2 Post – 202 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Give him his due, he managed to convince one single country that the colour of a text message matters 😂

6 more...

I've never had any need, except for audiobooks. Getting into myanonymouse is just a case of knowing the rules and passing a wee test. Maybe start there?

12 more...

Never seen it in continental Europe, but Primark is on a whole different level in the UK

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Could you try fixing it to a link that isn't to a tabloid shitrag? 😂

Read all through that article, then all through the comments, to find a donation link. There wasn't one so link for the lazy -


I can assure you if you were watching a programme that was hyping nfts, you weren't watching "news"

WTF is up with your media over there?!?

20 more...

You know how you get electric cars? Know how you get electric bikes?

You get electric boats now!!!!

Currently floating about on one on an alpine lake and it's completely silent and nature is just fuckin amazing so why disturb it. Just trundled past a duck family and they barely moved

Has there ever been a phrase in all of history that sounds more spammy than

And after buying these products your laptop / PC will run faster.


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TIL about the Christiana commune. Interesting!

37 more...

Remind the rest of us why anycunt needs a 3 ton personal vehicle again?

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Did the same and was helpfully informed that unlike Reddit, you can edit the title if there's a typo in it :)

ITT - Apple users who don't know what Lens is and how useful it is 😂

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Marginally preferable to Jizzterine I suppose

  • Massive leak

Carefully coordinated advertising campaign


Here's the thing - the rest of us do use SMS, we just weren't gullible enough to fall for Apple's bullshit about text bubble colours

That's fuckin infantile 😂

Here's a shorter summary -

They cunts are shifty as fuck

So you're saying he acquired it without paying, and is now sharing it?

Yeah, Pepperidge Farm remembers

The author also used the phrase "least buggiest" in the headline, I think we can guarantee there isn't any actual journalism in the article

Definitely not your fault mate, you did what anyone would do, it's a new community and shit happens

The article says they're returning it to nature. That is the real steward of the land

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-Sees shitpost on lemmy

Americans - "Hmmmmm how can I make this about American politics?"

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I've literally never once met any single person that "hated" Americans, and everyone who's ever met an American says they're lovely, just like us

The best theory we can come up with is that Americans are taught from a young age that their country is the best, and no-one should be allowed to say otherwise. Hence, even the slightest criticism is seen as hate.

Europeans, however, are raised on the belief that self-deprecation is a fuckin art

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When even your own daughter hates you

I've never heard him speak but every time I see him he looks like an egg with a vagina stuck to it so I assume he sounds like something out of a Dali-esque Alice in Wonderland

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I think more people would try Linux if it wasn't for the superiority complexes of people that type comments like this in every. fuckin. thread...

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They don't approve it, they're just going to get their arse tickled by California, then absolutely fuckin reamed out by the EU if they don't

Sorry about your cat, but imagine how fuckin awful asklemmy would be if everyone did this. It'd be intolerable and would kill the community in months.

Please remove this and post it elsewhere

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Why does it say "active shooter" then says he was killed?

Sounds pretty inactive to me

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Judging by the video quality, I'm just going to assume NASA just used a giant catapult to fling a Nokia 3310 at the sun

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Yeah where else would I open a ton of ascii art, followed by "Install, then copy crack to install folder" 😂

He's not explaining the system, he's explaining why the article is shitty journalism, and it works fine as an explanation for me

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Yes, but you live in a society where you get fucking shafted for every single thing, your opinion is irrelevant to this article

Don't really have an absolute favourite, but one kinda obscure one that everyone should see is Tucker and Dale VS Evil

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Is there any reason they can't just say "dogs"?

Is a K9 just a tacticool dog?

Having seen recent statistics -

*too free


Could you.... describe it then?

No such thing as strangers, just cunts you haven't met yet

(Cunt to be defined at a later date by emphasis)

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Fuckin hell America, you annoyed the fuckin Pope?

That's usually reserved for genocidal maniacs 😂

Yes that's how strikes work yes

Terminator Half - I'll be partially back