3 Post – 398 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Often times you’ll find that the crazy things IT does are forced on them from higher ups that don’t know shit.

A common case of this is requiring password changes every x days, which is a practice that is known to actively make passwords worse.

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Hexbear might as well be the CCP propaganda wing, this development is fucking hilarious

Fuck off with this class war baiting bullshit

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What if I told you a lot of companies don't have solid review requirement processes? Some barely use version control at all

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But then you might realize it's fake.

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It's not quite as interesting as you might hope:

On November 12th, 2012, YouTuber LifeAccordingToJimmy posted a video titled "Don't Stop the Music," a skit based on the awkward moments caused when the music stops at a party and a story one is telling is overheard by others. In the sketch, the music stops as the main character says something particularly strange, causing the partygoers to stare at him. The video gained over 4.2 million views (shown below).


You can continue to cope or you can upgrade to a real browser.

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Map makers used to do this to catch people ripping off their work, looks like dbrand made a solid decision in doing the same (though probably not intentionally)

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The only real software engineer anymore is Linus Torvalds, everyone else stands on the shoulders of giants.

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At this point I’d want the messages for proof for a restraining order, and also to know that I need to be on the look out.

The Babylon Bee also makes articles under the guise of satire in an attempt to take advantage of this very fact. They're basically a misinformation source that calls themselves satire because they know their base will take them seriously, but they can deny it. They're basically Fox News calling themselves the onion.

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Google likes to hide behind their AI black box as an excuse at times like these, so they may actually not know why

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It's not even the first time AI owned majorly by Microsoft became racist

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Dude just stopped before he got to a logical stopping point where it would make sense to commit and push

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300 euros, not dollars. This also means the America jokes aren't quite right in this case. 300 euros is about $326

Selling their user data to Google? They're putting Google as the default search engine, but users are free to change it. I don't understand how that's the same. People would probably set it to Google anyway these days, which is a shame because Kagi is the best search engine.

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Disney plus has a decent bit of solid content. By saying this you don't sound edgy and cool like you think you do, you sound dated. It's okay to accept that Disney makes decent content, they have enough money to. It's also okay to not like their content. But pretending you're an ancient ass ostrich with your head in the sand is just cringe.

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Just changed my password to this, thanks!

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Like playing DnD

There’s no way any substantial amount of tech workers are concerned about what UPS workers are making. These kinds of articles are rage bait targeted at “low skill” workers to make them furious at what they perceive to be high salary earners complaining about “blue collar” workers earning more money.

All of this bullshit is a distraction from the fact that the middle class is shrinking at a massive rate and the lower class is being turned against itself so nobody can rightfully blame the rich.

Fuck this article and the hatred it’s designed to generate. This is all bullshit.

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Fuck PragerU

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To give them some minor form of credit, they probably don't know what opinion pieces are and think it's legit news.

The Alex Jones method

Like playing DnD

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Because the GOP is keen on bringing it back

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This person is probably Brazilian given the domain of the instance they're in. Given that you didn't assume that they speak another language, I'll assume that means they know probably twice as many languages as you, and tenses are really hard to master.

Don't be a prick to people for no reason.

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Everyone has known about Vimm's forever, it was the first result on Google for a very long time. It's not that "normies" ruined it, Nintendo is just now deciding to take aim for whatever reason

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Just like Meta is a stolen name. Facebook doesn’t care.

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Tankies aren't that type of communist, that is, sane. Tankies are auth rights disguised as leftists.

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They had to lock down the production of this animated movie because bronies are seriously motivated and a group full of actual hackers who would go way out of their way to get early access to the film.

You can buy a WiFi module and just plug it in as HAT, but I still think it's stupid to even mention when you can use pretty much anything with WiFi that you control. You could probably do the same thing with a rooted Android phone if you wanted.

Nope, because if you write code and they can prove you were influenced by leaked proprietary code in any way then they will sue the shit out of you and shut you down.

Also see Halt and Catch Fire for a show with this as a plot point. It's very real though.

Weirdly for extremely similar reasons

ChatGPT took down its Internet search to implement a robots.txt rule it would obey and allow content providers time to add it to their lists. This was done because they were being used to get around paywalls. So it’s actually very easy for them to do this for ChatGPT, specifically, which makes articles like this ridiculous.

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They actually did get certified by an authority

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I asked a couple of days ago and received an excellent answer that got me where I needed to be.

They're all over, here it's called hexbear.

The fear of being smashed makes them retract into their safety zone

You can just look at this post and see how they try to scare people into not drinking cows milk through fear of autism, which is some ablest bullshit. This is literally no better than anti-vax rhetoric.

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Go fuck yourself