41 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Anything from loverslab should on your mod list

Personally I don't like TeamViewer bc you know.....full of scammers (thanks to some YT videos), i prefer either Anydesk or VNC for personal use nowadays

Seems anydesk is doing better than TeamViewer

Same like wish

Google is getting worse everyday and yet we still depends on it everyday

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As long as the device itself has decent spec & easy way to unlock the bootloader I don't care, bc there's some dude out there on XDA Forums that can help to upgrade the device further

I hope this version has realistic gameplay without need to mod it with some weird script

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410mb for chat app seems very unoptimized

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Who the hell that put IOT service in toothbrush ?
I can't believe someone out there already put IOT services in home appliances even if that's not necessary to put in first place, what's next ?? IOT Condoms ? IOT Fleshlight ? GOD DAMNIT HUMAN.....

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Solution for greedy company

At this point Twitch slowly but surely became OnlyFans 2.0

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I wish every website can works without JS like deep web, no JS, no bullshit, lightweight, just pure HTML/PHP/CSS

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Lemmy Shitpost-12394052



Junior dev just need to copy paste code from stackoverflow

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As long as the company itself doesn't become greedy and doesn't change it's mission & vision i always support it


Yup it's shame eternity hasn't been got update for loooooong time
Honestly eternity has best features compared to other lemmy apps & the most customizable lemmy app out there
I hope the dev will update the app soon


Hmm.... facial recognition vending machine huh....
Finally it's time for my jammer & some script from c/netsec to shine

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As miso soup enjoyer i can confirm it's tea, because it's relaxing & delicious

Well many search engine results recommended ubuntu for newbie.
I remembered the first time i used linux (15 years ago), i choose ubuntu because google recommended it & it has very nice UI compared to other linux that time

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Maybe your wife is either VSCode or Atom gang


Lab grown meat huh....
Anyone can tell me the taste of lab grown meat compared to natural meat ?

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Imagine your car need an updates or you don't paying subscription fee or but the server are offline & you're in emergency situation, and the worst of it your car won't start without it OMG... that's scarred me the hell out of it
