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Joined 12 months ago

Reddit assisted their competition. Lemmy use doubled.

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Rafael is such a cool name. Wtf

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Every day we stray closer to Linux.

I learned a lot about the human reproductive system in both male and females while I lived in Maryland. I moved to Texas and I learned that women are sinners and so they suffer every month and men have OP rib bones.

I think that was cute honestly. Just good fun.

I've seen a UFO while I was truck driving. Most amazing thing I have seen to date.

Edit: On the night of the Dec 11th 2020 at 9:30ish I had stopped for the night to sleep whiledriving towards Colorado on I25 in New Mexico. I had stopped at a truck parking area maybe 10 miles away from Old Sunshine gas station and parking area. I was gazing at the stars and milkyway and enjoying the lack of light pollution when I witnessed it. Where the sky had previously been black and full of stars a blue light appeared for 10 or so seconds and then shot directly upward in an ice blue streak. At first I didn't think anything of it until it moved incredibly fast straight up. It was instantaneous. I used to be ing the Air Force so I have seen all kinds of Arial vehicles. Never seen anything like this.

I couldn't find a mile marker but the coordinates are "35.3965167, -105.4138241".

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While I understand your sentiment life is not as black and white as that and some people cannot just stop everything they are doing because they are sick. I believe there should be more protection for people who are sick so they can recover.

There are a few reasons.

  1. The people who own the buildings are going bankrupt and so to help out their rich friends CEOs are trying to force people into using office buildings.
  2. Companies don't want to let go of their power over an employee.
  3. They don't trust their employees.
  4. They can't watch their employees.
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When I was a teen and early 20s I had such high hopes for the future. Now I have just kind of accepted the downfall of our nation when it comes to national politics. I limit my gaze to state and local politics since I can actually have a say in those. Honestly due to that limitation my mental health has become far better compared to when I was lamenting our politics.

I've been using Windows 11 for a while now and honestly I don't understand the hate. Who needs personalized functionality? Who needs to be able to move their bar from screen to screen? I do. I'm moving to Linux.


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So the girl in question wasn't twerking, it was person "friend" in front of her in the video. She was just dancing. I consider myself pretty logical in most things and this doesn't make sense.

The person in question did not commit any offense her self based on how the news article read. If she herself was doing something that did not promote a good image it would be understandable but this was not the case.

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Use Revanced for your ad free YouTube needs.

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I completely agree with your statement. The issue with OPs statement is that it's ideal for those with means but unrealistic for those without.

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I understand his sentiment. I have an overwhelming feeling of powerlessness because most CO2 emissions aren't even made by normal every day people but the entities that do create a majority of it don't care. This means anything we attempt to do is as a whole is only a drop in the bucket compared to what these entities are producing. I purchased a hybrid vehicle to curve my driving emissions and I recycle. I planted grass and a tree in my yard to prevent run off and produce oxygen. I am looking into getting solar power for my home but I am not a rich man so the price is a little beyond me right now. Things I can do I try to do but in the end regardless of what I do entities are polluting our water and air, producing plastics, and are trying to place the blame on normal people. It can be a little heavy on the soul.

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Kind of like Citizens United, has a better ring than "Politician pay offs".

My solution to prevent these scams from showing is an add blocker called "uBlock Origins". On my phone I use "Revanced" and "Grayjay". Poof no more scams. Like and subscribe for more tips and tricks.

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This sounds like streaming music with extra steps.

People glorify adulting as some kind of ultimate maturity for ones self. It is not that. Adulting is predicting what can and won't be your life. Surviving better each day. While also keeping after yourself in a healthy manner.

We are always growing until we die. Adulting is accepting what can be and what can't be and living with yourself.

Perceive reality as it is and accept the successes and failures along the way.

One day you will see people for what they are and are not. That day your awareness of the world will change.

I've noticed it has become easier to see liers as I've gotten older and mentally ill people.

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Your never going to believe this...

Real shame.

It tastes better when you make intense eye contact.

I added the event to my original post.

I used to have very bad plantar fasciitis from my time in the military. For years I suffered every step of every day. I researched possible solutions and found out zero drop shoes help it. I bought some Xero shoes and after about three months it all just went away. Now I just wear zero drop shoes.

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Unfortunately I can't read the article. What do they do with the carbon once it's collected? How are these powered? How much power does the collector use compared to how much it collects? If stored, where and how?

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When I feel ill I wear a mask at work or when I have to get food but otherwise I try to stay home.

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I used to be grandfathered in to premium for years and I happily payed it because it was at a price point I thought the service was worth. Then they email me saying they will raise the price from $17 to $22. Now I use revanced and get it free on my phone. I would have happily been paying the original price but they decided to be greedy.

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While I was truck driving I saw a UFO when I had pulled over for the night. Was it aliens? Was it a government project? I will never know and no one believes me.

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I understand this was a playful jest but I think just wearing a mask for anything is admirable.

I am honestly loving your take on the subject. It actually made me think a little about what you are saying and the fact you are very respectful in your wording is wonderful.

Can you explain reactionary brainwashing of minorities a bit further?

Many far leftists I have run into have been very controversial or just plain rude so having someone speak plainly and respectfully is a nice change of pace.

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I grunt and moan to signify my effort and enjoyment.

I got a Swiss army knife and it has come in handy quite a bit.

I think it's a thing with women where they have a slight attraction to other women even if they are straight. Or it could be a gay women accepting she is gay.

I was a cement truck driver during COVID. They do not wear masks. I also drove long haul and no wearhouse workers wear them either.

You have pretty skin.

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I am not from the UK but I would think that both genders having support would have been a obvious move. Each has their hurdles and as a society which is created to support the people in it should support both. Equality in its truest sense.

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So no proof? Just tweets?

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I am pretty sure it is just showing politically charged content based on people watching other politically charged content. I feel the blame is misdirected at something that only provides content people will like based on their past.

The elected Republicans want more control in general. Reproductive rights is just a means to force our population to stabilize but it is increasingly becoming more tyrannical which causes this scenario.