnessing Lemmy grow in real time is the best way to say it's natural growth. We had no clients, laggy servers, downtime and bare as bones communities.

It'll take years to get a decent chunk of Reddit users.

Surely any decent investment means they research the company. That'd be stupid business decisions. Although, Investors are immoral.

No offense but how thick do you have to be to make a door that is put in place solely to shield you from other humans, have a massive gap?

It seriously boggles my mind.

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Satisfying isn't the word. We have to generally use HP for SAP purposes so unfortunately I have to buy HP for work. Guess what? Every fucking month a few clients need printer support. Just HP bullshit time and time again..

I have brothers, kyoceras and others that just work and work without any issues. But HPs are just nagging offline fucking pains in the ass.

Trusting a software opt out button is such a last resort.

For me If it's not high quality it's the most depressing drug the day after. It's not worth the 30 minute high.

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The piracy one cracks me up the most. They literally copied and pasted a blanket statement without even acknowledging it was r/privacy.

They could have just ignored it and it wouldn't have caused as much backlash.

Could have sworn Kaspersky was trying their hardest to not be Russian.

I was going to say, is this golf made of gold.

Don't be a fool OP. He's either involved in a scam by his own foolishness and doesn't know it or he's the scam.

Just for clarity in case anybody wants to download. It's Jerboa and can be downloaded from Fdroid, Play store or git hub APK.

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My argument for self host of something that needs to be ultra secure is, they will do a better job at it than me.

Boring coloured SUV is the British car landscape now. The motorways are depressing enough but it's a grey scale dystopia now.

Unfortunately I think the name is kinda poor. I get why they named it but the SEO is always going to be bad against Adobe.

Ohh this sounds amazing. Let them go all corporate on Edge and Chrome. It'll be fine for corporate IT and even better for IT and the world. I want my open web back, it's been a nosedive to mega corps for far too long.

This sparked something magical OP.

Home won't let you do domain join, I think you have to go halfway through setup then select local account.

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undefined> Can’t believe there are people still taking reddit’s side on this, it’s crazy.

The AMA where Christian called his bluff was just magical.

He's doing good work. Love how transparent he is.

Let's hope it falls within a day.

Google's ADS as a whole are malicious. Try Google drivers or TeamViewer and the first sponsored links are malicious/adware. It's absolutely shocking.

I added ublock origin into my clients GPO to protect myself from viruses. Msoft just as bad if not worse since we are all using their products to be protected from.

Knowing this nutter he's probably doing it so people can't talk about the crappy Tesla QC.

They do have other drones to drop nets on drones but they are more expensive and then we'll just end up with drones netting the netting drones.

Just use our payment method we renamed 5 times it's ok.

They are going to use AI surely?

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