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Joined 12 months ago

We are so irrelevant that cryptoscam bots don’t target us 🎉

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Totally, except regulating encryption makes much more sense because of al those encryption-violence deaths that happen daily in the US. All those kids with easy access to encryption going to school and encrypting their classmates, the policemen not intervening because they are afraid to get encrypted by the kids armed with military grade AES-512 routines.

It is a modern analog, but with its limits - all this stuff doesn’t happen in countries where encryption is much more regulated and you can’t buy encryption routines in malls.

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TLDR: current hardware developments compared to original steam deck wouldn’t allow for significant upgrades with the same level of experience, but they should release a flashy sidegrade like oled switch

While there is little to debate on the first part, I disagree with the second half. Even these little sidegrades usually carry minor hardware differences (the switch itself is just “the switch” but if you ever took interest in modding it you know that there are a lot of generations, all different). One of the greatest features of the deck is that there is just the deck, every deck in existence has the same exact hardware save for bigger storage and slightly different screen finish - underneath a deck is a deck is a deck.

I never want to read “this issue affects steam deck gen2”.

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They are not BS reasons, they are just reasons you don’t like. The OpenBSD team - those behind OpenSSH - are very conservative to the point of being almost reactionary, and that’s great for the kind of software they make. OpenBSD defines itself as “boring”, in a good way.

Coming from a Linux world it may seem weird, as around Linux innovation is praised more than improvement so we end up with a bunch of shiny new software with a lot of growing pains, while BSDs tend to be avantgarde on some technical aspects but at the same time very wary of novelty. OpenBSD in particular takes this to the next level with most of development still happening on CVS and many other quirks that would baffle most Linux users.

To each their own. Personally when it’s security stuff I like it boring. I’ve been using openssh since version 2.x and the muscle memory built 20 years ago is still serving me.

Edit: just to be clear, for ssh Linux is a second class citizen. On our distros we run a special (less secure) “portable” version of ssh that they release for us poor peasants. OpenSSH is an OpenBSD tool first, everything else after.

Ah, the old Reddit Lemmy switcharoo

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Browser and plugins don’t matter, this is being rolled out in waves. People are getting this on all browsers, with or without ad blockers

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Yep totally unheard of for foss software to get worse. Gnome 3 and kde 4 for example were universally acclaimed.

I think that the post author just neglects that software has become mindblowingly complex compared to the days of yore, if you put together all the features of netscape + win 3.11 + wordperfect + whatever other thing they were using in the 90s at any given point you don’t get 10% of the complexity of a contemporary productivity app (say outlook) let alone a full operating system.

It’s clear that the more complex something is the more things can break. It’s like complaining that F16s are worse than consumer 40€ drones because the former require maintenance every few hours of flight while the latter don’t.

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The whole red hat thing (you mean the centos drama?) has no implications whatsoever on fedora, fyi. If you liked it feel free to go back to it.

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Wrong sub for that kind of answer bruh

You had a tyrant that tried to overthrow a legitimate election through violence.

Where were all gun nuts then? Those who weren’t attempting said coup, that is. Doesn’t sound reliable to me.

As for what happens to disarmed populations, most of Europe has gun control laws that would make any American have a heart attack, and yet here we are, no dictators to be seen up to GMT+3. Do say, what is it that happens to disarmed populations? What is happening to us that I somehow didn’t notice?

And gun control being racist.. I’m sorry, what? This right here, this is the thing I’ll never understand about Americans. Everything is racist. You can’t talk about anything, somebody will play the “racist” card before you can get any deeper than slogans. Absolutely every single thing turns out to be a race issue. Sure, you guys had very big issues with racism until very recently (learning about sundown towns for me was a huge WTF moment) and it’s very hard to deal with a past so ugly - but still, maybe not everything is about race.

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Yeah but I don’t understand how that’s better. Your employer has to agree to keep you around longer rather than the other way around, feels much worse for financial well-being. But even if it was the same, there’s no way that’s worth having zero notice firing without just cause.

It feels a bit like cope ngl- like yeah I’m doing chemo I can’t eat anything but flavourless meal replacements but look I’ve never been slimmer! That’s a remarkable perk!

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Fairly detailed explanation, thanks!

I’m sorry I don’t get why this is a perk.

In here we have mandatory notice up to three months depending on tenure. It’s perfectly normal for new employers to have to wait the notice period when hiring a new person. Mind you, that’s 3 more guaranteed pay checks after you quit.

If you want to leave early you can negotiate a shorter notice, which i personally have never seen refused - normally people don’t want to keep leavers around so they’ll agree to a couple of weeks for handovers and then happily send you away with your (mandatory, tenure based) severance bonus.

If your old employer is petty and wants to keep you around for the whole notice you can just stop caring and carry on with the bare minimum. What are they going to do, fire you? Unless you’re causing them serious damage in that time they can’t do anything about it. That is also why employers tend to be very happy when you try to negotiate a short notice period.

I can understand how satisfying it must be to show up, slam your badge on somebody’s desk and say “fuck you I quit” - but other than those two seconds of joy I don’t see any other benefits.

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Forgive my naivety, how do you get rich off demonising adhd? It would stand to reason that bucks are made by over diagnosing and selling superfluous treatment, what would I sell you after adhd is demonised?

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I see memes from this adhd community all the time on my feed, and every time I’m like - isn’t everybody like that? What’s so special about it? Like the metronome one, isn’t that how everyone with a three digit iq feels but hides it to different degrees? Or the one about being disappointed when you suck at something you never tried - how is all this stuff adhd specific? 90% of the stuff I see here is like that.

A lot of the “adhd” people I’ve seen online are 200% self diagnosed and use it as a replacement for a personality, because having adhd is fashionable - to the detriment of the credibility of the real adhd people - which is probably why people react the way that this meme hints at.

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I know it’s taboo but hear me out - you could read the article and find out

TBH that’s Lemmy too.. the front page is kinda boring and most of it is reposts from reddit

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Well yes, after breaking countless tools with repercussions possibly in the decade range, punching security holes in systems that were hardened with certain expectations (my head aches at the amount of “lol the admin didn’t restrict .config/ssh”) - after all this havoc we will have a native bsd server software that finally complies with a Linux desktop standard. I don’t see downsides to this.

Fair, thanks :)

Italian prime minister used to write dragon themed fantasy fanfic / erotica. Draghetta was old prime minister nickname from when young. Draghetta like Draghetta nickname. Look up, true.

Thanks for the reply, that’s exactly what I was going for. I hope it was clear that my observation was genuine and had no intention whatsoever to troll.

I do take adhd seriously, and I have met some who quite clearly suffer from it - but I have also seen plenty of posers, if you listen to the internet everybody has Tourette or OCD. My point in that paragraph was not that adhd is not a thing, but rather that the abundance of posers who just want to feel special gives the condition the lack of credibility that you and I both denounce.

As for me suffering from it, it is quite possible having struggled with depression as well. I am very annoyed by the “self diagnosers” so I try to practice what I preach. Not that I could possibly find out properly, as adhd is not taken quite seriously where I am from.

Thanks for the resources, they’re on top of my watch list.

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Enjoy it then because ublock does nothing against this at the moment. If you don’t have it it’s because you’re not in the first waves.

Hello there! I’m feeling called out here as I made one such comment a couple days ago.

Even though I did ask what was special about those things and complain about self diagnosed people, I hope it was clear that I did so out of genuine curiosity rather than trolling or whatnot.

I also wish to tell you that the community’s answers - implying, as you do here, that I may relate because I also suffer from adhd or related - got me intrigued enough to start digging and I am now on track to proper clinical triage, as if confirmed that would explain a lot about my life, and if confirmed and treated it could be one of the greatest turning points of my adulthood.

So my point - those comments may not be all aggressive and maybe a ban would be a disproportionate response (it would surely have had a wholly different effect on me). Perhaps you could consider a link to this post instead (think automod linking to faqs on Reddit?) and using bans in case of clear offensiveness and recidivism?

So do the Irish, with their “hey haysegoyen”

Took me weeks to figure out I wasn’t supposed to answer

Not disagreeing with you, but - you’ll have to admit, it’s a lot easier to have diplomatic talks when your side has a credible threat behind it. Do you think the Brits would have listened if the IRA had just done peaceful sit-ins?

Jesus man. Thanks for the reply.

Fair enough

Sounds like the usual American retcon.. you have a race obsession now so everything all the time was about race. A bit like Marx, who was obsessed with class struggle so literally every single event in history was actually a class struggle.

Also if you search online you’ll find plenty of articles they say they gun control is perceived as a racial issue, because gun control damages the rights of whites - with similarly flimsy arguments and mental gymnastics.

It’s almost as if it’s all bullshit.

What am I looking at here?

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The clock seems off by about 85 years, I bet the Czechs must be worried

That is not a thing. No part of rhel is closed up: subscribers can still download the source rpms, and the sources themselves are still the same as upstream. Every change they make to the sources is still pushed upstream for everybody to use.

What is broken is automated rebuilds, and if people have a principle problem because they think libre stuff should necessarily be gratis I think they have the wrong principles.

Regardless of that, the rage bait narrative that red hat is “closing down sources” is that, rage bait.

Glad to hear that. My purism 13 has been nothing but headache since I bought it. I’d love to get rid of it but I can’t think of a single person that would buy it.

Ahhhhh now I get it, thanks. It was a hard perspective to catch up on without the explanation :)

I can’t really see myself going to a doctor and saying “could you please test me for adhd? see there is this community that posts adhd memes and I find them relatable”

I space out all the time when I’m not captivated, but I have no particular struggle focusing on stuff I really care about - in fact the world disappears when that happens. I might be wrong but it doesn’t look like adhd.

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Why all the hate towards this guy? I didn’t know him before, he seems to be behind games like black and white and fable which are very solid titles

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But but but what if they get fascists in power! What if a bunch of goons attempt a coup!

Right. We live in a capitalistic society though, not in another one. So either “capitalism gets its hooks” on this stuff or it stays inconvenient and unaffordable. Then we can speak about fantasy scenarios all we want..

Capitalism bad, sure, but you can’t deny it has a way of making things scalable and affordable. If some venture co started the infrastructure to mass produce this stuff and make it possible for everybody to afford it would it be that bad?

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