2 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you sit down at a table with 10 Nazis, there are 11 Nazis at the table.

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I almost can't believe it. Now they're just like Twitter, gotta log in to view the shit you want.

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Yep. They're gonna Overwatch that shit. And everything else from now on.

If you see someone shoplift, no you didn't.

9 more...

They started popping up for me; after looking into it, it appears that YouTube enhancer was conflicting with ulock origin. Disable Youtube enhancer's ad blocking and ublock will work again.

"Just act like a man"

If you mean 'like you', fuck off.

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My skin. Depression sucks.

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Let's keep going until there's a 1:39 male to female ratio. That'd be ideal. Not strange at all.

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Apatheist here. Whether there is or isn't a god, I don't give a shit. Just stop trying to shove your shit down my throat and leave me the fuck alone.

Reminds me of the fake thermometers being sold during the peak of COVID that weren't actually thermometers but just displayed numbers to make people think they were.

Amitheasshole is the creative writing community.


Wait a minute...

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As I understand it, it's not actually about this entirely. it's that this has caused people to look into things and see that there is a long running history of poor content being pushed out due to issues in the workplace. The mishandling of the Prototype and the accusations by the employee are just extra icing on top of this already fucked up cake.

Get a good cast iron pan. Greasy is good.

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I think I'm depressed.

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See, you just don't know enough about the Dunning-Kruger effect. I happen to be well researched on the topic as I read the Wikipedia page once. Allow me to tell you all about it.

Because new signups are more valuable than existing users.

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Sounds like paywalling security updates.

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I don't care about x thing, it doesn't affect me

Then next year

Why are they killing "y thing that affects me"

Attitudes like that are a big factor in our current culture war.

Because we're trending towards 3-4 income houses being required to make rent.

Piracy is not theft.

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Lemmy get it together.
Lemmy fix that.
Lemmy syncronize.
Lemmy help.
Lemmy shake hands.
Handshake for Lemmy.

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That's barely a quarter of Sanderson book...

fuck that.



My favorite black panther figurine.

A new record!

Fucking haters.

I think these would be better if they worked like ratings charts and showed relative changes since last month.

I ain't calling the murder brigade for any of them.

Can't. WP paywalls suck dick.

Republicans: not if I have something to say about it!

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So, the law says that if you are navigating, the speed must be hidden? Can you share this law? I want to read that absurdity.

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Watching is mandatory. Violators will be fined 500 credits.

50/50. You either see it or you don't.

According to other comments here, it's more an LGB subreddit.

Yes and no. Reddit has more niche interest groups that don't exist here.


I have a bulb tool that screws onto a standard broom pole handle. $3.

Why could you give a shit?

It doesn't need to tear it down, just weaken it enough that it's no longer structually sound.