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Joined 1 years ago

“vibrant and competitive” U.S. broadband market.

Wow... that's so blatant it's not even funny.

The point is that channel growth, clicks and interactions as a metric is used more for suggesting videos than relevancy and the likelihood that someone will watch a video to the end.

This creates a click bait arms race between creators.

Check this comment for details on Lemmy's security.

TL;DR: Password security is fine. Server doesn't get your plaintext password.

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Maybe because inequality is rising, making daily life harder and harder for the majority of the population. And some of these will buy into that it is because we are spending too much money helping people, and that their own lives would be easier if we didn't.

Edit: grammar

Never underestimate human ingenuity

When they're horny

I'm not an electrician, but an electrical engineer, and I bought a complete DIY package with everything. Electrical code here in Denmark then only needs a certified electrician to do the connection to the the grid, which includes submitting the system to the grid operator, also so we can be paid for the surplus production.

If you know how to read the instructions, and plan your work, it's quite fun, and I'm pretty sure my panels are better secured (likely overkill) and more straight than 80% of the professional installs here, just because we took the time to do it thoroughly.

If you feel have the ability and you have the time, I would highly recommend it. But as another pointed out, try to find a kit with the mounting hardware!

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That is so ridiculous...

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That sounds an awful lot like 'we know we're a minority, so we have to cheat, otherwise it might also look like we are, and that would be unfair! (read: we might be rightfully ignored for our minority opinions)'

Your glutes would be impeccable

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You're completely ignoring the fact that it takes 3 to 5 times as much energy to actually drive a hydrogen car, because of the (in)efficiencies of the hydrogen production, supply and consumption chains.

And given that the driving of a car is what consumes the most energy in its lifetime, the much higher efficiency of a BEV 'pays off' the higher production costs, both monetarily and ecologically.

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Vertical farm viability scales almost inversely with electricity costs. And the latter trends lower and lower as time goes by. So I'm pretty confident that it's coming.

In some places they are more expensive than Netflix...

It's not one AI doing it in a big blob.

You ask ChatGPT something. It builds a web query. Another program returns search results. Then ChatGPT parses the list of results and chooses one to visit. The same program then returns the content of that page. Then ChatGPT parses that etc etc.

If the program (which is not an AI) that handles the queries and returns content is set to respect robots.txt, it will just not return the content to ChatGPT to be parsed.

Back in University (2010-2013), I lived in a dorm on campus that had internet through the university's network.

It was extremely cheap and fast (100/100 at equivalent to 3 USD per month), but Internet access was metered with a max of 50 GB / month.

However, access to University resources was not metered, and every student had ssh access to the datacenter.

That -D was a godsend.

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It's around $10 per person in Norway. Which I imagine is quite a bite of their profits. Going by the average revenue per user (world), it's more than a third of that, so even accounting for profit margins likely being higher in Norway, it's potentially a huge chuck of their profits, if not all of them and a bit.

Sell to or buy from. Now they're double not allowed

"Found in"...? I think you mean "put into".

Many ISPs in Denmark actually charge you 30-40 DKK (4-7 USD) extra for the 'luxury' of IPv6, which is the same that they charge for publicly routable IPv4 (of course). I found that quite infuriating, so I searched around and found one that had public IPv4 and IPv6 included in the price. A little more expensive all in all, but I just hated the concept of IPv6 being an "extra" in 2023.

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Yeah, for 700x35c. That's not bad at all

5 years, yes. Started in 2018 and was supposed to run for two and a half years. But then COVID...

I recently had an issue that happens on one out of between ten thousand and a hundred thousand interactions between two embedded processors. Thank god for logging!

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Except when it's guns

Ironically, the phone that potentially can be least infected by Google is the phone made by them.


You freak...

I respect the autonomy of you admins to federate with who you choose, but as a user, I would prefer not to defederate, and let the votes moderate their 'contributions'. And, of course, defederate if there are too many rule breakers and/or bots. But I also realize the potential hassle this could pose for you admins, so I sympathize with your decision even if I'm not in complete agreement.

I've gone from 20+ hours weekly on a third party app, to 30 minutes weekly on old.reddit. it's such a shame, because I was really enjoying the niche communities and especially the f1 subreddit.

Scan and Go is becoming very wide spread in Denmark. It's lovely! Cuts down the time for a quick shopping trip on the way home from work to less than half

Does the legislation say anything about the number of chargers at each service station?

I remember installing Netscape Navigator and Mozilla like this across some years. But it was CD-Rs.

This is not true for private citizens in their own cars.

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It doesn't always work. And I think it might be related to where you are in the world. For the first month when piped links started showing up, it straight up never started playing for me. It works alright now.

Post it to their GitHub. Ruud just hosts an instance of it 🙂

Maybe something like the SEXY buttons for Teslas actually become a more common thing. Wireless buttons that you can stick almost anywhere you want and set up to control what you want.

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Only Model 3s for the European market are from China. The vast majority sold are Model Ys, and they are made in Germany.

Fellow Tesla owner, and you really summed up my feelings too in that last paragraph.

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I don't think there are onions in tofu

Euro NCAP test lane keeping, auto braking etc, and the 2022 Model Y scored 98%, the highest ever.

I'm stuck on windows in the IDE of a certain large chip manufacturer for doing embedded DSP. God, I wish I could have any level of customization. But at least it has vim mode.

Hetzner is affordable and way more transparent than AWS, btw