Fish out of water

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Isn't that just present day Republicans?

-Sees shitpost on lemmy

Americans - "Hmmmmm how can I make this about American politics?"

Many countries worldwide are experiencing the neoconservative bully ideology pushing back against progressive inclusivity, not just the USA.

I was referring to the fact that lemmy is fast becoming a place for Americans to constantly shove their fucked-up politics in everyone's face, despite the lack of relevance

Well if you listen to tankies (which you shouldnt) America is why the whole world is like this. We control everything and also are a total failure. It's weird to be two opposing things at once.

We control everything and also are a total failure

If only there was a word for people who use arguments like this, when their enemy is weak and strong at the same time

Welcome to your defence budget.

Hey, I'm just a guy. My defense budget is just a door on the front of my house. Stay mad though ;]

You do understand what I'm getting at right? Your defense budget makes you powerful but takes away... Well pretty much everything else. I hope you escape your programming. Stay awkward though :》

Ah okay I'll have a talk with my defense budgeter and get that sorted.

Lol no, you are powerless and just have to suffer. Stay salty.

Here we go again, I am the ultimate enemy with my massive defense budget and also completely powerless.

You'll never guess where i found the following description of your style of arguement:

The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

This is a defining factor of a fascist. I don't blame you for being misled your entire life as it is not your fault, however it is your responsibility.

Said it first buddy, deprogramme yourself. You've been fed lies. Why do you have no holiday? where are your free hospitals., why do your kids die in school? Wake the fuck up. Know your enemy.

Tankie, we're all dead already, you can stop wanting to nuke everyone you don't like.

Get over yourself <3

Hahaha, carry on in your death cult, you have no escape. I'll be fine.

Death cult? All I did was mock tankies. You have no idea my political leanings. But go on and call me whatever name makes you feel better, little guy.

I'll still enjoy your struggling with your fascist worldview and inability to see it.

Anyway, you've now been dunked on 3x in This conversation. Have a great day, lib.

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This is Memes. I browse my local instance to avoid politics, all I get there are gay memes. But there aren't enough 😂

Yeah... these posts make me wonder if I shouldn't switch back to reddit. The app may be shittier but atleast the memes are actually funny

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