I'm fucking tiruled

BluJay320@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 211 points –

Is this a meme or a cry for help

Promotion for the new Joker movie.

omg im just like the jokester from the hit movie “the jokester”

Is this from something? I feel like I've seen this exact same note before.

What would make things fine for you? Or at least, one thing that would make one not-fine thing fine?

Edit to clarify it’s something you should think about, you don’t have to share it

You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini, and croquet. You can’t swim, you can’t dance, and you don’t know karate. Face it, you’re never gonna make it.

I just don't pretend 😅 Most people will get it if you're honest and those who won't, aren't very good people to keep around.