YouTube Premium's price is going up in yet another country

Lee to – 217 points –
YouTube Premium's price is going up in yet another country

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Use Revanced for your ad free YouTube needs.

Louis Rossmann launched a new app Grayjay, which is to follow artists across platforms. It's YouTube ad free, has another comments layer without YouTube monetization, allows downloads and they are working on sponsor block. It costs $10 because they do not sell your data, but it works without paying too because they are not assholes. But they are worth it to get the 10 bucks imo. He's a strong fighter for right to repair, one of Google, Samsung and Apple's biggest enemy. is the website to download. He has a video on it on YouTube explaining everything.

You know what I purchased that whenever I first saw it like 2 months ago and I forgot about it because it needed a little more polish I'll start using it again.

i second this, more actual features for no extra money. (adblock, return youtube dislike, sponsorblock)

Now if only there were a revanced for my TV...

If you have an Android TV or Android box hooked to it, there's SmartTube, which is pretty much reVanced for the big screen. It works great !