Jojo, Lady of the West

@Jojo, Lady of the
1 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I believe you. I meant more that it "won" conceptually than phonetically. To an American ear it sounds more like "aw" or "ah" than "o".

Pretty sure "caught" won and "cot" lost in the caught-cot merger. I don't think most Americans would conceive of it as an "o" sound

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White queen has to choose between meeting a king or a bear.

Because it was played twice

It's totally illegal right up until it suddenly isn't squatting any more

Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me people leave their homes?!

Yeah, it's trans masc instead, but it did give us the very fun trans masc trans mask.

When is interrupting my viewing experience to show me an ad ever actually relevant?

I hate that our choices are a guy who should be retired vs a nazi that should be retired.

Very well said

Nonsense. I'm sure someone with a home and a job will be allowed to take a carnap on the quad of their public university. It's only illegal to do it when you have to.

Wikipedia states:

Kmart, formerly legally registered as Kmart Corporation, now operated by Transformco, is an online retailer in the United States and operates six remaining Kmart big-box department stores — 3 in the US Virgin Islands and one each in Kendale Lakes, Florida (Miami postal address); Bridgehampton, Long Island; and Tamuning, Guam.

But also

On January 22, 2002, Kmart filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection under the leadership of its then-chairman Charles Conaway and president Mark Schwartz.

So they've been a subsidiary to several other companies since then.

Don't have to tell me twice

There's just a lot of anti trans stereotypes in media that I tolerated before. It's a lot harder to turn a blind eye to it when people use the same misunderstandings to try and tell me I'm sick and confused and bad for just being myself these days

That was actually the argument made by the official in question. Called it a "consulting fee".

There are so many examples of anti trans sentiment in older comedy. Just about all of them hinging on the "you can always tell" myth and/or highlighting how obviously wrong and confused the poor trans people must be. For someone whose only exposure to trans people was that for a long time, I can't begin to say how damaging and limiting that was.

The bearings combined with the wrenches made me think, like, roboticist. So maybe they make fishing robots that double as sexbots?

You engage with the skip button

Fuck, these days even in shows that are edited for commercials, they'll ignore those breaks and just put ads wherever they feel like it

I mean the "justification" used by the Christians who vote for this kind of thing is that it would be under for the government to take money from people to help others, and it's up to each individual with money to give freely to support the poor, or whatever.

That's what they say out loud, anyway. So they can blame atheists for not giving freely. Never mind that they tend to give less, but

What it actually says is not to lay with a man as you would with a woman. It's not about being gay, it's about topping!

You're good, I just think it's worth saying out loud. There's probably plenty of parents who do think the Bible says it, even though it doesn't

The Hebrew Bible maybe, but it's pretty clearly outlined by Paul in the new testament that non-jewish Catholics definitely don't have to follow Jewish custom (and don't have to be circumcised in particular)

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The small school I taught at said the pledge every day, but the principal did regularly announce to everyone present that they don't have to say it (but they did have to be there for it)

Poop knife.

There's no way that doesn't get struck down though, right?

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It's manslaughter. You kill someone with a machine, even if you weren't trying to, it's right up there next to murder.

Cthulhu to A3

I dunno, if I have to process my own e pills, I'm gonna mess something up. Maybe if it comes with a cute live-in pharmacist or something

It is so fucking bullshit in every way. I cannot comprehend why someone would have a problem with single-payer, which is so much better by comparison than what we have to do now.

The only thing I can think is "but I might wind up with slightly less coverage than my work currently provides," which is also practically impossible for all but the very upper crust...

Can I get a teal deer for that tldr?

I second this question. How am I even supposed to clean it?

On top of that, shop for best price? During the one month of open enrollment where it's allowed? What if the providers all leave the network halfway through the year, as regularly happens? They have literally made it impossible to shop around for the best price.

I dunno, the looks on the bystanders faces implies it's got the same impact as it might today.

...why is "education" a category for blocks? We were afraid you might use the computers at school to learn something?

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You can woman fuck them too if you feel up to it.

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Will be? I've seen literal Mack trucks smaller than some of today's "regular" pickups...

A knife may be as capable of causing harm as a gun in some situations, but in many situations it is significantly less dangerous.

That doesn't mean we should neglect mental healthcare, but it does mean guns should probably be more carefully regulated than knives even if mental healthcare were a solved problem.

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fuck bed bugs!

You can't. They don't have vaginas.

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Millennials new impulse buy: food and rent.

No, no, no. We wouldn't think of fining people for existing. Just for existing while poor.