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Joined 1 years ago


Yeah. Flying squids answer was better.

not the Gilligan's Island theme song.

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Edit: I'm talking about step 3

True - that's a big reason I like open source software. Doesn't help with search though.

Git gud.

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I assume AI is training off the content here for free.

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Just a reminder - I'm sure we have all seen it: https://xkcd.com/2347/

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The look on his face:

A tiger mosquito?

Science has gone too far.

Is there really no alternative in shampoo & disposable coffee cups?

I understand that these chemicals do have some outstanding properties but that doesn't mean unfettered production & use. Any risk assessment of a potential use really should include 100% resource recovery & disposal or recycling. This could have been done years ago but if industry can't self regulate then bans it is.

These chemicals make silent spring look like, um, er, weekend at Bernie's?

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I really want it to wave its legs around helplessly when your alarm goes off.

Nice job mirroring the images so they are facing the right way.

There is always an XKCD

You reminded me of the Douglas Adams quote about someone who looked "not merely as if he’d been pulled through a hedge backwards, but as if the hedge was being simultaneously pulled backwards through a combine harvester"

That's a challenging wank.

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Stop doing magnets.

Inanimate objects were never meant to be attracted to each other.

Years of sticking yet no real world use found.

Wanted to join things just for a laugh? We had a tool for that it was called glue.

"Magnetism and electricity are two sides of the same coin” "attraction decreases with the inverse square of distance” - statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged.

Look at what magnematicians have been demanding your respect for all this time with all the funding we have given them.

"hello I would like an invisible force please"

They have played us for absolute fools.

edit: of

The tools are OK & getting better but some people (me) are more worried about the people developing those tools.

If OpenAI wants 7 trillion dollars where does it get the money to repay its investors? Those with greatest will to power are not the best to wield that power.

This accelerationist race seems pretty reckless to me whether AGI is months or decades away. Experts all agree that a hard takeoff is most likely.

What can we do about this? Seriously. I have no idea.

ZZ for the brave.

I think there was a study showing a reduction in PTSD when people played Tetris right after the traumatic event. Found it.

It's been an option for as long as I can remember. I suppose they are leaving the default until websites adapt to chromes changes.

Yay! Love that Streisand effect.

Im not too proud to say I had a moment of confusion reading OP.

Now there are three of us

I call it FAPCo

Surely in a liberal democracy enfettered capitalism is restrained by laws. I think a big problem we have now is a combination of regulatory capture & (sometimes AI generated) targeted, emotional, populist advertising by political brands.

In Australia we only have two options in the lower house. One of them is pretty close to driving off a cliff.

Things could always be better (I personally find with their recent car emissions legislation a bit weak) but our current government is doing OK.

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