14 Post – 404 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Woah! They’re disarming the police???

Get fucked

It boggles my mind how he still has such a large following of people that praise him and his music

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Somehow I’ve lost the game more times in the past 6 months than I did my entire life before that


I miss these so much

Some of y’all really need to figure out the difference between punishment and rehabilitation…

And which one actually works.

Stop stroking your hate boners and start advocating for real solutions. You don’t fix pain with more pain. All that does is exacerbate the cycle.

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How tf would they even enforce this?

“Are you traveling to get an abortion?” “No, I’m going to visit family”

How would they prove otherwise? Is there something I’m missing?

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Yeah, I came with my grandma, and you came with your crew/

But really, you’re just pissed that she’s cooler than you/

Cause she’s got 80 years of being a badass bitch/

And you got 25 of being a punk-ass snitch/

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“We prefer to be called ‘housing providers’”

I’ll call you extortionists. Take it or leave it.

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These are also the same types of people who hate people of color and queer folk simply for existing.

They made their choice, and their choice was hatred and willful ignorance. I have zero sympathy.

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Dude really pulled the “divine right” card huh?

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I see “no problem” as nicer. If I say that, I’m expressing that I really don’t mind, and there’s no need to thank me. No problem, as in I had no problem with doing this thing

“You’re welcome” feels more like “I appreciate you thanking me, because I went out of my way to do this”, if that makes any sense

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I hate the constant toxicity and “woke” arguments. It takes away from genuine criticism.

The problem with Disney Star Wars isn’t “wokeness”. It’s not diversity, it’s not politics, it’s simply awful writing and directing.

But because of all the dumbasses whining about “Star Wars went woke”, Disney gets to call all their critics racist/sexist/-phobic and avoid accountability for the actual issues at hand.

Andor is fire tho. Hope they don’t fuck up season two.

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Time to make 151 more

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We need more actual human beings like John Fetterman in office

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My right to exist becoming a political issue definitely played a part

At least someone has common sense

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Enshitification of the entire internet to force more ads

Thanks, capitalists :)

You won’t fight me lightly/

I battle motherfuckers like you on the nightly; Bite me/

Diss my nana to spite me; I’m like, “G,/

She’ll still be iller at 90”/

No no no no no, NO

Do NOT lump us in with this bullshit

This is Canada’s sin. The US does some fucked up shit, but this is a line even we wouldn’t dare cross.

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Sex is good! Dogs are good! Sex with dogs is NOT good!

O2 is great! Vital, even! Unpaired oxygen is highly toxic to all forms of life

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Seen this a hundred times, but it never gets old…

Probably fake, but I like to believe it happened

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Fallout 4 had me noticing a lot of scrap for a bit. Seeing a roll of duct tape was like looking at a bar of gold.

Finally disarming cops, eh?

Anyone who doesn’t vote immediately loses the right to complain for the next 4 years.

Don’t like it? Should’ve done your duty and put in a vote.

Fuck you, fence sitters

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Ah, yes. Because killing a pregnant woman over groceries is totally the right move

How do those boots taste?

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Fuck you and your logic.

But yes…

He knew what he was doing. He intentionally put himself in harm’s way and escalated the situation. So fucking what if she ran? They have her tags, they can easily trace her vehicle and find her residence, and take action when it isn’t directly putting lives at risk.

Oh no, she got away with some groceries, big fucking deal. Better than murder.

Fuck that cop, and fuck your pitiful attempt at justifying this.

Police are there to help

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Even if this data wasn’t stolen by Microsoft (it will be) and sold to every advertiser everywhere (it WILL BE)

Having screenshots taken of your PC every few seconds and then stored on your hard drive is going to nuke your storage in a matter of days, maybe weeks at the most

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Legendary exit for a legendary creator

Godspeed, you magnificent bastard

Completely sane and rational behavior

Fuck JK Rowling and everything associated with her

Granted, I never cared for Harry Potter to begin with, and by the time I finally tried to watch it, it didn’t interest me in the slightest

Also have a bad taste in my mouth because my ex “friend”’s wife rubbed it in my face that she’d gotten Hogwarts Legacy to try to get a reaction after seeing the conflict over it online

As someone with a penis, I can confirm this is exactly what we do in the toilet

Antinatalism is a dirty word, and you will probably get dog piled for it in almost any community

Despite the fact that it’s the most moral position…

People are just too selfish to acknowledge that birthing is a horrible decision

Edit: Human extinction is the best thing we can do for our planet and all other species. If you can’t see that, you’re just willfully ignorant.

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It’s a corporation. Of course it’s evil.

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Oh, boo hoo. A landlord actually having to do work. How awful, this is truly a tragedy of unspoken proportions

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Feudalism never died, it just rebranded

Soviet flag PFP.. That’s all you need to know

Theres no arguing with these people - that would be expecting the most basic level of critical thinking

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