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It's too fucking funny that people are willing to post classified military specs on aircraft just to bitch about a game.

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I dunno I love Disco Elysium but that company can fuck right off. They wrestled away the IP from the original creators and the sequel was certain to be a confused hack job with no sense of what made the original so special. The game is definitely worth playing but it's hard to advocate giving them any money when none of it goes to the artists who made it :\

They "supported" a bill that they immediately circumvented, yeah. They had no interest in protecting right to repair they just wanted the PR. It should surprise no one that they're opposed to actual bills that force them to alter their business practices.

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Wow well I guess I'll eat crow. I never thought that was possible to automate but given the use of LLMs I guess it is... Excited to see how it turns out

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It's the API itself, it's a little more complicated than just checking if you have a chromium browser. What it's looking for is special tokens generated by google within chromium browsers. Google is selling this idea as a way to help verify identity of the end user and thus block bots. That's concerning, because it suggests that google will have some verification method likely involving ID and generate a unique token with that info associated with it. This is a real concern for web privacy for like a million reasons, obviously, and ideally should not be adopted by anyone. If other tech gatekeepers adopt it (and they would love to) it will block giant swathes of the internet from people refusing to use the tech and further googles monopoly over general consumer browser use. Now, could the token be fudged? Possibly. But it will take time to figure out.

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The kind of hypermuscularity that body builders have looks unattractive on any gender imo and not just aesthetically. It also is a clear message that they will not eat taco bell and watch Pokemon reruns at 2 AM with me.

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I have come to regard the "everyone so sensitive today" discourse as literal background chatter because for as long as I can remember people have been saying this. "Ah you could never get away with that today" like yes society does seem to be growing and changing don't it and the sky is up there yet, and the rock's still hard.

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In my experience an incompetent person attempting to be a dictator is a lot more dangerous.

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I play the Ghostbusters theme at every bar within WiFi range (4 If I stand on the right corner) using the TouchTunes app on my phone about once a month. I stand there on the corner and queue it up 4 times at each bar and pay extra so that it cannot be skipped. I don't precisely know what reactions it gets out of the crowd. For all I know the bartenders are on to me and just unplug the speakers for the duration of the 4 songs. But in my mind, I imagine it really annoys people. Not sure why I do it.

Edit: The thing I like to imagine most is somebody getting fed up, leaving, walking down the block to another bar and hearing it before even getting in the door. Delicious.

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There will never be a tool to convert Unity projects to Unreal. However there are already several to convert Unity to Godot, because both use C#

Edit: And as a dev that has used both, I just converted my project to Godot.

Edit again: It actually may be possible or at least be made easier using LLMs to convert to Unreal

Nobody was this happened 6 years ago and the officers were fired swiftly afterwards.

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These companies tend to own or have long term leases, so either they are stuck paying rent and have to justify the expense or they own an asset that is depreciating in value and they could stop that from happening by spending no money to force their employees back into the office. You have to think about the big money, too. Real estate is a cornerstone asset for big money, many banks and real estate empires hold these enormous office buildings and society trending towards WFH means those buildings are rapidly losing their value.

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Yup, or the Apple play which is just walk right around these regulations with some additional tricky bullshit while outwardly 'supporting' RtR. If I was a lawmaker I would be so fucking livid about this circumvention I would come back even harder but I guess I don't know a lot about that process.

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Get it's ass in gear? Apple has been actively fighting RtR and expandability in every way and only 'supported' the last RtR bill in Cali because they already had a circumvention in place using versioning. This is the exact same thing, PR gets to say they're carbon neutral while they pump the exact same amount of CO2 into the air each year. It's not just bad practice it's deceitful.

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The 'average' website wouldn't but many of the social giants are desperately looking for a way to limit bot use. So Google gives them what they want and simultaneously gets to be the most reliable advertiser, ensuring impressions are viewed by not just a human but the right human.

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There's also differences between states on fire regs

They easily could have and should have scared that little cub off. I live near Yellowstone and every year some dunderhead tries to get a selfie with a bear or a wolf or whatever so I'm not sure why I'm surprised. A few years ago some folks even put a bison calf in their car on a cold night to help keep it warm? I guess? And the herd ended up rejecting him and they put him down to spare him starvation.

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Yeah it's incredibly sloppy work. What I'm curious about is like the joke isnt even that funny anyway so why bother doing a Photoshop to prop it up? Like if I stumbled upon this in real life it would probably get a chuckle and a meme made of it like this but someone used their imagination to make this? Weird.

From what I understand they are saying that they will not be complying with the regulations and so the cost of the fees for failing to comply will be pushed onto the consumer with no environmental or fuel saving benefits.

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No touch bread

This is a moot argument. You're saying the system doesn't support artists and that artists shouldn't expect it to. Why not? Why can't the system be changed? Streams should not be equivalent to tweets and it's dumb to think they should be.

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I definitely would love to see a rework of the network stack at large but idk how you'd do it without an insane amount of cooperation among tech giants which seems sort of impossible

I have a million of these because for most of my young life I was a real piece of garbo. I've already talked on here once about my ghostbusters thing so I won't go into that again because it's in my post history but here are a few choice examples:

Had my lab partner completely convinced marshmallows were a special kind of sap harvested from exotic trees.

Many grievances against my sisters including: Convincing them that milk containers at dairy processing plants contained cows stacked vertically (complete with sound effects while we drove past) for many years, ghost living in the attic (me), and that my father had another family

Developed software for the express purpose of cheating in Runescape and then sold both the software and the rewards won by the software. Not my best moment but not quite as bad as

Bought herbal smoke alternatives off the internet and fumed them with liquor and wormwood and sold it to my high school aged peers as weed.

You can plug in an SD card and install it there, it will have longer load times but shouldn't affect gameplay much otherwise.

Edit: You can also expand the USB slots and get an external SSD

Depends on what the results say and the amount of people polled but it is possible to call it on exit polls alone if the margin is wide enough

Yes because even though doing it can get you put on the no fly list because they can just put whoever they want on the no fly list, it still isn't illegal and as other commentors have pointed out all airlines need do to end skiplagging is structure their pricing differently and they will not.

That's somewhat true but christian colleges are often unwilling to look into scientific pursuits that may damage their faith's view on the sciences. They have made contributions, but are always limited in their scope and often publish inaccurate studies supporting their particular world view.

A distinct lack of rule in this post?? But welcome

All the GOP does anymore is block useful bills when they can and shitpost the rest of the time.

No distributors can get me actual rooster sauce right now. I had a palette of it when the shortage started but those days are over and now all I can get is the knock off stuff. It's too vinegary. I sell sushi for context it's not a personal use issue.

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This is getting outrageous. Do you think they'll hit a 15 streak before playing War Thunder is court marshallable?

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Wow I didn't know that, the logo definitely looks more like a fox though...

I don't think that :/ I think his statements and the games he chooses to back sort of prove that ultimately profit is what he is interested in. I don't blame him for that. But don't make him out to be what he isn't. He is a CEO first, being a fan of games falls lower on the list.

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Because websites will check if you have a Web Integrity token being sent along by the browser and if it cannot find one registrations and login will be closed to your instance.

Edit: And to clarify, you will not get that token unless you verify your identity within the associated google account. Hence why only Chromium browsers will support this. But it isn't about the browser. It's about the token.

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It's a collection of already existing products not a product on it's own, and the image is an AI rendering. It's just a goofy promotion at a single liquor store, like when movie stores do like mystery movie nights and put movies in a brown sack and write something like "for Nicholas Cage lovers" on it. If it is illegal it sure doesn't seem worth enforcing.

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Well if the sketch was made by the artist then no you can't, and if the sketch wasn't then the copyright board has a right to know, and he didn't disclose the original image.

Take 5. It is a gridded pretzel with peanut butter, caramel, whole peanuts, and chocolate. If you love salty sweet and you like texture this candy is everything.

Dream mod for me, so jealous. Congratulations!

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I'm pretty interested to see the prompt they use for Unreal

Yeah well if colonial Americans said "you can't murder someone just because someone murdered you" after the Boston Massacre we wouldn't have a country sooo... You sound like a spineless apologist?